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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Russias only demand was for Ukraine to remain independent of NATO. Did u miss this important point?
Only? Their actions don't look only on NATO. More like denazify, demilitarize, conquer the country. I mean the Russians just stated what their intentions are which is taking territory from Moldova.



Moscow. 22 April. INTERFAX.RU - During the second phase of the special operation that began this week, the Russian army plans to establish full control over the Donbass and southern Ukraine, to provide a land corridor to the Crimea, Rustam Minnekaev, acting commander of the Central Military District, said.

"Since the beginning of the second phase of the special operation, it has already begun literally two days ago, one of the tasks of the Russian army is to establish full control over the Donbass and southern Ukraine. This will provide a land corridor to the Crimea, as well as influence the vital objects of the Ukrainian economy," - Minnekaev said at the annual meeting of the Union of Defense Industries of the Sverdlovsk Region on Friday.

The control of the Russian army over the south of Ukraine will also provide an opportunity to gain access to Transnistria, the Central Military District command said.

"Control over the south of Ukraine is another way out to Transnistria, where there are also facts of oppression of the Russian-speaking population," Minnekaev said.

Looks like after Ukraine, they want Moldova and then the Baltics.


Look where Kaliningrad is. Why you think the Baltic states are desperate to be part of NATO in the first place and why they support Ukraine with weapons compared to other countries early. They fear they be next. They know it.
It's not gonna change anything that mariupol will fall to Russia completely soon.
Maybe not, but all those artillery being provided is going to wreck the Russian Army, I mean just look at what the Ukrainians can do with the artillery they have now.
In other words , the " special operation " is not going well , so they are sending more meat to the meat grinder.

Thanks for the update.
Putin recruits young men in Russia, Russian speaking boys from occupied transinia (Moldavia protesting). He seeks young men in Ethiopia, Syria, Libya. Russia war ministry pays $800 for every death.

Not much.
The great Russo offensive is at Donbas stalling.
Nearly one week has passed just the small village Krimenna is taken.

Mariupol is not falling. Almost after two months.

What we seeing more: more Nazi stories and more terror bombings.
So it must be rather humiliating for US Secretary of Economic Yallen when she lead the G7 out of G20 meeting in Indonesia in protest of Russia participation to discover that 2 members are missing.

Japan and Australia.

Why didn't they joined the US represented by Yallen?

Each nations have their own interest. And this is not in their interest.
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So it must be rather humiliating for US Secretary of Economic Yallen when she lead the G7 out of G20 meeting in Indonesia in protest of Russia participation to discover that 2 members are missing.

Japan and Australia.

Why didn't they joined the US represented by Yallen?

Each nations have their own interest. And this is not in their interest.

It’s was by far the most stupidest stunt I’ve seen looked like a collective group of dumbasses standing outside.
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A gang warned you not to join the other gang. You ignored the warning and applied anyway. But then the other gang rejected you -- twice. Which is more important, the warning or the rejection?
the situation is more a kin of you are part of a gang , then you want to join a rival gang.
honestly , the situation wont look good for you.
the situation is more a kin of you are part of a gang , then you want to join a rival gang.
honestly , the situation wont look good for you.
Russia does not want Ukraine to join NATO. But NATO rejected -- TWICE -- Ukraine. Not only that, at one point, Ukrainian public sentiments were AGAINST joining NATO, and this public sentiment is public, meaning Poutine must have known that most Ukrainians just wanted to be solo.

So the question remains, which is more important, the warning or the rejection? It is a simple question.
The fun part of this war, Russia is cruashing the heads of European snakes. From Poland, to Germany and other NATO vassals states. May the force be with them, this war is not that simple, Russia is confronting logistics of the whole. So far USA has sent 1/3rd of its land forces' ATGM reserves to Ukraine and it is just a small part of their waste.
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