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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Tanks cannot be manufactured in large numbers. Only a few thousand. The vehicles I mentioned can be manufactured in large numbers.

They to can be spotted by UAVS taken out less armoured to. And by javelin or other anti missiles They’d be very vulnerable on there own without tanks supporting them from enemy incoming firing while off loading there troops.
They to can be spotted by UAVS taken out less armoured to. And by javelin or other anti missiles They’d be very vulnerable on there own without tanks supporting them from enemy incoming firing while off loading there troops.

True, but they don't cost much, and they can mount a decent remote controlled heavy machine gun or autocannon turret or anti tank missile launcher or MANPADS launcher, making them quite versatile too.

I think Russians will take East Kiev which is the half of Kiev east of Dnipr river.
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Real intercepted calls :Russian soldiers in Ukraine calling loved ones and brag about looting :


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True, but they don't cost much, and they can mount a decent remote controlled heavy machine gun or autocannon turret or anti tank missile launcher or MANPADS launcher, making them quite versatile too.

I think Russians will take East Kiev which is the half of Kiev east of Dnipr river.

Your little armoured carrier has three crew members and carries 8 troops inside that’s quite a lot of casualties if you start losing them in a fight in high numbers by replacing your tanks with it and might not be sustainable either in a fight . Even with your remote control machine gunner very limited in its fire power. I agree with it having a missile launches on top , still no gun how would it clear heavy street fighting or shell enemies positions like tank artillery gun does effectively

No panic, there's no risk of nuclear war, said by USA.


USA is sacrificing Europe, while Europe is praising and trusting USA like gods or something.

This Ukraine-Russia conflict was created by USA, but Europe is the most suffering.

I think if Russia launches a nuclear attack, Europe will be hit the most.

USA is perhaps can reduce the effect as USA is far away from Russia, but not Europe.

I think Europeans are dumb and their leaders are selling the whole continent at cheap.
@Oldman1 @Paul2

Gen Wesley Clark just explained on CNN why Ukrainian need tanks, artillery, gunship and planes in the next phase of war.

LOL, I swear to god, they probably are listening to our conversation :) This is not the first time this happens....

LOL! We all think alike on this.

Tanks are outdated. Russia is switching to light tanks like BTR-82A and armored cars like Tigr and Bulat, and MRAPs.
They are already using those in this conflict and getting destroyed. So not sure its the tanks being outdated or the newer vehicles.

Bad logic. For ever Javelin the US makes, Russia makes 10 Kornet. For every NLAW the UK makes, Russia makes 10 Metis M1. Russia makes far more anti tank missiles than the US and the UK can send to Ukraine.

We know who is getting killed more with those weapons.
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