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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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No panic, there's no risk of nuclear war, said by USA.


USA is sacrificing Europe, while Europe is praising and trusting USA like gods or something.

This Ukraine-Russia conflict was created by USA, but Europe is the most suffering.

I think if Russia launches a nuclear attack, Europe will be hit the most.

USA is perhaps can reduce the effect as USA is far away from Russia, but not Europe.

I think Europeans are dumb and their leaders are selling the whole continent at cheap.

simply, Moscow has always been a coward scared of Washington firepower. so it never threatened usa it’s present day Russians losses are of USA not EU from former ussr collapse to today. German was neutral as others until he lost it

Let’s see what this moron in Moscow has decided to do. so far putin miscalculation cost has been so far on the Slavic countries Ukraine and Moscow.
@jhungary @F-22Raptor @gambit @Wood
These give an insight into what the Russian soldiers are saying and thinking to their wives and friends. Some of the conversations are hilarious. I'm thinking Russia being desperate to use these understrength or combat ineffective units that were in Kiev theater with shortage of manpower and low morale. Wouldn't be surprise many would desert or refuse.
@jhungary @F-22Raptor @gambit @Wood
These give an insight into what the Russian soldiers are saying and thinking to their wives and friends. Some of the conversations are hilarious. I'm thinking Russia being desperate to use these understrength or combat ineffective units that were in Kiev theater with shortage of manpower and low morale. Wouldn't be surprise many would desert or refuse.
I do not understand why so many in this forum believe that Poutine sent in his second strings and bench warmers and somehow that made the disaster that is the Russian military more palatable. Send in your best to win the war then use the second stringers to enforce the peace. For those who believe Russia kept their best back in Russia, I hope their countries' militaries are filled with stupid people like them.
Krauss Maffei says can do upgrade up to 7 pieces of Leo II tanks per month. In addition the company can quickly deliver infantry tanks Boxer, Puma and artillery worth 20 billion euros.
That’s not all for Ukraine certainly. Most go to the Bundeswehr.

View attachment 831051
Best thing to do is keep sending more Russian made or Russian design vehicles and equipment that are nearby to be use right now. They can also send in their own vehicles that they don't use anymore. We don't know how long the war is going to be, and the Ukrainians are fast leaners and they can learn to use some of the western equipment. Take a few days or weeks of training on western tanks for example.

I do not understand why so many in this forum believe that Poutine sent in his second strings and bench warmers and somehow that made the disaster that is the Russian military more palatable. Send in your best to win the war then use the second stringers to enforce the peace. For those who believe Russia kept their best back in Russia, I hope their countries' militaries are filled with stupid people like them.
Its kind of like Saddam who prefers to keep his precious Republic Guard units intact.
The VKS is a failure and a joke of an air force. The Russian Army resorts to terror tactics against civilians. Russia is economically damaged. Poutine finally realized how deluded he has been. And China is slow walking away.

I guess we can leave this thread to all the Russia defenders to do whatever they can to salvage face for Russia.
To think in Call of Duty they captured half of Europe and the whole East Coast...
Its kind of like Saddam who prefers to keep his precious Republic Guard units intact.
The problem for Saddam Hussein was that his Repugnican Guards were not that 'elite' to start. They were 'elite' in the sense that he paid them some extra money, more benefits, and publicly favored them. Ultimately, they were more his bodyguards than deployable troops.
The problem for Saddam Hussein was that his Repugnican Guards were not that 'elite' to start. They were 'elite' in the sense that he paid them some extra money, more benefits, and publicly favored them. Ultimately, they were more his bodyguards than deployable troops.
Ah I figure they had better equipment and some training compared to the other Iraqi units at least.
Ah I figure they had better equipment and some training compared to the other Iraqi units at least.
In order to enhance the Reptilian Guards image, of course they had better gear and some more training, but the problem was that whenever we in the West reads/hears the word 'elite' we automatically impute our own standards of what is 'elite-ness' onto these other militaries, which eventually we usually found out they were not so 'elite' after all. When I was active duty, even when I was on the F-111, I heard from the F-15 guys that they quietly lower the standards for the Saudis 'elite' F-15 pilots because so many of them are 'princes' one way or another. You cannot be anything less than 'elite' if you are a prince. So all these Saudi 'princes pilots' are often are better airmen than American pilots. But paper is cheap...
Ah I figure they had better equipment and some training compared to the other Iraqi units at least.

Not much different from 1st GTA of Russia. They get the best kit, actual training, and lavished way more than regulars because they were to guard Moscow as the last line of defence. They were to never be deployed abroad.

I put accent on "actual training"

Just how few units in Russian armed forces have real warfighting preparedness, instead off being second line troops after nuclear offensive?

They prepared an army according to a nuclear warfare doctrine, and instead they were forced into fighting "WW1 with modern weapons"
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Not much different from 1st GTA of Russia. They get the best kit, actual training, and lavished way more than regulars because they were to guard Moscow as the last line of defence.

I put accent on "actual training"

Just how few units in RAF have real warfighting preparedness?
Think the recent info is less than 100 hours of training per year.
A deeper look at the Russian - Ukraine conflict : Ukraine energy profile



Ukrainian lithium, another cause of the Russian invasion?

"Lithium may not be the reason for the invasion, but there is a reason why Ukraine is so important to Russia. And that is its mineral base," Rod Schoonover, former director of the National Intelligence Council's Environment and Natural Resources Directorate, told the US daily "The New York Times". According to Schoonover, Moscow is trying to position itself in the lithium war, which will shape the future of the technology and mobility sectors.

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