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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Russia officially pegs the ruble to gold​

Russia owns 2,300 tons of gold and can cover all the rubles printed in gold..
Printed rubles are only 1% of al the rubles in existence. Fanboys have some very valuable lessons up ahead of them on how economies work.
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20 - 50%? German people should overthrow the German govt who participated in a conflict that they didn't belong.

lol thats fantasy. I dont know what country you live in but food costs make up a very small part of a person's budget. If my food costs doubled, I would not care, and I could hopefully lose some weight if I did care.

This baboon has a Russian wife and is a traitor to his country.

Accoeding to reliable sources, there were no atrocities reported when Russian forces left. The Mayor of Bucha declared it "liberated". Then Azov Neo Nazis and other Ukrainian nationalists came in and looked for who amongst the population were pro-Russian. That is when they carried out the massacres. Ironically, they're accusing the Russian forces the same atrocities that the Ukrainian Neo Nazis and nationalists carried out, and the Western media and politicians are accomplices of this bogus campaign.
lol thats fantasy. I dont know what country you live in but food costs make up a very small part of a person's budget. If my food costs doubled, I would not care, and I could hopefully lose some weight if I did care.
Yee the prices where going up anyway if it goes for poland before the whole conflict, but now atleast our government has an excuse it's not their fault anymore its russia:D russia a big saviour for our current government:lol: And to be honest the increase is not so big mostly becose we consume more now becose we got 3 mln more people to feed ... other products didnt rise so much or didnt at all.
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Where does this 12 to a dollar figure come from?

Ruble was trading around 80 to a dollar in January (war started end of Feb).
After the war started it went to around 150 and now it is trading around 85. Do you consider it a crash?

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Wars are very costly, there is absolutely no doubt in that. But there have been so many reports which tell that it is costing $20 million (not BILLION) a day for Russia. Some were posted here as well. So why cant you just accept that you exaggerated big time?

Perhaps he doesn't know the difference between millions and billions of USD. The 'm' in the millions and 'b' in the billions probably looks the same to him. I mean how did he come to the conclusion that it is going to cause Russia billions USD a day? 🤣
The war in Russia-Ukraine is the cause. And the big bully USA is threatening Pakistan so openly and trying a regime change so blatantly in Pakistan because we decided to stay neutral. How is it not related to that? And why should we hear to the propaganda spread by the USA? When it is mostly serving her national interests at the cost of other countries?

Russians might be dumb or might not be. Only time will tell.
But for now the ground reality is that they are surviving pretty well.

I am questioning your analysis by presenting you the FACTS (not personal opinions). What is wrong with that?

Next he will call you a 'clown' :lol: No meat behind his arguments. He is just repeating what he heard from Western media.
It is shocking to me how little logic and intelligence most Europeans have when analyzing this whole situation. I guess the Zionists have really controlled the message well.

It make sense when 50% of people have IQ below 100 and 80% below 120.

I consider that you need an IQ of 120+ to be able to understand global geopolitics to a reasonable level if you have the interest to learn about it.
Yee the prices where going up anyway if it goes for poland before the whole conflict, but now atleast our government has an excuse it's not their fault anymore its russia:D russia a big saviour for our current government:lol: And to be honest the increase is not so big mostly becose we consume more now becose we got 3 mln more people to feed ... other products didnt rise so much or didnt at all.
Definitely, it depends on person to person, but the amount of food I throw out is enormous. its a terrible waste really. If it means crushing russia I dont mind eating out in restaurants less. cooking more or actually eating less and being healthy. Australians spend $20 billion per year on their dogs. I would rather Fifo the dog misses out on that cancer treatment or dog yoga and the money go towards javelins for Ukraine instead. That 20 billion is almost half of Russias defence budget.
The ruble went from 12 to a dollar to 100 to a dollar to barely 80 to a dollar. I don't know what your definition of a crash is, or what you expected a crash to do.
Actually the ruble revived very strongly. You can see it on the spot charts. But tis almost impossible to trade and the economic effects of Russian ruble straightening measures will have a profoundly bad effect on Russias economy.

If you have a company is russia, your dollars and EUR will be confiscated but he Russian government and you will be given Ruble instead at the Russian declared exchange rate. So yeah, go ahead and open a business in russia.

Al these Indians and Chinese that will now invest in russia, lol, go right ahead. You will be a ruble millionaire. good luck taking your money out.
The upcoming days for AFU will be very difficult. The Russians have bombed their refineries and oil depots to kingdom come. I don't know how they will survive the maneuver warfare.
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