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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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None taken, to me, these people who worship one white (Russian) killing the other White (Ukrainian) when they "Condemn" white people (Most American) killing Brown is well, just a hypocrite in my books.

I mean, I am okay if people call me name for something I believe in, these people here worshipping the Russian don't really know what they believe in, as in Russian does not have their share of killing Brown and Yellow people......(People tend to forget Russian was involved in Afghanistan just 10 or so year before we are involved, and the Russian even Killed Chinese on the Russo-China border conflict and the Sino-Russian Split. And Russia is also directly involved in killing Korean (flying for North Korea) Iraqi (by arming and taking side in Iran-Iraq war) but well, seems to me these people have a really short memory...
And not only that way you say, but russia is a very racist society and I cant even imagine a brown or black person living in russia. You would get more social acceptance going a leper. Being an asian I think a person would be more like an alien in Russia. They would generally be ignored. The only place I saw darker people in russia was the outdoor markets selling plastic toys and rubber slippers.

Compare that to the west where they have all types of jobs.
I dont get it, some Chinese blogger make out ukrnaian flags on Chinese vehicle and then some other Chinese blogger corrected him?

Judging by the name, he is from Somalia
but the fact he had American flags on his profile and is using internet leads e to believe he might be currently in America. Or at least will be until NSA track his IP address and have a chat to him about some things.
Seems like the Russians learnt nothing from the Chechnyan and Afghan conflicts.
Russians failed in the First Chechen War. Lessons that were learned from this war were successfully applied in Second Chechen War for desirable outcome in Chechnya under leadership of Vladimir Putin.

Russians fought another war in Georgia and annexed parts of it in 2008 (clashes lasted only 5 days).

Russians also found it easy to annex Crimea from Ukraine in 2004. It was at this point Ukrainians began to realize that they have to prepare for wider war. And when the time came, Ukraine turned out to be much more capable side in the battlefield than both Chechnya and Georgia respectively.

Although Russian armed forces are much more capable in 2022 in comparison to what they used to be in times of war in Chechnya, US/NATO made it possible for Ukraine to subvert Russian cyberwarfare efforts, foil Russian assassination plot for Volodymyr Zelenskyy, and to fight Russian forces across the country with supply of much-needed arms. Ukrainian forces fought with courage and conviction on the other hand, and have managed to DEFEAT Russian forces in the North.

Now the focus of the belligerents have shifted to the EAST. Russian forces overran much of Donbas but Mariupol have managed to hold its ground somehow which is remarkable and there are additional pockets of resistance as well. I think that Ukrainian forces will regroup and go on the offensive in Donbas to DEFEAT Russian forces in this region.

Let us see.
I down understand why some people use the illegal wars fought by America to justify wholesale murder and invasion of Ukraine.

Do you kill your next door neighbour and say, oh well officer, you will remember that there was a war in Iraq and half a million were killed, and surely I am justified in killing my neighbour.

I just dont get it.
Judging by the name, he is from Somalia


lol thats fantasy. I dont know what country you live in but food costs make up a very small part of a person's budget. If my food costs doubled, I would not care, and I could hopefully lose some weight if I did care.

It is being explained below...I hope you can at least learn something from it.

This baboon has a Russian wife and is a traitor to his country.

And how is that a bad thing? Russians are great people and their women are beautiful, cultured, and have strong religious values.
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And not only that way you say, but russia is a very racist society and I cant even imagine a brown or black person living in russia. You would get more social acceptance going a leper. Being an asian I think a person would be more like an alien in Russia. They would generally be ignored. The only place I saw darker people in russia was the outdoor markets selling plastic toys and rubber slippers.

Compare that to the west where they have all types of jobs.

Brown and black people don't need to live in Russia; they would be doing fine in their countries if the West stops its colonial and consistent sabotages. At least in Africa, Russia isn't a colonial power. It was never involved in slavery. And it doesn't fund terrorists and rival ethnic groups in order weaken central authorities and loot their natural resources. That robbery and and endless conflicts are something that consistently come from the empire of the Antichrist (The Western world).

That being said, I found it odd that a Bosnian Muslim would be so fond of the West. While it is understandable your opposition to Russia since they supported Serbia - whose forces supported or committed the massacres of 200,000 Bosnian Muslims - it seems you're oblivion to the fact that it was the Western powers who imposed arms embargo on Bosnia while Bosnian Serbs were supplied from Serbia. So in essence, the West were complicit in that tragedy.

I also found it odd that a Muslim, irrespective of his (or her) nationality, would be oblivious to the crimes that the West has committed against us and still commits to the present day. Do we just whitewash what they did and still do to Palestine, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Yemen, Mali, Iran and other places? The demise of the West, Allah (swt) willing, will be a joy for every Muslim household, and I hope and pray this conflict between Russia-Ukraine contributes to that end result.
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Al these Indians and Chinese that will now invest in russia, lol, go right ahead. You will be a ruble millionaire. good luck taking your money out.
Kind of like the Top Gear Trio trip to Vietnam when they were handed 15 millions don....

And not only that way you say, but russia is a very racist society and I cant even imagine a brown or black person living in russia. You would get more social acceptance going a leper. Being an asian I think a person would be more like an alien in Russia. They would generally be ignored. The only place I saw darker people in russia was the outdoor markets selling plastic toys and rubber slippers.

Compare that to the west where they have all types of jobs.
Well, not only Russia, China too. If you are Brown or Black, then you can forget about earning a meaningful wages

I have never seen a Brown or Black CEO or Politician in neither Russia or China

There was a Black MP in Ukraine Parliament tho

Printed rubles are only 1% of al the rubles in existence. Fanboys have some very valuable lessons up ahead of them on how economies work.
Debt fueled inflationary growth is how globalized economies are able to expand. This is the reason why a fancy restaurant meal every month is normal for most in developed world and many in the developing world. Fiat currencies exist and are adopted world wide because society has evolved to trust their central bank that issues money arbitrarily instead of believing that value of a metal like gold. Many people who learn economics from YouTube university without understanding the real nature of money cannot be reasoned with.

Russia is now cut off from the majority of wealthy regions in global economy. Ironically, this will allow them to sustain gold denominated currency for some time. The lack of ability to print money after gold reserves are used up will result in eventual deflation. Putin hopes foreign investors will 'trust' his currency because he says that it can be exchanged for gold. This is his belief, but under sanctions and a global negative sentiment against Russia - his gamble will more likely fail. :cheers:
And how is that a bad thing? Russians are great people and their women are beautiful, cultured, and have strong religious values.
Well I have gone out with more russian women than you have, and I assure you their values are far form religious. And they are fine people, unfortunately, most have drank the Kool aid. It will take decades of freedom to get back to normal.
Debt fueled inflationary growth is how globalized economies are able to expand. This is the reason why a fancy restaurant meal every month is normal for most in developed world and many in the developing world. Fiat currencies exist and are adopted world wide because society has evolved to trust their central bank that issues money arbitrarily instead of believing that value of a metal like gold. Many people who learn economics from YouTube university without understanding the real nature of money cannot be reasoned with.

Russia is now cut off from the majority of wealthy regions in global economy. Ironically, this will allow them to sustain gold denominated currency for some time. The lack of ability to print money after gold reserves are used up will result in eventual deflation. Putin hopes foreign investors will 'trust' his currency because he says that it can be exchanged for gold. This is his belief, but under sanctions and a global negative sentiment against Russia - his gamble will more likely fail. :cheers:

Accurate. No comment on last sentence though.

Kind of like the Top Gear Trio trip to Vietnam when they were handed 15 millions don....

Well, not only Russia, China too. If you are Brown or Black, then you can forget about earning a meaningful wages

I have never seen a Brown or Black CEO or Politician in neither Russia or China

There was a Black MP in Ukraine Parliament tho

Nor in Taiwan, Vietnam, India, Japan, Switzerland, Italy, Argentina, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and so on and on.

lol what a stupid point.

These countries mostly don't have an African population of significant size compared to for example USA or many European countries... who just so happen to have those number of African descent populations because... well. I guess there are no African descent CEO or politicians in Italy or South Korea or Singapore because those countries didn't have the humanity to enslave African people. They must be so racist.
Brown and black people don't need to live in Russia; they would be doing fine in their countries if the West stops its colonial and consistent sabotages. At least in Africa, Russia isn't a colonial power. It was never involved in slavery. And it doesn't fund terrorists and rival ethnic groups in order weaken central authorities and loot their natural resources. That robbery and and endless conflicts are something that consistently come from the empire of the Antichrist (The Western world).
No russia only colonised, North America, Asia (port Arthur, and Manchuria, and Japanese islands) and Eastern Europe. they were never advanced or powerful enough to get a piece of Africa.

So their crimes are just as bad as the other western colonisers, they just didnt make it to Africa.

And down forget, the west did't get rich and powerful through colonisation, because you need to be rich and powerful to colonise someone. Colonising was icing on the cake.
That being said, I found it odd that a Bosnian Muslim would be so fond of the West. While it is understandable your opposition to Russia since they supported Serbia - whose forces supported or committed the massacres of 200,000 Bosnian Muslims - it seems you're oblivion to the fact that it was the Western powers who imposed arms embargo on Bosnia while Bosnian Serbs were supplied from Serbia. So in essence, the West were complicit in that tragedy.
Western powers recognised our independence, which they didn't have to do, they imposed a no fly zone. an armed us secretly, and finally bombed the serbs. Thats why we won the war, kept our independence and thats why we will have serbs moaning about having to live under "muslim oppression".

Yes we could have turned against the west and done the Palestinian thing, no compromise and fight for all or nothing and fight the west as well, why? just because. And what would we have, we would be Palestinians and live in refugee camps in Denmark. It would be worse than Palestinians, at least they have camps in nice warm places.
I also found it odd that a Muslim, irrespective of his (or her) nationality, would be oblivious to the crimes that the West has committed against us and still commits to the present day. Do we just whitewash what they did and still do to Palestine, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Yemen, Mali, Iran and other places? The demise of the West, Allah (swt) willing, will be a joy for every Muslim household, and I hope and pray this conflict between Russia-Ukraine contributes to that end result.
Well may crimes against muslims were committed, and the option is to fight against oppression to the bitter and or play to smart and worth within a system to achieve the best possible life.

Palestinians could have accepted a compromise solution back in the 40's. and maybe the 50's. Their leadership miscalculated and they are now all suffering.

Iraq Libya and syria is full of people that would give their life for a dictator when the supreme power in this world is a democracy. I dont understand what is so good about dictatorships. Hopefully one day I will understand. These people could live like the UAE if they had half a brain.

Afghanistan was ruined by the Russians. It was doing quite well. USA could not save them because it was shut too broken by the time US invaded. Taliban would not be my first choice as a government.

Lebanon is a fake country created for Christians in the Middle East. They seem to have lost it now and its muslim. This was very unfair actions by the French when they created it. Should be joined with syria.

Iran is being bullied. its very unfair. they need nukes.

Somalia. of course victim of colonialism, They need a lesson in governance and hopefully Turkish bases and Turkish help can teach them how to govern.

Mali, I will have to google that one.
Accurate. No comment on last sentence though.

Nor in Taiwan, Vietnam, India, Japan, Switzerland, Italy, Argentina, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and so on and on.

lol what a stupid point.

These countries mostly don't have an African population of significant size compared to for example USA or many European countries... who just so happen to have those number of African descent populations because... well. I guess there are no African descent CEO or politicians in Italy or South Korea or Singapore because those countries didn't have the humanity to enslave African people. They must be so racist.
We are talking about Black and Brown, India, Saudi, Most of Argentina and Iran are brown, do, before you try to insult me, please read carefully what I have said.

On the other hand, Switzerland had a Black CEO for Credit Suisse - Tidjane_Thiam

Italy have had a Black Woman Minister in Italian Government

Even Nissan had a Brazilian-Lebanese CEO - Carlos Ghosn Well, that didn't work out very well with them.

It's one thing to have less than enough Black or Brown population in a country, another thing to give them a fair go at things. Would you say a Black or Brown have more chance in country like US or Canada or even here in Australia then in Russia or China? If you think they are treated fairly in China or Russia, then you have some problem dude.
These countries mostly don't have an African population of significant size compared to for example USA or many European countries..
And why do you think that is? Africans have no chance there.
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