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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Well, you can't always get outside AT team range tho, because they will not stand up and put up sign that said "AT Team here"

From what I seen on Twitters, it's not only ambus scenarios they faced, but fire exchanges during offensive: tanks sit in the field, and are trying to hit something tiny 2+ kms away with HEAT shells, while getting popped one after another either by Sugna, or Javelin.

I suspect that was the famed Guards Tank Division which got annihilated near Trasytanets. Their only eliteness was likelly them just not routing when under fire.
From what I seen on Twitters, it's not only ambus scenarios they faced, but fire exchanges during offensive: tanks sit in the field, and are trying to hit something tiny 2+ kms away with HEAT shells, while getting popped one after another either by Sugna, or Javelin.
Key word here is "Sit in the field", you either bug out, or run and gun, you never sit in the field, that's the first thing they teach you in Armor School...

Ukrainian side is claiming territory gain in Kharkhiv area :cheers:
Actually it sort off was. GDR was part of soviet bloc for 40 years. And was quiet wealthy by 80s. And many still fondly recollect it. There is even a german word for it - Ostalgie.
yes it was so good that people risked their life to get out. border guards shot on sight anyone trying to leave east Germany.

Its was poorer than Yugoslavia. In east Germany you had to wait 15 or 20 years to get a car from the day you ordered one.

My Bosnian parents and grandparents would go all over Eastern Europe on holidays and if you be so cheap and run down, it was like Americans going to Vietnam. Of course if anyone went to holidays to Hungary or east Germany the whole class wold laugh at you for going to such poor looser countries. such was the effect of Russian rule over these places.

Now that these people are free of Russians you can see the wealth and development they enjoy.

I remember ordinary Romanians could afford to eat meat once 1 week under Russian rule. Now, after russia is gone, they have salary 3 times that of russia.
Dude, tell me, who represent the United Kingdom?

Is it the head of state Queen Elizabeth? Or is it the Prime Minister Boris Johnson?

President is THE HEAD OF STATE of the United State, the congress and the senate to be precise is the people who was chosen to represent America.

And yes, if Biden does not have both congress and senate backing, what he said is what he said on G7, it does not mean this is what we do. Do you even remember Biden said on Saturday that Putin "Should not be in power" does that mean the US as a whole support a regime change on Russia?? Or even does it represent the United States when he said that??

Man, you are dumb. Report me if you want, but I got no other word for you.

If case you are still too stupid to catch up, Boris Johnson represent the UK because he IS the leader of the conservative party in the UK, which is the leading party in the government. President Biden is just a President, he have no control of either Congress or Senate. The most he can do is to issue executive order, which other than banning people like you to enter the US, he have no hold in any foreign or domestic policy in the US. Saying otherwise is just showing how you do not understand US politics.
just so you know, "congress" is the collective name of the house of reps & the senate together.

US president is elected by popular vote in each state and he has immense powers. He clearly represents America.
just so you know, "congress" is the collective name of the house of reps & the senate together.

US president is elected by popular vote in each state and he has immense powers. He clearly represents America.
Yes, Congress do actually means both house, but colloquially, congress means house of rep only. we refer to senate as a separate entity. Ie when we say "Congressman" or "Congresswoman" it refer to House of Rep for a district, and we refer to senator as senator......

And no. If US president are based on popularity vote, then Republican candidate will only be president twice (or 3 times) in the entire US history.

Most people don't know, US is not actually a democracy, we are a republic, so the guy we voted into office does not really represent us, it is the representation of representation of the United States.
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As far as i know there was never any shortage of food in germany. Yes they did not have 2 dozen varieties of cornflakes or fruits - but bread, meat, housing, public transport was cheap and plenty.
Housing was actually free. But it was pretty crappy.
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