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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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What about east, UA forces are effectively isolated, soo both sides have received heavy blows. With Russian air dominance in Donbass, its gonna be costly for UA too reinforce them positions.

It's better to admit failure and redeploy.

It would suit Russians, if UA went on the offensive because them man portable anti air and armour are less effective.
It's harder to redeploy Russian force than redeploy Ukrainian force.

Because to redeploy Russian force in theatre, you will need to pull them out of their original AO, then ship them to the next AO and then move into position. On the other hand, Ukrainian force would just simply go from A to B.

The problem is, if Russia is really doing this (Which I doubt they are) they would leave behind any or all permanent infrastructure and then they have to insert more troop to pull out the original troop, otherwise that would turn into a rout.

On the other hand, Air Superiority is not really the matter in Donbas because Russia still do not have total ai superiority. Also the Ukrainian position in Donbas is entrenched, which mean it will take a lot of Russian attacker (5 : 1) to overwhelm the Ukrainian Defender. That is probably the reason the Donbas frontline hardly moved at all in the last 34 days of fighting.
It's not just about money. In this day and age, even a toaster has a chip in it.

AFAIK, Russia does not have a cutting edge semiconductor industry. The only place it can get chips that are even remotely useful is China.

Those state of the art fighter jets and tanks they build definitely need semiconductors. Their economy is very insulated, meaning they make and build most of what they need internally. I am not buying the argument that Russia doesn't have semiconductor industry.
When this Russia-Ukraine war is over, the world's militaries will face only one source of their defense: the US. And not everyone will be in our favor. Russia's economy will be depressed for some yrs and that mean no or at best little progress for defense investments. For all those countries that relied on Russia for their defense hardware, as the jets and the tanks get worn down and parts get less and less available, their national defense will get weaker. China's defense industry is not par to the US, no matter how much China's MIC may tout its products, but countries that relied on Russia will have no choice but to buy Chinese, and they WILL get inferior products.

The result? Do not pissed US off because your military will be even less able to take on US now, not that your Russian hardware were as capable in the first place. The USAF is considering retiring a couple squadrons of F-22 to make budget and basing for the coming 6th gen fighter. Our airspace is anywhere we feel like it. :enjoy:

The USAF has already flown a 6th Gen prototype fighter in……2020. And 6 B-21 bombers are already in production, with the 1st in ground testing. First B-21 should go public in the coming months.

The US is waaaay ahead.

The question that people need to ask is why do countries need weapons if Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, ISIS etc. are all decimated by the US & NATO?

For this very reason US will never kill these entities as they are the reason why countries buy weapons from the US and NATO.
Those state of the art fighter jets and tanks they build definitely need semiconductors. Their economy is very insulated, meaning they make and build most of what they need internally. I am not buying the argument that Russia doesn't have semiconductor industry.

There are only three countries that can manufacture IC chips. US, Taiwan and South Korea.

This is the reason why Chinese Huawei is having problems since US banned them.
If that is actually factual (I suspect the accuracy of information from all sources) ... Then this is a huge strategic win for Ukraine. Surprising how close Kiev is to the border of Belarus... If they are able to keep Kiev and establish an effective Eastern front... They may even make it to Donbas and then the whole war reaches a stalemate situation. A win for Ukrain. Decisive loss for Russia perhaps crippling it for decades before it could ever conduct a war beyond its borders gain.

Russia may alternatively try and push from the East and South... A longer route to Kiev.
They can't really take a longer route to Kyiv, supply and air support would become an issue. Bear in mind, the Russian had already tried to egress from North thru Chernobyl, then again North thru Chernihiv, and then East thru Sumy, had they not done any of the 2, they probably would have enough supply to go from South or thru Donbas if they did a mad dash.

The problem is Russia hold the MSR, not the land, which is why their supply line is constantly getting attacked. And unless this is solved (Which is unlikely, due to a combination of factors such as troop strength, air interdiction and further support) Kyiv is out of reach of Russia.

Russia can try but this will probably at this point be a liability to the entire campaign, if the Russian is smart, they would try to tactically withdraw from Kyiv and use the force elsewhere where they have a chance.
Well, 30 some days in, why would you still using tank going into the street single like that?

And for those of you who say this NLAW did not detonate, you can see the flame coming out from Under the Turret and also on top, which mean it punch thru from the top and lighting the tank on fire inside the turret, so fire comes out on any hole it made. (And also it will not be on fire if it had not detonated)

I would not want to be that tank crew right now...........
Are you serious? you think the tank is destroyed and the NLAW detonated? For the projectile to pierce the armour, there needs to be a massive explosion unless its a sabot type of round or a kinetic penetrator.

There was no massive explosion nor was there a kinetic penetrator fired. NLAW is not a kinetic penetrator. You were in combat and you fired these things, and you think this tank is destroyed? really?
There are only three countries that can manufacture IC chips. US, Taiwan and South Korea.

This is the reason why Chinese Huawei is having problems since US banned them.

I think China also makes chips, just not at the cutting edge. Same as SK.
Only TSMC makes the absolute cutting edge.
(I think, not 100% sure).
I think China also makes chips, just not at the cutting edge. Same as SK.
Only TSMC makes the absolute cutting edge.
(I think, not 100% sure).

Only three countries/companies manufacture IC chips

US - Intel
Taiwan - TSMC
South Korea - Samsung.

Interestingly the equipment to manufacture is only made by a German company ASML

Other countries like China and Germany are trying to manufacture but are in infancy stage.
Are you serious? you think the tank is destroyed and the NLAW detonated? For the projectile to pierce the armour, there needs to be a massive explosion unless its a sabot type of round or a kinetic penetrator.

There was no massive explosion nor was there a kinetic penetrator fired. NLAW is not a kinetic penetrator. You were in combat and you fired these things, and you think this tank is destroyed? really?
Well, as I said, if it bounced off, you will only see the flame coming out of the top, if any (I failed to see why it will lit up the tank if it bounce off)

The fact that the underneath of turret is on fire means only one thing, that the round penetrated inside the turret

look at these 2 pictures between 0:08 and 0:12 from the video



You can clearly see underneath the turret is clearly on fire (red circle at 0:12) and the fire weren't there when the round hit (Black circle at 0:08) Which mean that is not spreading from the outside, it is spreading from the inside.

Also NLAW work by HE shape charge penetrate the top side, which is the thinnest in terms of armor protection, you don't really do what we called "Hard Kill" on tank with NLAW. in fact, not that I had tried but I think it would be ineffective to use NLAW on anything other than the top of that tank.

That tank is on fire inside, the crew is probably either immobilised or killed. Depending on how much fire damage the tank suffered, I would say it would be inoperable to destroyed states after this hit. Either that or somehow the fire spread unseen from the top to the bottom of that turret.

Unless you somehow disagree with my assertation, that I would like to hear about it and further discuss it with you.
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Not going to happen

You talk like Putin is a statesmen. He is just a mafia boss. So weak he tried to save his yacht from sanctions. He will buckle like he always does.

EU made clear yesterday that nobody will pay im ruble amd sanctions wont be lifted.
Only three countries/companies manufacture IC chips

US - Intel
Taiwan - TSMC
South Korea - Samsung.

Interestingly the equipment to manufacture is only made by a German company ASML

Other countries like China and Germany are trying to manufacture but are in infancy stage.

ASML is Dutch.

The following shows who is where in the race.

Chinese aircraft inferior to Russian aircraft?
out of respect for Russians, we stay silent when they brag, but just know this: China has millions of civilian phased array antennas in operation for 5G, has one of the few hypersonic wind tunnels in the world, and has exascale supercomputers. All the ingredients are there. And the finished product is there in airshow after airshow, and being flown every day.

But, somehow people think that Chinese can't put all the ingredients together in new products. Shrug. Not on me to prove anything. there's a reason why they're mere spectators in history, not actors.
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