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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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The Russians have been effectively defeated on the northern axis. Now it’s time to rout their withdrawal before these forces redeploy to the east.

Outside of long range missile or artillery strikes on Kiev, the Kiev offensive is over.

If that is actually factual (I suspect the accuracy of information from all sources) ... Then this is a huge strategic win for Ukraine. Surprising how close Kiev is to the border of Belarus... If they are able to keep Kiev and establish an effective Eastern front... They may even make it to Donbas and then the whole war reaches a stalemate situation. A win for Ukrain. Decisive loss for Russia perhaps crippling it for decades before it could ever conduct a war beyond its borders gain.

Russia may alternatively try and push from the East and South... A longer route to Kiev.
If Putin gives up territorial gains and withdraws with only a neutrality agreement, then he would fail in the eyes of Russian public. Historically, this has meant downfall for dictators. Every despotic ruler will try to prioritize his throne above all else; for this reason I don't think that Putin will consider what you say.

But we'll see what happens, if there is a peace deal to be made in the first place.

Putin has dug himself into a VERY deep hole over Ukraine. He totally underestimated the level of force the Russians would be met with, and his poorly trained conscripts are paying a heavy price. He now has to try and work out some way of making a withdrawal sound like a victory in order to save his own skin. I hope the West will continue with the sanctions until the ordinary Russian in the street rises up and demands change in their own country. The percentage that is supporting this war is surprisingly high and that needs to change.
Spokesperson of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mariya Zakharova praised the efforts of Turkey, which hosted the negotiations, in her statement, “Turkey has taken a more balanced and independent position compared to other countries. This Russophobic campaign was able to absorb neither the Turkish government nor the people as a whole. For these reasons, including Ankara’s balanced line, we accepted Turkey’s offer to contribute to the negotiations with the Ukrainian side. We are grateful for his mediation efforts to Turkey, especially the Russia-Ukraine negotiations and his efforts to resolve the situation in principle” .

Mentioning that Turkey did not participate in the sanctions imposed by the USA and the European Union (EU) against Russia and took decisions in line with the norms of international law, including the straits issue, Zaharova, “Turkey It keeps the airspace open for Russian ships and Russian aircraft” .
Turkey played well.
It's drones decimated Russian armour and it's policies wins both Russia and Ukraine.
This will enhance business. Drone sales will go through the roof and it puts pressure on the west for ignoring Turkey
You people have heard that Sinopec cancelled a deal with Russia, right? I did said that China was slow walking away from Russia. :lol:

Sinopec has investments in the West... It was either Russia or the West. They chose the West probably to safeguard their own best interests.

Turkey played well.
It's drones decimated Russian armour and it's policies wins both Russia and Ukraine.
This will enhance business. Drone sales will go through the roof and it puts pressure on the west for ignoring Turkey

I agree. Seems like Turkey came out top on this. They also hosting the current peace negotiations ceasefire... The West has played the role of the warmongers in this conflict.

Seems like the Ottoman Turks are still alive and kicking...
If Putin gives up territorial gains and withdraws with only a neutrality agreement, then he would fail in the eyes of Russian public. Historically, this has meant downfall for dictators. Every despotic ruler will try to prioritize his throne above all else; for this reason I don't think that Putin will consider what you say.

But we'll see what happens, if there is a peace deal to be made in the first place.
The trust deficit is so low with the West, the Russians can't do a deal with them. If Ukraine agrees to 'neutrality', what is to stop them from reneging on the deal later? The deal has to be bilateral only, and in a verifiable manner.

Lavrov has said before that the US is a disruptive influence in the negotiations.The US has basically stated that this will be a long war, and the end is regime change in moscow.
If that is actually factual (I suspect the accuracy of information from all sources) ... Then this is a huge strategic win for Ukraine. Surprising how close Kiev is to the border of Belarus... If they are able to keep Kiev and establish an effective Eastern front... They may even make it to Donbas and then the whole war reaches a stalemate situation. A win for Ukrain. Decisive loss for Russia perhaps crippling it for decades before it could ever conduct a war beyond its borders gain.

Russia may alternatively try and push from the East and South... A longer route to Kiev.

A couple weeks into the war I said Russia doesn’t have the forces to take Kiev. Russia has nowhere near the forces to take Kiev. Putin and his Intel/mil leaders highly miscalculated. Utter incompetence
The US has been opposed by many countries over its lifetime. Don’t really care. We see how they all end up. Russia has already lost strategically. Chinas time will come too. The US system, while imperfect, has proven to be the best in the world. It’s why so many immigrate here. It’s why so much innovation and advancement has come from the US. I will take our people over anyones.

China will face plant into the dirt just as Russia is doing today.

If what your claim is true, what hold the mighty USA so far to crush China? i mean China is puny little insignificant player in front of the mighty Usa according to you. I am sure your dear leader Usa could handle China alone or is your so called mighty Usa is a🐔 that cant handle China and needs NATO/European/Asian allies to confront China?

I for one cant wait to see USA and her allies vs China confrontation/war. Mind you once the war starts, no more spam for dollar to your bankaccount for pro USA posts. You better have enough saving by that time to buy your indonesian boat.
A couple weeks into the war I said Russia doesn’t have the forces to take Kiev. Russia has nowhere near the forces to take Kiev. Putin and his Intel/mil leaders highly miscalculated. Utter incompetence

I will disclose that my leaning were for Russia (not because of any Anti-Ukranian sentiments) but because of NATO's role of manipulation and escalation...

But, I agree with your assessment... This whole debacle is the doing of the Russian incompetence on many levels... Putin has essentially put Russia back at least 30 to 40 years... It doesn't look good for Russia.

I will disclose that my leaning were for Russia (not because of any Anti-Ukranian sentiments) but because of NATO's role of manipulation and escalation...

But, I agree with your assessment... This whole debacle is the doing of the Russian incompetence on many levels... Putin has essentially put Russia back at least 30 to 40 years... It doesn't look good for Russia.

I also think the fall out from this Ukraine loss for Russia is Russian's active role to destabilize other regions e.g. middle east and take revenge by supporting proxies against the West...
Actually, I couldn't care less. Let them kill each other off... I do not have a dog in the fight. White on White killings.

As long as they don't take the rest of the world along with them...

I will disclose that my leaning were for Russia (not because of any Anti-Ukranian sentiments) but because of NATO's role of manipulation and escalation...

But, I agree with your assessment... This whole debacle is the doing of the Russian incompetence on many levels... Putin has essentially put Russia back at least 30 to 40 years... It doesn't look good for Russia.

I also think the fall out from this Ukraine loss for Russia is Russian's active role to destabilize other regions e.g. middle east and take revenge by supporting proxies against the West...

I’m of the same opinion as you brother. I’m not supporting Russians cause I like them, but they serve my interests to open a front in Europe and hopefully more pain down the road so they see how it feels. There’s a reason Muslims are quite in this conflict and watching on the sidelines and Blinken running around like a horny goat in the Middle East with none to pick his balls. As you put it, it’s White on White action I could careless how many perish or they nuke themselves.

Let’s not forget the media did a good job spreading Islamophobia last 20+ years and they expected some sort of Kumbaya gathering? Or us holding hands in Kyiv and switching Facebook profile pictures? Lol. Then Sino phobia and now Russian phobia good job uniting all three.
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I will disclose that my leaning were for Russia (not because of any Anti-Ukranian sentiments) but because of NATO's role of manipulation and escalation...

But, I agree with your assessment... This whole debacle is the doing of the Russian incompetence on many levels... Putin has essentially put Russia back at least 30 to 40 years... It doesn't look good for Russia.

I also think the fall out from this Ukraine loss for Russia is Russian's active role to destabilize other regions e.g. middle east and take revenge by supporting proxies against the West...
Russia is going to annex at minimum 2 entire Oblasts and control the mouth of the Dnieper.

This serves as a great wakeup call for the entire global South. The reality is, all your forex reserves - yes, Pakistan and India included - are just some numbers. Those numbers can change at any time as Russia proved. The only way to deter that is to either have more collateral or less exposure.
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