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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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This is it. We're officially into World War III. The death of the fiat money has started. But the empire will not take this decision lightly.
5000 Ruble per gram means 81 Ruble per dollar based on the current spot gold price ($1917 per troy ounce (31.1 grams)).

Do i really sound like a slave to you? So sorry.
As I said, he is suffering from some imagined misery. :)
This is it. We're officially into World War III. The death of the fiat money has started. But the empire will not take this decision lightly.
This really is at a different quantum level. Any currency linked to Gold is the nemesis of the dollar. If this doesn't kick-off WW3 from the Americans, nothing will.

Remember, China has large Gold holdings.

No matter what happens in the Ukraine, we are entering a different era.
USA wants this war to continue. The money making and laundering has only just started for the warmongers.

It is comical how some people are still trying to blame NATO for this mess, when the last eastern expansion was over 18 years ago. The fact is that had Ukraine joined NATO with the other Baltic states in 2004, there would not be a war now, and we would not have 10s of thousands dead and 10 million plus made homeless. This is all down to Putin's delusional dream of expanding Russia, but that dream has turned into a nightmare for not only Putin but also all of Russia.
Do i really sound like a slave to you? So sorry.

Well you sound extremly submissive.

I ask you, when persia asked Greek states to surrender, live under their hegemony but rich...we chose to kill their ambassadors and wage war. Athens got heavily damaged but in the end the Greeks stood victorious. We chose freedom and pride over acting submissive and weak.

German history shows that too, when the Germans under Arminius fought brave against Rome.
What happened to your Mykolaiv counteroffensive on Kherson? All news on it seems to have stopped.

Russia already handing out Russian currency in Kherson. Seems to me like it's getting ready for total annexation, not being retaken by Ukraine.

Putin with the economy of Spain simply can't afford this much longer , he's lost far far more soldiers and equipment than he ever thought possible , The size of Russia compared to Ukraine is ridiculous. Just goes to show the strength of Russia ain't all its cracked out to be
Well you sound extremly submissive.

I ask you, when persia asked Greek states to surrender, live under their hegemony but rich...we chose to kill their ambassadors and wage war. Athens got heavily damaged but in the end the Greeks stood victorious. We chose freedom and pride over acting submissive and weak.

German history shows that too, when the Germans under Arminius fought brave against Rome.
Just wait a week. Germany will only pay in euro. so as japan will only pay in dollar. Putin's russia economy is even smaller then canada...and canada's economy is half of California lol

and Russia will not cut off gas. they simply don't have the balls. You can already see they are in back foot now.
No gas, oil, or other minerals for them from Russia then. I think people are missing the point here: The West including Germany sanctioned Russia by freezing all Russian assets in their banks. That means, Russians can't access any funds that Germany and others would use to buy Russian products. So if someone is taking your stuff but not giving you your money, you can't continue selling your products, or he or she can use currency that you have control over. There are no contracts violated; the Western sanctions are causing Russia to demand Ruble for Oil and Gas payments.
That’s not the way how it works.

Let’s say Germany pays 200m euros per day to Gazprom. The money is transferred to the bank that belongs to Gasprom. This Gazprom bank is excluded from sanctions. Gazprom gives parts of the money to Putin gov. Putin can use the euros in Germany to buy stuffs to support the war.

You see the money is not flown to Russia central bank.

Germany wants to exclude gas payments from sanctions regime.
Putin with the economy of Spain simply can't afford this much longer , he's lost far far more soldiers and equipment than he ever thought possible , The size of Russia compared to Ukraine is ridiculous. Just goes to show the strength of Russia ain't all its cracked out to be
Ukraine has 1/4 population of Russia and 1/8 GDP. It's comparable to Imperial Japan vs USA.
The living standard of East Germany (the richest among the poor in East bloc) was about 30 percent of west Germany. It will take 50y to have equal in East and west. Think about it, west Germany has pumped $2 trillion into East Germany since reunification.
Where are you getting your data. CIA worldbook shows East Germany had 2/3rds GDP per capita. Living standards for overall population must be close as in a socialist country poor would be better taken care off.

And guess what - even 30 years after unification per capita GDP of east continues to be in around 2/3rd mark of west. It shows there was no relative improvement despite getting rid of soviet system.

And understand that this GDP of east was achieved despite constant emigration of white collar workers from east to west. Which is normal as capital would pay more wages for a doctor or a lawyer than a state.

2 trillion is just headline number. You need to dig in to get actual data. was not west Germany getting taxes and cheap labor from east ? And don't disregard the fact that west Germany took away many social benefits east had - free childcare, right to job etc.

Yes, we all remember those first class rocket trips east germans did to fly to vacation...wait a minute, there was no vacation. Too bad.

And no,,nobody is nostalgic. Young people despise east germany and the only ones that cling to it are losers who did not get a job after reunion. They are obsolete, now over 50 and soon gone as well. Their party that represents them is at 4.0% at last election. They die off and thats it.

I exaggerate nothing. Millions tried to run away. Here thats how beloved east germany was.

First train with east germans arrives in west germany. People cry and can finally eat good food. Was overwhelming for many to see choclate for first time in their life. Its crazy to see how people are shaking, realizing that communist terror that was pushed over half of germany is finally over.

yea right. If i believed the same media i would still be thinking Chinese eat rats and are piss poor. One has to go out on a limb to seek information for these states.

That’s not the way how it works.

Let’s say Germany pays 200m euros per day to Gazprom. The money is transferred to the bank that belongs to Gasprom. This Gazprom bank is excluded from sanctions. Gazprom gives parts of the money to Putin gov. Putin can use the euros in Germany to buy stuffs to support the war.

You see the money is not flown to Russia central bank.

Germany wants to exclude gas payments from sanctions regime.

Hasan is right and you are wrong. It is you who is not understanding the situation correctly. What do you mean Gazprom "gives" money to Putin gov? is he going to give cash personally to Putin by hand? it has to go Russian central bank
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USA wants this war to continue. The money making and laundering has only just started for the warmongers.
Russia cant be trusted. Until full withdraw is done its better to be prepared.
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