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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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He is a troll and falseflagger. That is the deal.
@dbc stop handing me negative ratings. You claim to be a proponent of free speech. Develop some tolerance for other opinions.
The truth (or untruth) of Neo Nazism in Russian Perspective summed up pretty well by BBC

Just opinions on selective points without context/opposing party's p.o.v.
There are Blacks/Muslims/etc who are supporter of Trump.
The Comedian isn't calling the shots anyway...
Any proofs 600 soldiers were killed ? Which proofs are there they are Ukrainians ?

you know every claim from the russian side is correct...they totaly controll the media to prefent fake news spreading :D all i see are some plastic bags maybee with deads under it... dead russian dead civilian dead ukraine, how knows but they come from a trustworthy brainwashed source
Just opinions on selective points without context/opposing party's p.o.v.
There are Blacks/Muslims/etc who are supporter of Trump.
The Comedian isn't calling the shots anyway...
Have you actually watched the segment??

It said the entire country under Zelenskyy has cracking down on Neo Nazism, This is not about Trump being support by you know who, this is about Neo Nazism in Ukraine have gone down to all time low by the time Zelenskyy took power.

And people are using Azov as a propaganda which have no ties to Neo Nazism anymore.

As I said in other post, if you want to talk about Neo Nazism in Ukraine, you talk about OUN, not Azov, the context is, OUN, not Azov, is the largest organisation and most historically connected to both Neo Nazism and actual Nazism, seeing OUN was the actual collaborator toward the actual Nazi regime back in WW2. But then of course nobody is going to talk about OUN because they were oppressed by Zelenskyy and its government, it does not suit the propaganda narrative of the Russian..
@dbc stop handing me negative ratings. You claim to be a proponent of free speech. Develop some tolerance for other opinions.

Please stay on topic, you got a negative rating for off-topic discussion about a forum member which is against forum rules.

If you have a problem with a member talk to forum management instead please.
I told you to check your basic facts but obviously that was too much to ask lay folks like you. You claimed Russia spends at least half of its $60bn military budget on supporting its nuclear forces, the fact is nobody publicly knows the actual amount they spend as that is classified information. The only info we have is what Russia chooses to publish and that is they spend roughly 17% of their defense budget on their nuclear program as of 2016. The true amount is never disclosed.

Kid you're not even in a position to insult, you're embarrassing yourself thinking any country spends half of its budget on their nuclear program let alone pretending you know how much Russia actually spends. Now either post facts or shut up and admit you're wrong. Too many people posting bs data and claims here without any fact checking.

Gambit, do you know what a subset of a war means? Technically special military operations != war. If US conducts a military operation in Somalia or another country, it doesn't mean it's technically a war. There is armed conflict going on at LoC between Pakistan and India right now albeit very low intensity compared to this but armed conflict alone doesn't equal war. There is a threshold.

Don't get me wrong, this of course is an armed conflict but for Russia its a military op not a full fledged war, it's a war for Ukraine however.

Maintaining a nuclear triad is a whole way different from few hundred warheads on individual TBMs, and cruise missiles.

The cost of a single missile submarine + its upkeep is probably already more than cost of all deployed delivery vehicles Pakistan has combined.
you know every claim from the russian side is correct...they totaly controll the media to prefent fake news spreading :D all i see are some plastic bags maybee with deads under it... dead russian dead civilian dead ukraine, how knows but they come from a trustworthy brainwashed source

Ukraine only spreads BS but somehow everything coming from Russia is true and verified. BTW that dude spriter has been known to spread BS since the Syrian civil war,only sensasionalist tweets which only low IQs would swallow.
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