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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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and the history circle close... today I read that Germany send MG-3 to Ukraine Army... the modern version of Hitlers MG-42 Buzzsaw... again cutting down Russian soldiers in mass
The Javelin and NLAW ant-itank weapons were specifically designed to penetrate the armour of Russia's T-90 tanks, which they do with ease. The T-72s and T-64s are simply mobile coffins in a modern war scenario, if I was a Russian soldier in one, I would jump out at the first opportunity too. I’m guessing why there Russian armour abounded everywhere
The Javelin and NLAW ant-itank weapons were specifically designed to penetrate the armour of Russia's T-90 tanks, which they do with ease. The T-72s and T-64s are simply mobile coffins in a modern war scenario, if I was a Russian soldier in one, I would jump out at the first opportunity too. I’m guessing why there Russian armour abounded everywhere
luckly they run out of fuel befor reaching combat :)
There is Arabic text all around the screen.
Now go read the tweet again or its hard to understand ? Its so easy to spot russian trolls :p: they even have problems with reading.

tip for you

"Initially, these Skif ATGMs were intended to export to the Middle East, but instead were given to the Ukrainian troops after the war began."
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Alert - Probable Propaganda

There is Arabic text all around the screen.
Can Ukrainians read Arabic?

View attachment 827974

Just like your Rambo was blatantly lying about a destroyed Ukrainian Tank as if it was Russian:
And on getting exposed, he admitted:

View attachment 827977

Vasquez is absolutely there destroying Russian armor. And he said that sarcastically to that guy. I've been following his Twitter feed. He's 100% legit.
Have you actually watched the segment??

It said the entire country under Zelenskyy has cracking down on Neo Nazism, This is not about Trump being support by you know who, this is about Neo Nazism in Ukraine have gone down to all time low by the time Zelenskyy took power.

And people are using Azov as a propaganda which have no ties to Neo Nazism anymore.

As I said in other post, if you want to talk about Neo Nazism in Ukraine, you talk about OUN, not Azov, the context is, OUN, not Azov, is the largest organisation and most historically connected to both Neo Nazism and actual Nazism, seeing OUN was the actual collaborator toward the actual Nazi regime back in WW2. But then of course nobody is going to talk about OUN because they were oppressed by Zelenskyy and its government, it does not suit the propaganda narrative of the Russian..

"Looking at past to create motivation at the present", all powers make there motivation from the past. US wont be medling in Ukrain if that won't be the case.

- thrz no neo-nazi in Ukraine because Zelensky is Jewish is like saying thrz no racism in US bcz obama is african...
- No ties to Neo Nazism "anymore"...

I mean these aren't the arguments that sum up the debate... BBC (and every other outlet) behaves in such a way that they can mold everything at thr will/agenda...
"Looking at past to create motivation at the present", all powers make there motivation from the past. US wont be medling in Ukrain if that won't be the case.

- thrz no neo-nazi in Ukraine because Zelensky is Jewish is like saying thrz no racism in US bcz obama is african...
- No ties to Neo Nazism "anymore"...

I mean these aren't the arguments that sum up the debate... BBC (and every other outlet) behaves in such a way that they can mold everything at thr will/agenda...
Racism is not only targeting black tho, racism is universal and can be used to target anyone, even if you are white. So saying Obama is US president and there are no racism is wrong, but since this is universal, you can say that to just about anyone in charge, be it White, Black, Asian or Native.

On the other hand, the core value of Neo Nazism or White Supremist is to target Jews and other ethnic minority. So you cannot be in a Neo Nazi Organisation and have a Jew in charge, it's like The Vatican decided to announce the next pope would be an Imam....You change the core value of thing, you change the entire thing. If they really do have a Jew in charge of a Neo Nazi organisation, then I don't know what you would call that group but I won't call it Neo Nazi...Same as I would not call an Imam as a Pope.....

And finally, wasn't your "Ukraine Government is Nazi", itself, an "Agenda" to begin with?
a troll that like to troll trolls :p:
Indian Polish?

On the other hand, the core value of Neo Nazism or White Supremist is to target Jews and other ethnic minority. So you cannot be in a Neo Nazi Organisation and have a Jew in charge, it's like
You'll be surprised then,because they've even accepted awards from Zelensky and positions in the police.


"Muh Russia only sends conscripts". Guess those VDV which are supposed to be among Russian elite troops didn't do well.
Any idea about the $6000 Kamikaze drones from US reaching Ukraine? :undecided:
A little offtopic, but this is what Jens Stoltentberg do before becoming the Secretary General of NATO

No, he was not a taxi driver, he was Norway PM busking as a cabbie
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