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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Contrary to what we've heard so far, this journalist from within Russia says that only 30% of the population support this invasion now. He claims that the silent majority is against this war but if afraid of law enforcement :what:
Russia has already lost strategically. Its in a much worse position today than 6 weeks ago. The Pentagon no longer considers Russia a long term problem. Russia has lost.

Ukraine can and will be rebuilt.
It will be rebuild there is already talk of EU Fund
Even if true, small and insignificant losses. If we look at the bigger picture, Russia is on its way to oust US/NATO puppet Zelensky. The loss of Russian helicopters and military personnel won't change that outcome.

Let me assure you, the little Cold War that you are fighting against Russia at this moment won't have the same outcome as the infamous Afghan Cold War. Stinger may have helped you tilt the favor back in the day, but Russia came prepared and they will go to extreme lenghts to secure their interests.

Russia has lost strategically. It’s been set back economically, militarily, and politically for decades. Russia has lost, and it’s nowhere near achieving its objectives on the battlefield. Not even close.
Blue eyes and blonde hair ring any bells?
Well, Ukrainians have mostly darker hair.
Anyway, it`s not skin color or hipocrisia. You always threat people with a similar language and culture differently. A polish person can easily communicate with somebody from Ukraine without a translator.
After seeing russian army's performance no one will take them seriously let alone NATO or USA

They will focus on china going forward.

The Pentagon now labels Russia as an acute problem, and not a long term threat.
But think for a second what this war could do. It could have the effect of remaking the world order according to desired of non western countries. Imagine a world order made by Russia, china and India.
Imagine a world made in the image of India. The world would be an open toilet, like India.
For all its faults, the west is the best humanity has ever achieved. Free and open elected government. Free enterprise. I challenge you to consider a world made by China and India. The cruelty and the unfairness. I would rather that there is no world than having to live in their image.

You really seem to hate India ;)
Bolded part: I do agree with you in general. However, it is not 'the West' we are talking about in this war and several other wars where untold innocent people have been killed in illegal wars. I will only mention the Iraq War and its catastrophic consequences for millions. That war not only contributed to China's rise but also eroded the West's credibility. Because poor people are flocking to the West is because of economic reasons, that doesn't 'prove' that 'the West' is not guilty of horrendous crimes committed against millions of people.
BTW, there is no 'the West' as such when it comes to geopolitics, especially wars. It is simply a cabal of war mongers in America made of a few hundred corporations, their media conglomerates, and compromised politicians. We change THAT and the world will be a much better place!
But think for a second what this war could do. It could have the effect of remaking the world order according to desired of non western countries. Imagine a world order made by Russia, china and India.

Imagine a world made in the image of India. The world would be an open toilet, like India.

For all its faults, the west is the best humanity has ever achieved. Free and open elected government. Free enterprise. I challenge you to consider a world made by China and India. The cruelty and the unfairness. I would rather that there is no world than having to live in their image.

You need to understand that people like me are not against the West. It is true that the West, including North America and Europe have built a fantastic civilization. No one can disagree with that.

The problem is that some vested interests have captured the West. America is 100% in Zionist control. Instead of perusing peaceful coexistence with the rest of the world, the Anglo-Zionist controlled West is making war on the world. The last 20 years have been one of continuous wars, killing tens of millions of people, destroying countries, and creating chaos, Now they want to bring down China and Russia.

A patriotic American, instead of cheering Zionist wars, should be asking who was actually responsible for 9/11 and bringing the culprits to justice. It may be difficult pulling Dick Cheney out of hell, but there are a whole lot of them still making US policies who can be arrested and interrogated.

Unfortunately, the so-called patriotic Westerners are happy to go along with Zionist wars in the false expectation that it will bring glory and riches to them.

Infield from Irpin
You really seem to hate India ;)
Bolded part: I do agree with you in general. However, it is not 'the West' we are talking about in this war and several other wars where untold innocent people have been killed in illegal wars. I will only mention the Iraq War and its catastrophic consequences for millions. That war not only contributed to China's rise but also eroded the West's credibility. Because poor people are flocking to the West is because of economic reasons, that doesn't 'prove' that 'the West' is not guilty of horrendous crimes committed against millions of people.
BTW, there is no 'the West' as such when it comes to geopolitics, especially wars. It is simply a cabal of war mongers in America made of a few hundred corporations, their media conglomerates, and compromised politicians. We change THAT and the world will be a much better place!
I dont hate india, But I do have a problem with the way Indians treat muslims.

Also, I would rather die and the world to disappear in a nuclear holocaust than to live under Chinese or Indian rule. Because, Look at India. It look like a sewer to me.

Better under china, but if that means living in a concentration camp like they treat others, just imagine how they would treat europeans if they ever took control of the world.

But yes, there were those illegal wars since ww2. not only in Iraq and Afghanistan, but many many other places like Algeria. etc. But the west has gotten better and the world made in the western democratic image is the best humans will get in our lifetime.

Im not sure about your cabal theory. I dont know enough about it. But I dont think so. Its probably just west being greedy at times. But I dont see the huge problem in getting rid of dictators. As I said before, I never understood the loyalty some muslims have towards mass murdering dictators like Saddam, and why some people would kill to live in a cruel murderous dictatorship.

My own country, Bosnia, or Yugoslavia as it was called, used to be a terrible dictatorship and I would certainly not fight to have a dictatorship back. I just dont understand people that actually want a dictatatoship.

Contrary to what we've heard so far, this journalist from within Russia says that only 30% of the population support this invasion now. He claims that the silent majority is against this war but if afraid of law enforcement :what:
Quoting western media is not wise enough while talking about russians... West must understand their world order have been challenged by Russo-Sino alliance.. future is china and asia ... West can create 1000 fake stories and fake narratives for their own public consumption.. same public which fell to trap of Iraq has WMD... Its West vs Asia and Asia is future because it has china an economic giant, already established superpower and leader of upcoming Uni polar world..
But the west has gotten better and the world made in the western democratic image is the best humans will get in our lifetime.

Im not sure about your cabal theory. I dont know enough about it. But I dont think so. Its probably just west being greedy at times. But I dont see the huge problem in getting rid of dictators. As I said before, I never understood the loyalty some muslims have towards mass murdering dictators like Saddam, and why some people would kill to live in a cruel murderous dictatorship.

My own country, Bosnia, or Yugoslavia as it was called, used to be a terrible dictatorship and I would certainly not fight to have a dictatorship back. I just dont understand people that actually want a dictatatoship.

Yes, there is a general aversion to wars in the Western populations, especially among Europeans. However, the cabal is in America and it is real and it was called The Military Industrial Complex and as far back as D. Eisenhower had warned about the influence of some forces. It has gotten worse since the fall of the Soviet Union.

And, no, you just can't whitewash the crimes committed on behalf of the war profiteering cabal by phrasing that as some kind of love for dictators. That was very low of you, especially you if you were to factor in how many millions' lives were destroyed by those illegal wars, coups, and, yes, support for dictators. You also need to talk about the scale of destruction. Saddam would have been sorted out by time or his own people. No cabal was needed. Libya was far better off under Qaddafi. These facts are said even in America which is the seat of the cabal.

I wonder how much you have painted yourself into a world of a superior West against everything else to the point of no return. With every admission of the grave tragedies inflicted upon the world your argument boils down to dictatorship vs democracy. How about valuing LIFE for a change?? How about recognizing that taming the cabal would be better for the world, including for the West itself? How about letting cultures evolve on their own, sort out their own problem, instead of imposing upon them based on false narratives?
Quoting western media is not wise enough while talking about russians... West must understand their world order have been challenged by Russo-Sino alliance.. future is china and asia ... West can create 1000 fake stories and fake narratives for their own public consumption.. same public which fell to trap of Iraq has WMD... Its West vs Asia and Asia is future because it has china an economic giant, already established superpower and leader of upcoming Uni polar world..
Russo-Sino alliance. Yeah, the economical potential is here 1:10. Russia will sell cheap gas and oil and will get older technologies in return. Russia definitely won`t benefit from this. The economic interdepence between China and West is so huge, none of the sides can afford a confrontation. China is neutral here and it`s waiting to take Russian assets cheaply.
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