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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Watching C-Span dial in segment. (Yes what a great social life I have on Saturday night) where Americans dial in and tell everyone what they think of Bidens performance in Ukraine.

Democrats all support him, independents mainly support his actions, while some think he should do more. Republicans mainly think he is doing a terrible job, and when prompted what he should do instead, they suggest anything from sending F22's and F-35's to wipe the Russian army out to telling Ukraine to surrender.

Generally, there are a lot of crazy people in America.
Well , he did attach a " source " but it was unreadable for obvious reasons ...
yee no idea what that was

the other link was to retired archbishop

In January 2016, Archbishop Vigano submitted his resignation as required when he turned 75 years old. On 12 April 2016, Pope Francis accepted Viganò's resignation and named Archbishop Christophe Pierre to succeed him as nuncio to the United States.[38]
Wow, it looks like the Ukrainians may actually be pushing the Russians back on all fronts.

If this carries on, then sometime in April the Russians could be pretty much back to their starting positions and only gained some territory on the Donbas.

It might get even more interesting if the Ukrainian actually push back into Russia. Imagine that... Ukrainian invading a part of southern Russia to create a buffer zone.
Chechen forcies are risking their lives to liberate Mariupol and save civilians from Banderites. It is disrespectful to call this PR initiative.

What this video is meant to prove ? This is only small part of Mariupol. Compare all of Mariupol with all of Fallujah.

The Globeandmail ? Really ? This is Anglosaxon media. They lied about alleged WMD in Iraq. They have zero credibility.

This is whataboutism. We are talking about US bioweapons in the Ukraine are we ?
What you post is US narrative, not facts. It is clear that USA has something to hide.
View attachment 827591

US owes world an answer on bio lab: Global Times editorial
By Global Times Published: Mar 11, 2022 11:54 PM

View attachment 827593

The Russian Defense Ministry released on Thursday documents it acquired from the personnel of a bio lab in Ukraine. The documents expose the US and its NATO allies' research on biological weapons in Ukraine, including research on spreading the highly infectious bird flu virus through migratory birds and on pathogens such as bacteria and viruses that can be transmitted from bats to humans. Russia said the documents show that a large number of serum samples belonging to the Slavs have been transferred and that the experiments in Ukraine are similar to what Japan's Unit 731 did in WWII. The documents were uploaded online by Russia for free download.

The US reaction has somewhat missed the point. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki made eight consecutive tweets to condemn Russia for spreading disinformation, but advoided mentioning about the US' bio lab in Ukraine. She claimed that "we should all be on the lookout for Russia to possibly use chemical or biological weapons in Ukraine." But she didn't offer any evidence. Such condemnation didn't help clear the doubts of people around the world. Instead, such a response is pale and illogical.

Nevertheless, US Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland confirmed during a hearing that Ukraine has "biological research facilities" when asked if Ukraine has bioweapons. She also said the US is working with Ukraine to prevent Russia from getting "those research materials."

The contradictive remarks futher deepened the world's doubts about the US. Does the US have a bio lab in Ukraine? Why did the labs rush to destroy the materials right after Russia-Ukraine conflict started on February 24? Are those labs engaged in scientific research or weaponizing the research results? What is the relation between the Pentagon and the US' 336 bio labs around the world? How does the US guarantee the safety of those labs? Why has the US been exclusively blocking the establishment of the verification mechanism of the Biological Weapons Convention for more than 20 years? What is it worried about? What exactly is the connection between the Fort Detrick lab and the COVID-19 pandemic?

Biological military activities are not trivial. It is reasonable and legitimate for the international community to question the US for that. Right after WWII, the US spent 250,000 yen (several thousand US dollars at that time) on acquiring the infamous Unit 731's data, but never published what the data was used for. In nearly 30 years, the number of P4 labs on US soil increased by 750 percent - accompanied by an increasing risk of virus leakage. Because of protests from within, the US chose to establish labs overseas. Over the years, however, there have been deadly leaks linked to US military biological labs in Ukraine, South Korea, Kazakhstan and Georgia. But angry protests in those countries were simply crushed by the US manipulating public opinion.

Biological weapons are seen as weapons of mass destruction together with nuclear and chemical weapons. Any suspicion of private development of biological weapons must be promptly investigated. Russia's information release was very specific and should draw the attention of the international community. The veracity of those materials must be determined by a multi-party inspection team led by an authoritative international organization, rather than by the US alone. The US should know that smearing others cannot bleach itself. If it is really innocent as it claims, it should take the opportunity to publish what is the truth and receive multi-party investigations to prove its innocence.

It must be pointed out that this was an accidental discovery in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, which has nothing to do with the conflict itself. The determination of the merits of this incident should not be linked to the position on the Russia-Ukraine issue. The international community, including Europe, should put strong pressure on the US and not be swayed by the disinformation claims of Washington. The US owes the world an answer on this matter.

I believe this may be the Origins of the Covid-19 virus. It was manufactured in Ukraine and "exported" to China to start a bio-war against China. It just got out and came back to bite them.

So NATO forced Russia to invade Ukraine to reset the crumbling global economic system because war will flush out the bad debts and quantitative easing they did to stop the COVID induced financial Armageddon.
These videos are like ISIS videos in some way. A propaganda tool to recruit other Americans looking for action :pop:

They are..
West are promoting their good guys ISIS.... I.e. the Nazi Azov
embarrassing for Russia army.
more sanctions. It’s harder now for Putin to sell gold.

Nations should keep their gold at home in within their own nation's hold....

The West can steal your wealth if they wish to do so.

May this Ukraine-Russia war be a lesson for rest of the world's countries that they need to pull out of the Western hostage banking system.

Bulgarian general : Zelensky will soon surrender


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will soon announce the surrender of the country, Dimitar Shivikov, former commander of the 61st Stryamskaya Mechanized Brigade (battalion commander in Iraq, national commander of the 18th Bulgarian contingent in Afghanistan), stated on the air of the Bulgarian National Radio.

General: Zelensky will soon surrender

He also set out an opinion that the special operation in Ukraine will end with Moscow's victory.

"I have no doubt that the Russian Federation with its military contingent will win this conflict," General Dimitar Shivikov said.
As long as Russia's goal is to demilitarise and denazify Ukraine, Bulgaria should not provide any weapons to Kiev, as this would only lead to an escalation of the conflict, the general also said.

"One does not extinguish fire by pouring gasoline on it," Shivikov added.
Earlier, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko also spoke about Ukraine's possible surrender. Lukashenko recommended Zelensky should conclude an agreement with Russian President Putin. He also predicted that in case of refusal, Ukraine would be forced to capitulate. Moscow offers Kiev an absolutely acceptable version of the agreement, Lukashenko said.

"If Zelensky does not agree to this, then, believe me, he will have to sign an act of surrender in a short time,” Lukashenko said.
In the interview, Shivikov also stated that Ukraine had been running "an extremely Russophobic policy" since 2004. At the same time, it is Washington that has been manipulating Ukraine from overseas, he added.


A bit old news but this is for you, @F-22Raptor :

AUTHOR`S NAME PRAVDA.RU 14.01.2022 19:25

Russian submarine with 160 nukes on board surfaces off US coast


Russian nuclear submarine of the Borey project, which carries 16 Bulava ballistic missiles on board, unexpectedly appeared off the coast of the United States, having caused serious concerns in Washington.

Russian submarine with 160 nukes on board surfaces off US coast

Each of the missiles in service with the submarine is capable of carrying up to ten nuclear warheads. This created an extremely serious danger for the United States, given that the US military have not been able to track the Russian nuclear submarine.
According to NetEase publication, Russian nuclear submarine of the Borey project (according to other sources, it was an Akula project submarine), approached the US coast unnoticed. It was possible to establish the whereabouts of the nuclear submarine with up to 160 nuclear warheads on boards after the sub started going back to the base. A submarine of this class is capable of destroying most of the territory of the United States of America in minutes.

Russian nuclear submarines will be able to constantly patrol the waters near the US coast in the event that Russia decides to build a naval base in Cuba or Venezuela, as representatives for the Russian Foreign Ministry earlier said.
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