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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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This Avoz battalion sound like a terrorist organisation attracting terrorists from Europe, America and other parts of the world. A european Alqueda.

Whats ironic is Nato and the US funded and armed this terrorist outfit, putin now using the American playbook in Afghanistan and Iraq. What the reality is only god knows

One day you will know the truth, although I accept that it's entirely possible that you are lying and, when you do know the truth, you will find it hard to reconcile your words with what you have learned.
This article just shows half part of the story, blaming only Soviets for the rapes while ignoring hundreds of thousands of rapes by the allies.
Did you read the article carefully? I think not. Read it carefully and do not make false claims.

All occupying forces in Germany did bad (not excusing any camp) but Soviets committed this crime on a much bigger scale. End of.

This is off-topic conversation by the way. Time to move on.
lol, no, just no. Some critical thought is required here. If the average Joe can access these women through prostitution, so can the police agencies. Of course if you believe in the cabal of elites that facilitate all this, then nothing can be said. Noone can prove a negative so disproving that the west is run by a rapist cabal that do stuff like this is impossible.

Who ignored them? Their people were essentially re-educated, their country split into sectors and they have made considerable reparations since. Same cannot be said of Russia after WW2 can it?
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