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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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No, they were not like the other groups. Again you can't even get the most basic facts straight and not only trying to whitewash this scum, no, trying to spin the thing. Blaming me now, like i am the Azov nazi here.

Ok, pls continue. So people all over the world can see, what polish propaganda is doing with their people. You could think, you have learned something from the history, Bandera and co ...
Azov is like AfD, during war time.
Russian Kremlin Spokesperson Peskov said Putin may resort to nuclear weapons if they see an existential threat to their country.

(though I don't believe any of these numbers, just a reminder)
Russian Kremlin Spokesperson Peskov said Putin may resort to nuclear weapons if they see an existential threat to their country.

(though I don't believe any of these numbers, just a reminder)
India is called Hindistan in Russia :laugh:
So in other words: These freaks were already there, the Nazi Arsen Avakov was already there, S14 Nazis where already there.

Like in every other countries, you have right wing parties, that sometimes say BS. Like AfD in DE. Do you have to bomb Charkiw becasue of this ? It`s a lame excuse.
1. I remember a comment by Lavarov a while back, before this conflict. He stated simply that the next World war can only be a nuclear war, anything else is not likely.

2. On this forum I saw the comment of an Indian general who trained with the Russians. He said he was surprised how early in a conflict the Russians would use tactical nukes.

If Nato engages in this war, the result is not in doubt.

Then he’s a stupid old fat man if he thinks this will get them to make go away there Ukrainian mess him and his mafia boss have made themselves. He brings up nuclear admissions they have screwed up Ukraine and west help get them out end crisis His nato counter parts have been rehearsing this type of planning since 1950s. If he was astute he’d see the shambles Russian army is fight with Ukrainian civilians the talk of nukes vs professional nato response be nothing left of Russia.

Pakistan has 165 nukes what the hell
Remember ;

Everyone was masturbating here on the news that "according to Russian sources,he was killed 20 minutes after getting into battle in Mariupol!!!". And some fell for it. lmao.

There still no definitive proof that the "Wali" assassin is alive. Just sharing old photo doesn't prove anything.....His absence actually gives credence to the reports of his death even though I can't ascertain whether he is dead or alive.
So in other words: These freaks were already there, the Nazi Arsen Avakov was already there, S14 Nazis where already there.
According to the annual report of Germany's interior intelligence service (Verfassungsschutz) for 2012, at the time there were 26,000 right-wing extremists living in Germany, including 6,000 neo-Nazis.[143] In January 2020, Combat 18 was banned in Germany, and raids directed against the organization were made across the country.[144] In March 2020, United German Peoples and Tribes, which is part of Reichsbürger, a neo-Nazi movement that rejects the German state as a legal entity, was raided by the German police.[145] Holocaust denial is a crime, according to the German Criminal Code (Strafgesetzbuch § 86a) and § 130 (public incitement)

Azov is like AfD, during war time.
Yeah, sure.
Like in every other countries, you have right wing parties, that sometimes say BS. Like AfD in DE. Do you have to bomb Charkiw becasue of this ? It`s a lame excuse.
Killing Russians for 8 years is "saying something BS" for you, ok. I got it. Another polish nazi fan trying to whitewash it. Because nazis are ok, as long they are killing russians. Typical story.

Now with the liberation of ukraine from this scum, they will land in Poland too. Actually they are already there and you Polacks will have a lot of fun with them.
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