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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Yeah, sure.

Killing Russians for 8 years is "saying something BS" for you, ok. I got it. Another polish nazi fan trying to whitewash it. Because nazis are ok, as long they are killing russians. Typical story.
As ukrainian nationalist they defend their own country in international borders from russians. This neo-nazi story is very weak. Does Russia needs to bomb civilians because of this ? It seems most of RUSSIAN speaking Eastern Ukraine seems to be neo nazi now.

Now with the liberation of ukraine from this scum, they will land in Poland too. Actually they are already there and you Polacks will have a lot of fun with them.
Don`t worry, they will mostly move to Germany, better Sozialhilfe.
I don't understand why the west is still trying to communicate with Russia. As it's a vassal state now, they should try to reach an agreement with their master, China.
Well, maybe you stick to things you understand, so the list will be much shorter.
Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov just announced that Russia would only use its nukes if the survival of the state was in jeapordy. I guess that's a go for military NATO intervention in Ukraine? NATO isn't threatening the existence of the Russian state, after all...

NATO wil not intervene in Ukraine, it`s a political game, like the whole nuke discussion. The existence of the Russian state is mostly threten by it`s Uneffective political system, that produced this war. They should rather nuke themselfs.
Wood outputting nonsense as usual.

"Collaborators"... What a nice excuse word.

Your experience is of a student who has just begun to realize that Nazis are in Zelensky's forces and administration.

That Zionist Jew collaborating with Nazis is the same as "Muslim" Brotherhood and Tableeghi Jamaat collaborating with Western Crusader governments. You should think straight. Zelensky, MB and TJ are tools, puppets, no more.

Yes, Nazis exist in Russia too but they haven't taken over the government. And last I said on the net all opposition parties in Ukraine have been banned.

How nice.
Lmao gobbling up RT propaganda won’t help you either. End of the day this war was baited by the US
I only care about the ground realities, the suffering of people. I thought Russian Ukrainians aren’t patriotic about ukraine but I was wrong. I also see lots of traitors being caught left and right and Russia is using their punishment as excuse of oppression when they’re the real aggressors.
Don’t worry about me, I don’t rely on mainstream media for my news like you. I’ve got connections with hobbyist journalists in ukraine with their personal telegram channels. Also I understand the language so it’s easy for me to see the truth from lies.

To Understand Putin, You First Need to Get Inside Aleksandr Dugin's Head

An Azov militiaman with a Tavor rifle
An Azov militiaman with a Tavor rifle Azov YouTube channel screenshot

Rights Groups Demand Israel Stop Arming neo-Nazis in Ukraine​

Human rights activists petition the court to cease Israeli arms exports to Ukraine since some of these weapons reach neo-Nazi elements in Ukraine’s security forces

John Brown
Jul. 9, 2018

A group of more than 40 human rights activists have filed a petition with the High Court of Justice, demanding the cessation of Israeli arms exports to Ukraine.

They argue that these weapons serve forces that openly espouse a neo-Nazi ideology and cite evidence that the right-wing Azov militia, whose members are part of Ukraine’s armed forces, and are supported by the country’s ministry of internal affairs, is using these weapons.

An earlier appeal to the Defense Ministry was met with no response.
This war is a fucked up excuse to sell more weapons to the peasants and bring on the great reset. I’m not surprised this happened. Azov is disgusting for sure but ukraine is prioritizing its enemies right now.
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