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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Could it be because in case it crashes, they may not want debris to go in the hands of Turkey etc?
lol. I dont think so. This is nothing new, if you take a look at the forum archives, you can find many flight tracking maps where the US UAVs departing from Greece and Italy took care not to enter Turkish airspace for a long time, may be since year.
MoD Russia, [3/21/2022 4:05 PM]
🗓 Top News Today

🗂 Russian Defence Ministry launched a historical multimedia project "Archives remember everything..." (https://zapravdu.mil.ru/), dedicated to the evidence of crimes and atrocities of Ukrainian nationalists

💥 High-precision long-range weapons (https://****/mod_russia_en/318) destroyed a battery of Ukrainian multiple rocket launchers and a storage base for their ammunition in closed shopping centre.

💥 High-precision (https://****/mod_russia_en/313) air-launched (https://****/mod_russia_en/313) cruise missiles struck the Training Centre for Foreign Mercenaries and Ukrainian Nationalist Formations at Novaya Lyubomirka combined arms training ground in Rovenskaya region. More than 80 mercenaries and nationalists were killed.

⚠️ In Sumy, a planned provocation (https://****/mod_russia_en/313) of Ukrainian nationalists was carried out at night. The Russian Defence Ministry officially warned about this provocation a few days ago.

◽️ Kiev refused Russia's proposals (https://****/mod_russia_en/321) to create corridors for civilians and nationalists to leave Mariupol without weapons.

🚛 During the day, 32 (https://****/mod_russia_en/322) humanitarian (https://****/mod_russia_en/322) actions (https://****/mod_russia_en/322) were carried out in the republics of Donbass, as well as in the liberated settlements of Ukraine, within the framework of which 200 tons of basic necessities and food packages, including baby food and vital medicines, were handed over to the population.


Why use a huge and expensive ballistic missile to destroy couple of old grad lunchers ?
The strike was not about the 4 Grads parked there. It was a huge ammo depot for Grads, 2S7 Pion etc. Or in other words a top prio target and the Iskander was made for exactly this type of targets.
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