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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Apart from Chechnya, the Russians are not in conflict with muslims. The West, owned by the Zionists, have destroyed muslim countries. Nato has pushed to far, and Russia's pateince has ended.
You can't really compare Russia's Chechnya war or China's Xinjiang policies to the history of Western imperialism in the Muslim world. For Russia and China, those are primarily secessionist conflicts and did not represent a broad war against Islam or the Muslim world. They are also relatively small, domestic conflicts.

The West has been rampaging through the Muslim world for a century using its overwhelmingly powerful global media to dehumanize Muslims, justify the occupation of Palestine, legitimize the murder of Muslims and the subordination of Muslim countries. There really is no comparison.
Very curious about why Russians have not been able to shoot down these slow moving drones. Surely, they would have the tech to block them. But every other day we see successful strikes with only negligible news about the drones being shot down.

Any theories are welcome! :undecided:
In conflict after conflict TB2 has proven its is hard to detect by modern AD systems including the S400. Indians should plan accordingly.
How many gastankers are needed PER DAY to replace russian gas? 50? 100? More?

Are there enough free/unused gastankers exist in the world to satisfy the needed load/transport into the EU/Germany for replacing russian gas?

And how many LNG-terminals does Germany has to unload gastanker? Zero? 2? 3?

And how many gastanker can these EXISTING LNG-terminals in Germany unload PER DAY? Zero? 5? 8?

And how long would it need to build the needed LNG-terminal infrastructure in Germany? 3 years? 5 years? More?

Does it help that other EU countries build some LNG terminals already? No (cause they need the capacity themselfs)?

Also Algeria is pissed cause of Spain/EU and West-Sahara and think about stopping gas delivery to the EU.

As you can see: Propaganda does not make you well-fed.

Well my belly is well fed, just had a nice pizza.

You worry too much. We can achieve anything if we want.

You can't really compare Russia's Chechnya war or China's Xinjiang policies to the history of Western imperialism in the Muslim world. For Russia and China, those are primarily secessionist conflicts and did not represent a broad war against Islam or the Muslim world. They are also relatively small, domestic conflicts.

The West has been rampaging through the Muslim world for a century using its overwhelmingly powerful global media to dehumanize Muslims, justify the occupation of Palestine, legitimize the murder of Muslims and the subordination of Muslim countries. There really is no comparison.

In all honesty you do exactly same, dehumanize us westerners. I was called white boy here. Asked if white boys should be vaporized and so on. Racism goes both ways.
In conflict after conflict TB2 has proven its is hard to detect by modern AD systems including the S400. Indians should plan accordingly.

The key to beating the TB-2 is striking the command center when you have air superiority.

That only works if they are being commanded from the ground. I have a huge hunch that they're not even being commanded from Ukraine.

Otherwise the maximum range of TB-2s is 150 km line of sight.
In conflict after conflict TB2 has proven its is hard to detect by modern AD systems including the S400. Indians should plan accordingly.
Yes, I'm sure India is taking note. But I'm not sure why this drone has been so successful
And they all are going to die unless they hurry back to poland.

We talking about Russia, Russia still has not captured a single mayor city in Ukraine. They dont have to go Poland, Odessa or Kyev are save enough
Yes, I'm sure India is taking note. But I'm not sure why this done has been so successful

Even Iran could shoot down US drones.

My hunch is that these drones are being managed by NATO, not Ukraine, and are being serviced at makeshift road airfields with hand lifted munitions and civilian fuel (possible since they use light ATGM and gasoline as fuel).


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Saturday, Mar 19

Ukraine Invasion China Russia

By —
Jamey Keaten, Associated Press
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United Nations says 6.5 million people have been displaced inside Ukraine​

World Mar 18, 2022 2:39 PM EDT
GENEVA (AP) — The U.N. migration agency said Friday that nearly 6.5 million people have been displaced inside Ukraine, on top of the 3.2 million who have already fled the country.
That means that around a quarter of Ukraine’s 44 million people have been forced from their homes.
The estimates from the International Organization for Migration suggests Ukraine is fast on course in just three weeks toward the levels of displacement from Syria’s devastating war, which has driven about 13 million people from their homes both in the country and abroad.
The findings come in a paper issued Friday by the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.
The projections also found that “over 12 million people are estimated to be stranded in affected areas or unable to leave due to heightened security risks, destruction of bridges and roads, as well as lack of resources or information on where to find safety and accommodation.”
WATCH: How military assistance from NATO and the U.S. will impact Ukraine’s battle against Russia
The paper cited the IOM figures as “a good representation of the scale of internal displacement in Ukraine — calculated to stand at 6.48 million internally displaced persons in Ukraine as of March 16.”
UNHCR, the U.N. refugee agency, has said fighting that has followed Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24 has sparked Europe’s gravest refugee crisis since World War II.
“By these estimates, roughly half the country is either internally displaced, stranded in affected areas or unable to leave, or has already fled to neighboring countries,” he said, alluding to Ukraine’s population of about 44 million before the war began.
The paper said that 9.56 million people have been displaced by the war so far, as of Wednesday, and another 2.2 million people were considering leaving. IOM estimates that more than 3 million people had fled abroad as of Wednesday.
UNHCR, in its latest figures released Friday, said more than 3.2 million people have fled Ukraine.
Left: Workers sort out goods outside a mall, also known as Russia Market, for Russian and Ukrainian traders in Beijing, Sunday, Feb. 27, 2022. China is the only friend that might help Russia blunt the impact of economic sanctions over its invasion of Ukraine, but President Xi Jinping's government is giving no sign it might be willing to risk its own access to U.S. and European markets by doing too much. (AP Photo/Andy Wong)


Even Iran could shoot down US drones.

My hunch is that these drones are being managed by NATO, not Ukraine, and are being serviced at makeshift road airfields with hand lifted munitions and civilian fuel (possible since they use light ATGM and gasoline as fuel).
But we have seen videos of the drone operators showing their display screens shooting drones. Those people were not speaking in English and sounded like Ukrainians in manner. So not all of them are run by NATO at the very least.

Even so, I wonder why Russians are unable to jam them to protect their convoys. Now it seems like every armour unit should have some anti drone tech.
Major portions of mariupol capture by Russian forces....

The glorious Ukie defense has it all according to plan though. Everyone knows the best way to defend a city is to let the enemy completely encircle you, And after you have no hope of salvation, Just slowly and methodically get slaughtered block by block using heavy artelliry.. Sun tzu himself would be proud...

The ukies have it all under control. The Russian advance has stalled, The Russians have lost half their army, They are starving because they have no food, There vehicles have no fuel, and are refusing orders to fight

-western media/american military/intel officials

Just make sure you dont look at any Russian "fake news" and let your government censors know if they missed censoring any Russian media, and shut up and listen to CNN

Full Episode

Saturday, Mar 19

Ukraine Invasion China Russia

By —
Jamey Keaten, Associated Press
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United Nations says 6.5 million people have been displaced inside Ukraine​

World Mar 18, 2022 2:39 PM EDT
GENEVA (AP) — The U.N. migration agency said Friday that nearly 6.5 million people have been displaced inside Ukraine, on top of the 3.2 million who have already fled the country.
That means that around a quarter of Ukraine’s 44 million people have been forced from their homes.
The estimates from the International Organization for Migration suggests Ukraine is fast on course in just three weeks toward the levels of displacement from Syria’s devastating war, which has driven about 13 million people from their homes both in the country and abroad.
The findings come in a paper issued Friday by the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.
The projections also found that “over 12 million people are estimated to be stranded in affected areas or unable to leave due to heightened security risks, destruction of bridges and roads, as well as lack of resources or information on where to find safety and accommodation.”
WATCH: How military assistance from NATO and the U.S. will impact Ukraine’s battle against Russia
The paper cited the IOM figures as “a good representation of the scale of internal displacement in Ukraine — calculated to stand at 6.48 million internally displaced persons in Ukraine as of March 16.”
UNHCR, the U.N. refugee agency, has said fighting that has followed Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24 has sparked Europe’s gravest refugee crisis since World War II.
“By these estimates, roughly half the country is either internally displaced, stranded in affected areas or unable to leave, or has already fled to neighboring countries,” he said, alluding to Ukraine’s population of about 44 million before the war began.
The paper said that 9.56 million people have been displaced by the war so far, as of Wednesday, and another 2.2 million people were considering leaving. IOM estimates that more than 3 million people had fled abroad as of Wednesday.
UNHCR, in its latest figures released Friday, said more than 3.2 million people have fled Ukraine.
Left: Workers sort out goods outside a mall, also known as Russia Market, for Russian and Ukrainian traders in Beijing, Sunday, Feb. 27, 2022. China is the only friend that might help Russia blunt the impact of economic sanctions over its invasion of Ukraine, but President Xi Jinping's government is giving no sign it might be willing to risk its own access to U.S. and European markets by doing too much. (AP Photo/Andy Wong)


That picture is from a truck unloading cargo in China. Note the Chinese characters in the background, dark hair of everyone in the photo, and lack of damage to infrastructure.

Wtf is this?

But we have seen videos of the drone operators showing their display screens shooting drones. Those people were not speaking in English and sounded like Ukrainians in manner. So not all of them are run by NATO at the very least.

Even so, I wonder why Russians are unable to jam them to protect their convoys. Now it seems like every armour unit should have some anti drone tech.

They could be on board E-8s in Poland or they could be using NATO planes as signal relays.

There needs to be plausible deniability for this to work, if they filmed drone operators speaking English in NATO uniforms then it'll be a direct involvement.
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