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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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What, in you opinion, are ultimate Russian objectives?

Destroy Ukrainian army and military, destroy its economy. Take control of Eastern and South territories with loyal population. Cut Ukrainian access to sea. Then we can continue with political negotiations about something. At that point Ukrainian nazis in Kiev will start to hunt down Zelensky to execute him. That would be funny.
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This is a heartbreaking Photo......by photojournalist Marcus Yam of LA Times

A man in Irpin try to console his dog, who went paralysed from the bombardment while trying to leave the city. The dog can no longer go further and the man dropped everything and assure the dog, spending one last hug goodbye, the man leave the dog behind and the dog limp back home after this picture was taken according to Marcus Yam.

For Western media, the life of white European dogs are more likely to break their hearts than those of Middle Eastern children.

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I don't think homeless and hungry American or British people will support your idea of eliminating Putin. They will first want to question their own governments why the governments are keeping them homeless and hungry while simultaneously the governments tolerate the presence of stupid, muscular women who carry expensive handbags whose price can feed a person for a year or some stupid sports star or Wall Street stocks analyst whose mansion's cost could have been used to create a nice neighborhood of 50 homes to house the homeless or the American government having the military budget for its criminal invasions-oriented military as being 700+ billion dollars for just 2020-21 when those financial and material resources could have been instead used to remake USA's socio-economic system into a welfare system where housing, basic food, electricity, healthcare, education, internet etc would have been free because they are basic human rights. So tell me now, is eliminating Putin something to do or to overthrow the anti-human Western Capitalist system which causes so many deprivations to its own citizens let alone carrying that ridiculous system to other places through imperialism ?
The poor hungry westerners who are suffering in the west can go live in Wealthy India and wealthy russia where its so much better.
Not so fast, I will still give this a 50/50 chance at most.

The West is still all a trainwreck politically across all fronts, and openly pro-Russian politicians in the West are still given a double digit election victory chances.

Sanctions are crushing Russia, but it took WEEKS for Western establishments to make them real, and even that after a lot of bickering, and face slapping.

I would still say the West is in political paralysis, and this war only partially cleared the blockage, no breakthrough change as with Chamberlain to Churchill transition.

USA is having its Suez moment, and this is the biggest thing you should be talking about.
I do not mean they will be defeated tactically. I mean Russia strategic goal is unachievable at this point.

Think of why Putin want to do this war? There are 3 reasons.

1.) Regain control of Ukraine
2.) Peel off NATO threat.
3.) Resetting Russia in the world image

1 is probably the only remotely capable of making. But that would depends heavily on whether or not Russia can deal with the upcoming insurgency.

2.) NATO is not going away, and there are no chances that Russia can remotely try to muscle NATO off Baltic, they do this to Russia when we are talking about Ukraine. You can go imagine what NATO will do if russia is eyeing the Baltics or Polnad.

3.) Russian image is trashed. The blunder, the economy downfall does not make Putin strong. Instead it further isolate him. Now, whether or not Pro-Putin politican can mount a comeback in US or UK or Canada or anywhere is another issue, but most likely they will be crushed if they are still Pro-Putin as almost all of those place have bi-partisan support on measure against Putin. I mean even poll in America saying 73% of American think US should impose a No Fly Zone, even if that mean WW3. You can see the public sentiment is turning against Putin and everything Putin touch.

About Sanction, it will never get it done right, there are always going to have hold out, but on the other hand, do we really need any more sanction other than the one that has already done? It went so bad that even Swiss onboard (Which most of these Russian rich have their money in it) that alone I think surprise many Russian oligarch. There are limited way Russia can turn around and circumvent the sanction and I cannot even see if there are any good even if China do help Russia 100%. They lost too much market in the west and that is something Putin and his buddy cannot replace. Any further sanction in my view is just more nail to the coffin.

So by invading Ukraine, Putin turned NATO against him and forcing himself to fight a proxy war with NATO, which is something you do not want to do. On the other hand, what did NATO got to lose? At worse billions dollars worth of military equipment and, well , Ukraine.

China's Vice Foreign Minister Blames NATO For War in Ukraine​

His comments come after the U.S. President and Chinese leader Xi Jinping had a conversation about the war Friday

Published 6 mins ago

China’s vice foreign minister reiterated blame against NATO for the war in Ukraine and criticized sanctions against Russia in a speech delivered at a conference in Beijing Saturday.

Le Yucheng said NATO was a “Cold War vestige” and that its expansion could result in “repercussions too dreadful to contemplate” from a major power like Russia.

His comments come after the U.S. President and Chinese leader Xi Jinping had a conversation about the war Friday.

China has consistently blamed the security bloc, led by the U.S., as pushing things to a crisis point between Russia and Ukraine.

Le went on also to criticize the economic sanctions against Russia.

“Sanctions against Russia are now going to such lengths that globalization is used as a weapon, even people from the sports, cultural, art and entertainment communities are not spared,” Le said.

China’s government tried to distance itself from Russia’s offensive, but has avoided the criticism many other nations have leveled at Moscow, and continues refrain from calling it an invasion.

Will have to say this is not a well thought out compaign for the Russian.

They simply chew more than they can bite.

On the other hand, I wanted to focus on why Russian lost a lot of General (4 or 5) and higher level of command.

That goes to how Ukrainian manage to sip thru the Russian defence net and attack their Command Structure, that require a advance level of battlefield intelligence and also direct strike capability. I watched a Youtube video showing how Ukrainian target the 33rd motorised infantry headquarter (which lead to the death of a general) and I have found it really unsettling for the Russian, because that mean they know their flag officer movement, know when and where they were, and what were they doing in order to be able to strike them. That is a very serious intelligence failure.

I will try to find that video again, it's some war leak type video.
It just means that the NSA has almost complete insight into Russian communications and troop movements.

And they are giving it to the ukranians in real time

I mean they knew the day putin would invade. Russians should be pretty worried
It just means that the NSA has almost complete insight into Russian communications and troop movements.

And they are giving it to the ukranians in real time

I mean they knew the day putin would invade. Russians should be pretty worried
The follow up report suggest that those general uses non-encrypted comm and that is how Ukrainian able to track them. And then even if US hand them those intel, they would still have to have the capability to strike them.

Any one of those capability is probably not going to change much, but when you put them together, that's another story.
English: When did Russia say that it will concur Ukraine in 48 hours?

German: Wann hat Russland gesagt, dass es der Ukraine in 48 Stunden zustimmen wird?

Greek: Πότε είπε η Ρωσία ότι θα συμφωνήσει με την Ουκρανία σε 48 ώρες;


The poor hungry westerners who are suffering in the west can go live in Wealthy India and wealthy russia where its so much better.

Did I say India is a Communist-Socialist society like the former Libyan Jamahiriya where there were no homeless, where one got medical treatment without exchange of money, where there was free education, where water was free etc ? I am sure the homeless and hunger Westerners would have preferred to live there than be driven to dementia by the deprivations of living day in and day out on the streets in USA or Britain.

And your mentioning of wealth is in the sense of you not understanding what wealth is. Please read this post of mine on that.
Not so fast, I will still give this a 50/50 chance at most.

The West is still all a trainwreck politically across all fronts, and openly pro-Russian politicians in the West are still given a double digit election victory chances.

Sanctions are crushing Russia, but it took WEEKS for Western establishments to make them real, and even that after a lot of bickering, and face slapping.

I would still say the West is in political paralysis, and this war only partially cleared the blockage, no breakthrough change as with Chamberlain to Churchill transition.

USA is having its Suez moment, and this is the biggest thing you should be talking about.
Trump has moderated his support for Putin now. He calls Putin a changed man now :laugh:

China tries to stop questions about Ukraine stance by asking G20 not to discuss war​

  • Beijing is lobbying Indonesia to take the conflict off the agenda at the group’s summit in Bali, saying it should stick to economic matters

Well, sure thing bud.:haha:
Bürlün is the only capital in Europe which costs the own country more money then it generates.
Bürlün is postliberal, apocalyptic multicultural toilette where junkies are injecting their drugs in the open. Where 3rd worlders have own space to sell their drugs and where you have fatherless blonde liberal not growing up with values b*tches. A shithole.
Yeah nice for you, so you are a German when your father is of german stock.
Sachsen/Saxony = best in German PISA test but your hippity hoppity "European Values" states are degenerated because of these Brussels "European" dreaming.
You don't need to love the Russkis, why should a German do that.
Neither the Murricans.
Would cut both when I could and it will bring a advantage for Germany but we are bound to do Realpolitks and as long as Germany has no OWN or at least minimum same cost/benefits alternatives to Russian resources, you should stand still with your feet.
BTW Foinikas is surely not a traitor or what you called him, he is only a human who actually has a realistic view on how the world works. You don't, how old are you?
And weren't you always more conserative?
Now you are clapping your chest like a monkey and propagating MODERN "western values" against Russia.
That's strange...:omghaha:

I am conservative. Conservative doesnt mean that i support primitivism. Russia is primitive to the core and one of the few places i find outright disgusting. Im also conservative in the way that i dont want see enemies defeated, i want see them dead.

From your article:

It is not known whether publication of the article was a mistake but one pro-Ukrainian news source claims that it was put out automatically two days after the invasion of Ukraine, in expectation that a victory would be completed in 48 hours

Information WareFare: Hoax that Russia in 2022 said it will take Ukraine in 48 hours.:wave:

Nexta, a Belarusian media outlet primarily distributed through Telegram and YouTube channels which was widely used during the Belarusian protests in 2020 and 2021, said in a tweet the article showed Russia "planned to take Ukraine in two days".
This is a laughable attempt to defend the PLA.

You can have technically capable individuals doing great at their jobs, whether it is shooting a rifle or firefighting in peace time. But corruption at the administrative and policy levels affects leadership capabilities when it comes to war time and you will not know how bad until you go to war. Do you deny the fact that the PLA reformed itself after its disastrous analyses of Desert Storm? No, you cannot. At the intellectual level, the PLA lost that virtual war when it predicted tens of thousands of US casualties and months long fighting. If corruption in the PLA was not a serious problem, then why did Xi forced the PLA to divest its business enterprises? Because he saw that the PLA leadership was more interested in making money than being warriors. They bought their ranks and all those medals they wear.

Do you deny the common sense argument that Xi must have consulted with the PLA leadership about Ukraine? No, you cannot because at that level of leadership, everything is important, especially when your political partner is planning a war and you promised to economically support him. So if Xi made that promise, he must have confidence that Ukraine would be defeated swiftly and that China would be able to economically support Russia should the West respond. Instead, both leaders found the Ukrainians to be unexpectedly stubborn and highly competent at warfighting despite being outnumbered and outgunned. So where did Xi got his confidence about Ukraine?
Xi didn't force the PLA to divest its business enterprises. That event preceded Xi by 20 years even by US sources. So that assertion of yours is factually incorrect.

1991 Iraq had 1/20th the population of the US and 1/50 the GDP. It was always going to be a stomp, only question was by how much.

2022 Ukraine has over 1/4 the population of Russia and 1/8 the GDP. Relative to Russia, they're as big as Imperial Japan was compared to the US. Imperial Japan handed US a few defeats but still lost in the end.

Here is what I think happened...

Poutine predicted, based upon his generals' analyses and from Crimea, that Ukraine will fall after a couple days, maybe one week at the most. Then Xi consulted the PLA leadership and his generals concurred. Now both men are shocked at the outcome that did not conformed to what their generals told them. Poutine purged his generals. Xi will do the same in due time. This is what happened when you buy ranks and medals.
Chinese leadership thinks completely different than Russian leadership has in the past 30 years. Russia has been in COIN mode since Chechnya, China has always been geared for high intensity total war. Just looking at the GDP, population and existing force posture of Ukraine, the PLA based on their total war bias, is unlikely to predict a campaign less than a few weeks.
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