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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Not sure why my fellow Americans and Western European countries getting their collective panties in a bunch on Russia occupying Ukraine when they support and bankroll Israelis doing the same with Palestinian lands on a daily basis.
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Nah.. Not seeing this materializing atleast for decades..

If anyone of you heard putin's speech you will know that this operation is limited to conquering parts of Ukraine because Putin knows he can't just eat off all of Ukraine in this one go but in bits and pieces hence this Ukraine campaign will come to conclusion after 3 rounds of fighting and this round being the 1 first of 3 and all 3 rounds will by average have a pause of 10-12 years meaning the last 3 round could be fought in mid 2040s each round of fighting splitting Ukraine into 3 equal parts like how you cut a cake
Sure? He is talking of the de-militarization of Ukraine and de-nazification.

You can't do that from Donetks. You have to control the entire country.
Don't know about rushing, but it's not a coincidence that Russia and China signed a massive gas deal before the invasion began.

China is the ultimate winner here.

Ukraine may lose its sovereignty. Russia won the war, but got badly beat up, and it's economy is in shambles.

Moving forward, I wouldn't be surprised if Moscow ends up capitulating to multiple Chinese demands and signing agreements that favor China more than they do Moscow.
Well that's life man. We did what we can to help them. The biggest strategic mistake the West ever did was to push Russia into our embrace.

Private group of over 10,000 Polish nationals offering Ukrainian evacuees places to stay in their own homes.
Yes, but it didn't work too well in Afghanistan. The vast majority of Ukrainians hate them and there will be an insurgency.

America conquering Afghanistan is not the same as Russia conquering Ukraine.

It is more like if Pakistan conquered Afghanistan. Many Afghans hate Pakistan, but many are okay with it. If Pakistan was rich (which it is not) and developed Afghanistan there won't be any insurgency. Especially if all foreign meddling and support was stopped.

The Ukraine situation will play out similar to how Russia subdued Chechnya. They devastated the place and then rebuilt it into a prosperous place. Now Grozny looks like an oil sheikhdom. They managed to do that even though Chechnya is Muslim.

Ukrainians are Slavic Christians and very similar to Russians. They will become a brotherly country.
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