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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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--Russia will conquer Ukraine and stabilize it.
--They will install a pro-Russia president
--The new ruler will sign a bunch of agreements with Russia
------Ukraine will never join NATO
------Russians in Ukraine will be protected
-----Some Russian majority territories may become semi-autonomous
-----Recognize Crimea as part of Russia
--After that Russian forces will withdraw, apart from some for training

Yes, but it didn't work too well in Afghanistan. The vast majority of Ukrainians hate them and there will be an insurgency.

Always be careful 2ith self claimed sources
Be it Russia, Ukraine or this guy on the phone. Avoid spamming the Forum. Statements as such 28rh coverage on the war, needs to be posted with evidence and footage. In-case, such person is lying; he shall be held responsible for all those deaths where he said Russia is defeated or retreating. Such people makes it worst.
While Europe burns, the agenda of France social media:
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