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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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War expenses make more sense when you consider how the wars are going, and what is being used. Iraq was nowhere near as difficult as Ukraine is. It would cost the US 10 times as much to invade Ukraine than it would Iraq, even if they were direct neighbors.

Once again, you're pretending to talk about facts while conveniently forgetting that Iraq and Ukraine are NOT the same.

And once again, you have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that you did NOT in fact read the content of the link provided.

Okay, now I really do have to go. This is literally my last reply, as I'm getting yelled at right now.

Afghan War and not Iraq war (even though given how many countries the USA has illegally invaded in the last decades it is really hard to keep track)

And this is also my last reply to you.

$20 billion / day as war expense for Russia means $7 Trillion / year which defies all kind of common sense.

The USA has spent in 20 years wars fought far from home with very expensive logistics and spent like $2,3 Trillion
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This one is epic :rofl:

The first girl was really convincing though. I never could believe that she was lying when I saw the video on YT. Real talent right there 8-)
I didn't know either,I only found out later. Actually EVERYBODY found out later.
List of the highest ranking targets so far that got killed by Ukraine.


Crazy how bad russian logistics are that they bring their generals to frontline.
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