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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Countries like China and Turkey know what's coming for them--if not now, then later. America, acting from a safe distance, not just claims the western hemisphere but also claims the whole globe! And Europeans are in some shell-shock mental state from the previous two World Wars, unable to take independent stand and it is Europe to bear the pain--once again. If this goes out of hand, then Europe is going to burn the 3rd time in barely a century. And China and America will benefit.
Destroying Russia, China and Europe all together is in the interest of the US. That’s how the US became an undisputed superpower after ww2 because it was the only one standing. The Russia sanctions will destroy Europe’s industries and China is also next on the list. China would have to be stupid to go along with this plan. If decoupling is inevitable, China will accelerate it.
The dude is a much younger version of Patton born 2000 years earlier. :D
It would be too simple to explain just who general Huo Qubing is. Google can do it.

I mean, explain what "弱冠" "羽林郎" "定襄" "渔阳" "汉殇"means, who "烈候" "吾皇" means, and so on.

If he can explain these details and allusions clearly, we have no reason to doubt his Chinese level.
Ah but China will eventually betray Russia...

22. Hieroschemamonk Seraphim (Vyritsky) of Moscow (+1942):

"When the East will get stronger, everything will become shaky. Numbers are on their side. But not only that: they have sober workers and industrious people, while there is such drunkenness with us. There will come a time when Russia will be torn into pieces. At first they will divide it, and then they will begin to steal its wealth. The West will do everything to help the destruction of Russia and for a time will give its eastern part to China. The Far East will fall into the hands of Japan, and Siberia - to the Chinese, who will begin to move into Russia, marry Russian women and in the end by cunning and craftiness will seize the territory of Siberia as far as the Urals. But when China will want to go further, the West will resist and will not allow it. The East will be baptised in Russia. The whole heavenly world, together with those on earth, understand this, and pray for the enlightenment of the East."

23. Elder Theodosius (Kashin) of Minvody (+1948), shortly after the outbreak of war with Germany in 1941:

"Do you really think that that was the war (1941-45)?! The war is still to come. It will begin from the east. And then from all sides, like locusts, the enemies will spread over Russia... That will be the war!"

The elder said that the collapse of Russia, in spite of her apparent strength and the cruelty of the authorities, would take place very quickly. At first the Slavic peoples will be split off, then the Union republics will fall away: the Baltic, Central Asia and Caucasian republics and Moldavia. After this central power in Russia will weaken still more, so that autonomous republics and regions will begin to separate themselves. Then a great collapse will take place: the power of the Centre will cease to be recognized de facto by the autonomous regions, which will try to live independently and will no longer pay any attention to orders from Moscow. The greatest tragedy will be the seizure of Siberia by China. This will not take place through military means: in consequence of the weakening of the authorities and the open frontiers, masses of Chinese will move into Siberia, will snap up property, enterprises and flats. By means of bribery, intimidation and agreements with the authorities, they will gradually take control of the economic life of the towns. Everything will take place in such a way that one morning the Russians living in Siberia will wake up in a Chinese state. The destiny of those who remain there will be tragic, but not hopeless.

The West will assist this creeping conquest of our land and in every way support the military and economic might of China out of hatred for Russia. But then they will see the danger for themselves, and when the Chinese try to conquer the Urals, this time by military might, and go even further, they will by all means hinder this and will even be able to help Russia in deflecting the invasion from the East. Russia must stand her ground in this battle; after sufferings and complete impoverishment she will find in herself the strength to recover.

To the question: What will happen to Ukraine and Belorussia? The elder replied that everything is in the hands of God. Those among those people who are against union with Russia even if they consider themselves to be believers will become servants of the devil. The Slavic peoples have one destiny, and the monastic Fathers of the Kiev Caves [Lavra] will yet utter their weighty word - they together with the choir of the new martyrs of Russia will by their prayers obtain a new Union of the three brother peoples.
That’s nonsense and typical orientalist scaremongering propaganda.

China will support Russia and the reason is very simple. Because if Russia falls, China is next. Why would China attack Russia when the west is constantly attacking China? Makes zero sense.

China today is not interested in land grabs. That’s a boneheaded 19th century mentality. Today’s empires are built on commerce and tech and that’s what China is completely focused on.
Thats wrong. Infact EU for first time thinks strategic. Russia is a facist dictatorship and enemy of Europe. We dont need USA to understand this. Russia wanted to forge some eurasian empire under moscow leadership and we wont allow this to happen. Thats exactly the reason why we act so harsh and strict against russia now.

If we dont act now, Poland and Baltics would be next. Even Germany would be endangered. And with all due respect but russia is such a disgusting place, i dont want live under their leadership.

And no Europe will not burn. Russia is so weak it cant even take Ukraine. Its clear they would not stand a chance against western military
You basically assume Russia or Putin is completely insane and wants to forge a new empire with some crappy military. The first tank biathlon in 2013 should have revealed to the world how crappy Russian tanks are. Chinese 2nd-grade tanks can shoot while running. Russian tanks can't.
That’s nonsense and typical orientalist scaremongering propaganda.

China will support Russia and the reason is very simple. Because if Russia falls, China is next. Why would China attack Russia when the west is constantly attacking China? Makes zero sense.

China today is not interested in land grabs. That’s a boneheaded 19th century mentality. Today’s empires are built on commerce and tech and that’s what China is completely focused on.
No sir,that is things foretold by Saints and Elders of our faith. And there's more. You may not believe it and it's ok,but I would ask you to be respectful at least.
That’s nonsense and typical orientalist scaremongering propaganda.

China will support Russia and the reason is very simple. Because if Russia falls, China is next. Why would China attack Russia when the west is constantly attacking China? Makes zero sense.

China today is not interested in land grabs. That’s a boneheaded 19th century mentality. Today’s empires are built on commerce and tech and that’s what China is completely focused on.
It is a bit like the reverse of the Korean war. Even back then, Soviet support on China had to take some covert form although their support was far more open than China possibly could this time.
It would be too simple to explain just who general Huo Qubing is. Google can do it.

I mean, explain what "弱冠" "羽林郎" "定襄" "渔阳" "汉殇"means, who "烈候" "吾皇" means, and so on.

If he can explain these details and allusions clearly, we have no reason to doubt his Chinese level.

He should explain what this event refers to, not just a direct dictionary meaning: 匈奴嫁妇失颜色,封狼居胥擒胡王。
If this news is true, the economic cost of the war will be felt much more deeply. And from another angle it also explains why Russia mainly uses oldschool free-falling bombs.
It seems to be normal to me. Before a war, you guess what would work well and what wouldn't. Once the war starts, you know better and then adjust the production for the mistakes in the early assessment.
No sir,that is things foretold by Saints and Elders of our faith. And there's more. You may not believe it and it's ok,but I would ask you to be respectful at least.
Honestly it’s nonsense dude. China can barely even keep young people in dongbei formerly Manchuria, these people are leaving in droves for the rich warm cities of the south. How are they supposed to populate frozen, depressed Siberia?
You basically assume Russia or Putin is completely insane and wants to forge a new empire with some crappy military. The first tank biathlon in 2013 should have revealed to the world how crappy Russian tanks are. Chinese 2nd-grade tanks can shoot while running. Russian tanks can't.

I dont assume. I say what putin said. From Lissabon to Vladivostok...

Dictators usually say exactly how they mean it. Hitlers plans could be read years before in his book. Same with Putin. He wanted to creat a Eurasian Empire as 3rd power next USA and China. He knows Russia is weak and without Europe he has nothing. His demands for a new security architecture show that exactly.

He made the critical mistake to underestimate the european will to counter him. Its not US sanctions that hurt him its europeans. Why had he 380 billion of his assets in Europe? He did not expect Europe to act.
Why not replenish with Chinese supplied weapons?

Is this even possible?
No. Dumb weapons and dual-use commercial products maybe. Anything sophisticated would be too risky. The single most useful product China can supply is probably an army of commercial DJ drones for recon purpose.
It is a bit like the reverse of the Korean war. Even back then, Soviet support on China had to take some covert form although their support was far more open than China possibly could this time.
Not exactly. The USSR was completely committed to North Korea’s survival while China would prefer Ukraine to not have been invaded at all.
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