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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Huh - the Russians would need to go via Moldova / Romania / Serbia to get there first!!!!
a 1,400 km march through Ukraine and NATO territory. Although they could unleash a terrorist campaign using undercover agents and local Serbian helpers. It just means we or the CIA would identify them and shoot them on sight.

I would turn against my own relatives if they did something like this.
Marco Economic 101. How do I define a note worth no more than 10 cents to have $100 dollars? You can't just say "This note is worth $100" and people are going to believe it is when it only worth 10 cents. You need a way to "Guarantee" that value. You do that by have 76 GBP in your bank, and when you trade that 76 GBP with an UK Bank, you get the value of $100 back, and the UK (or Australia, or China, or Japan or any other country on earth) did the same to keep their own currency valued.
then how dollar value is measured , I'm just curious, because every one knew since more than 50 years ago US reserves is a lot less than the amount of money they are printing
I'm 90% sure that Zelensky is hiding in Poland. Some news reports said that he's in the US embassy there.

It's a joke to imagine that leaders of other countries have been travelling to Kiev, which is surrounded by Russian forces, to see Zelensky. Who are they kidding?

Ukraine war: European leaders risk train ride to meet Zelensky

The prime ministers of Poland, Slovenia and the Czech Republic met Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky on Tuesday evening as a curfew began in Kyiv.

you must be kidding me
thats prime monty python level
The heaviest fighting is happening now in the South Eastern direction, where Russians have direct supply lines. Russians spread their forces through small towns, but they still have a local numerical advantage, and firepower due to supplies from Russia.

This is where Russia also has the most heavy presence of trained regular forces.

There are some indications now of Russians pulling forces from other directions to southeast, because they probably want this to be what they will walk away after this war.

To move forward, Ukraine will definitely need much more heavier firepower to break open more solidly defended, and entrenched Russian formations in South East.
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2.) Again, back to gold. As I said, there are 2 issue.
a.) You either have a super inflated exchange rate or super slow economic growth to offset the demand of gold backing currency.
b.) anyone with similar amount of gold can come in and influx your economy, Again, I can buy 1 ton of gold for 61 millions dollars, but if Russia uses gold as backing currency, my personal wealth will expanded 10 fold because I can use it in Russia for 608 millions dollars, and it is ABSOLUTELY possible to own 1 ton of gold.
a small problem with your master plan to made your wealth 10 time in one night .
In Russia they give you ruble for your gold not dollar

So, where did the Chinese extra CNY come from? It does not come out of a bank out of thin air

You either print it or you pull it from overseas. Either way, doing so will damage your currency value.
what extra cny ? Its part of china foreign trade . china previously paid Russia dollar for oil , now they pay yuan
The heaviest fighting is happening now in the South Eastern direction, where Russians have direct supply lines. Russians spread their forces through small towns, but they still have a local numerical advantage, and firepower due to supplies from Russia.

This is where Russia also has the most heavy presence of trained regular forces.

There are some indications now of Russians pulling forces from other directions to southeast, because they probably want this to be what they will walk away after this war.

At current rates, Russian losses will exceed 3,000 by mid to late April. I don’t see how they can sustain this.
The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, General Valery Zaluzhny:
We protect the entire civilized world.. It is a struggle for freedom and justice, peace and the future, innocent people and our statehood..

Ukrainians officials have been throwing the term "civilised world" left right and centre. Saw an official on BBC spamming it couple of minutes ago. Could have used democratic, but then again in this country russians aren't pure slavics is becoming mainstream notion.
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