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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Could it be that the Russians are holding back VKS resources in the expectation of possible clash with NATO as this situation develops? Just wondering :undecided: :pop:
If so, it turned out to be a failed gamble.

A Soviet pilot who had flown in Egypt during the 1970 War of Attrition suggested that the nonappearance of the Iraqi air force in combat was the result of a conscious husbanding strategy, and not a reflection of effective allied suppression or any fear of Iraqi fighter pilots to fly.​

So is it possible that Russia was 'husbanding' VKS resources just in case NATO airpower entered the equation?

The problem with holding back your airpower in anticipating another airpower is that your ground forces ended up with two parallel focus: enemy ground and enemy air. US doctrine in Desert Storm proved the error of that tactic. We decided that US ground forces will not face another airpower and the last time that happened was the Korean War. Had the VKS achieved air superiority in 2 or maybe 3 days, that would have been the time for NATO to gather its air assets, so by the time NATO was able to enter Ukrainian airspace, it would have been VKS vs NATO in the air, not VKS vs NATO-Ukraine in the air.

Russian Army vs Ukrainian Air Force + Army
Russian Air Force vs NATO + Ukraine


Russian Army vs Ukrainian Army
Russian Air Force vs NATO

If NATO was truly intended to enter Ukraine, there would have been signs of that long before the war, as in there would have been buildup all around Ukraine's borders. Instead, we saw only one, that of Russia's. So if the VKS was husbanding its forces, it must have been based on some intelligence analyses and given to Poutine, then Poutine approved the plan, but NATO never showed and the Russian Army ended up with a disaster. Whoever gave Poutine that analysis is probably executed by now. So now we are forced to return to Desert Storm where if you know you have numerical superiority, take the advantage early and fast.
Habibi when did I run away? You guys keep talking about evil Russia invading a free and sovereign nation and caling Putin an evil dictator. However,when USA and its allies invading countries far away or had regime changes,you say it was different.

What I've been telling you is that the U.S. and Britain as well as some countries of Western Europe,are the last ones to point the finger and talk about "war crimes" and invasions. And still you go on about Mersheimer. I'm not the one who mentioned him and keep talking about him. Others warned about this foreign policy as well.

Get over with it. Russia is not the USSR anymore. You remind me of those hillbillies who're sitting on an armschair watching TV with a beer in hand going like "I ain't gonna let these commies come take mah freedom! We should go get them russkies first!"

Whataboutism at its best. If someone murders your family, do you want police say: get over it, ted bundy murdered too...

Whataboutism is a typical kremlin tactic.

Russia invaded Ukraine. Murders women and children and destroys so much. It does so for imperialistic goals.

Its not about pointing fingers, its about enabeling Ukraine to liquidate as much russian soldiers as possible, to destroy as muxh russian equipment as possible, to destroy russian economy and wipe any russian presence out of Europe, isolate them like North Korea.

I like the way its going and i like how desperate the kremlin gets. I think we should give Kaliningrad some freedom, now that Russia is exposed so weak.
They started to leave Poland alone in just 1 month. Poland could be screwed up. If Russia creates the regime it wants in Ukraine, at least 4-5 million Ukrainians will migrate to Poland permanently.

Currently, the number of refugees left Ukraine around 4 million.
Canada has announced it will take unlimited number of Ukrainian refugees.

Hopefully usa will do same.
Germany does too
Canada is English speaking country so easy to get job here compare to Germany.

2 million Canadians are Ukrainian origin. They will have way more support here then going to Germany in my opinion. But any help is good.
Brutal way to die. The Russian soldiers who actually want to live should surrender to Ukrainian forces now, before thousands more anti armor missiles, and Switchblades enter combat.

No, Russia should step up its attacks on supplies coming into Ukraine. In fact, now is the time to bomb all Ukraine's power and telecommunication towers. This will ensure the war ends sooner. Only the Americans want the war continue and more people killed. Pathetic American regime. Biden and his people are war criminal. F the 'for democracy' lies. The real causes of this war is of course benefitting the military-industrial complex and the general capitalists that control the US government.
Habibi when did I run away?
Of course you and others ran away.

Situation 1:
The US is a great power and is the leader of the democracy bloc.​
Cuba is a neighbor and is a member of the communist bloc, not of the Warsaw Pact in particular, but of the communist bloc in general.​
Cuba hosts nuclear weapons from the Soviet Union, the leader of the communist bloc.​
The US responded with a blockade of Cuba.​
The US negotiated with the Soviet Union for a successful settlement.​
The Soviet Union withdraw the nuclear weapons.​
The US ended the blockade.​

Situation 2:
Russia was once a Soviet state, leader of the Soviet Union, and leader of the communist bloc.​
Russia today is a great power and is no member or leader of any bloc.​
Ukraine was once a Soviet state, not an allied country but a member of the Soviet Union who had full jurisdiction over Ukraine.​
Ukraine today is an independent country next to Russia and is no member of any bloc.​
Ukraine expressed an interest in being a member of the democratic bloc and specifically NATO but no actual admittance occurred.​
Russia responded by invading Ukraine.​

Answer the question...Which level should we allow great powers to respond? In each, there is a PERCEIVED national security threat and PERCEPTION is what all of you demanded as legitimate justification for invasion of Ukraine. All of you adopted Mearsheimer's thesis of great power geopolitics, so I gave you two real world examples that matched his theory: perception and response. The difference is the response from each great power. You do not like the difference, so you ran. Again, I entered your playhouse, opened up your rules, and you guys ran.

Get over with it. Russia is not the USSR anymore.
Maybe you are correct here. The Soviets would have ran over Ukraine in one week.

You remind me of those hillbillies who're sitting on an armschair watching TV with a beer in hand going like "I ain't gonna let these commies come take mah freedom! We should go get them russkies first!"
Am USAF veteran, F-111 Cold War then F-16 Desert Storm. But I do enjoy beers. :cheers:
Every country in the world accepts people who do not impose an additional burden on the social security system, have no integration problems and can join the workforce immediately.

As the war gets heavier, people with mentally destroyed lives, the disabled and the elderly, people with criminal records will start to dominate refugee flows. The problem will start after that point. Other countries may be selective, but for Poland the problem will be much more complex.

Can anyone estimate how many billions of dollars additional burden is brought by 1 million people living on social benefits (education, health, shelter, basic food, etc.)?
How about the reasons given for the invasion of Iraq in 2003?

That was a case study in building a case for a war with falsehood.

Countries will do what they will do.

Mearsheimer calls it like it is.

And he systematically laid out the reasons for THIS conflict from as far back as 2015.

And what did he prescribe as the solution to avert a war?

Ukraine as a neutral buffer. (i.e. NO NATO and a limited military)

Which is what is gonna happen anyways now.

Many people like Mearsheimer have a clear head and warned back 5-10 years ago. Yet the sad truth is American weapon makers are in control.

Ukraine war: UK deploying Sky Sabre ground based air defence system and 100 troops to Poland​

(range is a bit limited but seems impressive for the range it offers )
No, Russia should step up its attacks on supplies coming into Ukraine. In fact, now is the time to bomb all Ukraine's power and telecommunication towers. This will ensure the war ends sooner. Only the Americans want the war continue and more people killed. Pathetic American regime. Biden and his people are war criminal. F the 'for democracy' lies. The real causes of this war is of course benefitting the military-industrial complex and the general capitalists that control the US government.

No, this war will continue till russian troops collapse

We Europeans will not allow the russian regime to spread its facism over Europe.

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No, Russia should step up its attacks on supplies coming into Ukraine. In fact, now is the time to bomb all Ukraine's power and telecommunication towers. This will ensure the war ends sooner. Only the Americans want the war continue and more people killed. Pathetic American regime. Biden and his people are war criminal. F the 'for democracy' lies. The real causes of this war is of course benefitting the military-industrial complex and the general capitalists that control the US government.
This is a stupid argument. Who is preventing Russia from doing what you asked? For any weapons supply line that entered Ukraine, Russia is free under the Geneva Convention rules of war to attack that line. So what is preventing Russia from doing so? You cannot blame your incompetence on someone else.

By the way, am not saying 'you' personally but generically.
The Chinese are now throwing the Russians under the bus :lol:
Oh no not at all they want the whole invasion thing gone but they want to use Russia for their natural resources

They prefer a Russia that is not on friendly terms with west and more reliant on them :D
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