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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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I honestly don't think so.

A replacement for Dollar denominated system would mean whatever currency that is going to replace the USD would have to have MORE circulation than USD, and that is before US call in EU for help, then you are not looking at 61% reserve, but closer to 90% world reserve. Can a single currency do that without bankrupting their own economy?

Look at it this way, RMB is currently at 1.2% world reserve basket, they will need to expand at least 60 times to overrun USD (which is at 61.2%) that expanding may have been possible in the next 100 years if RMB have a complete currency reform (nobody are going to willing to trade a currency that is controlled by the government) I do not see China can do that without seriously deflate their own currency.

Either that or a third world war happened and nobody but China survive. Which is how US get to dominate world currency back after WW2.
OK u are entitled to your opinion. But all great journeys begin with the 1st step. They foundations are laid and the journey started
The Overall effect of the war should boost rearmament across the west. Short term this will strengthen US power through NATO. Long-term; european rearmament would cause the west to become more polycentric as european nations should gradually discover their own interest independent from the US. A world with Strong regional Powers with a Strong US and a Strong China with the regional powers serving as mediators between the two would actually be more stable than the current Unipolar to Bipolar transition that is going on at present.

Thats not what Putin wanted. Putin wanted Europe as Worldpower with USA and China. Tripolar World. This Eurasian Empire in Putins mind would of course be ruled by Russia.

What he did not understand is...that nobody in Europe wants that

I saw the film of the US secretary of state at the time (Baker?) , using those words. The Russians have always felt that they have been betrayed. There's endless academics saying the same thing.

There is no contract. Nothing.
I saw the film of the US secretary of state at the time (Baker?) , using those words. The Russians have always felt that they have been betrayed. There's endless academics saying the same thing.
Well, as Gorbachev himself explained, the word quoted from Baker was out of context, he (Gorbachev) said what Baker said is to the extend there will not be NATO troop moving east (to East Germany) as long as Soviet Union Troop is there, only Interior Police are allowed to move East to secure those position held by Soviet Union.

As I said, I am not there, and you probably were not there, and lacking of official agreement, there are no way to know what has been said and in what context those thing has been said. And Gorbachev was there, and this is how he interpreted it.

So Believe it or not is up to you.
Well, as Gorbachev himself explained, the word quoted from Baker was out of context, he (Gorbachev) said what Baker said is to the extend there will not be NATO troop moving east (to East Germany) as long as Soviet Union Troop is there, only Interior Police are allowed to move East to secure those position held by Soviet Union.

As I said, I am not there, and you probably were not there, and lacking of official agreement, there are no way to know what has been said and in what context those thing has been said. And Gorbachev was there, and this is how he interpreted it.

So Believe it or not is up to you.
Well the Russian leadership, and a whole bunch of academics believe different. We'll leave it at that.
This thread is going boring. Always the same propaganda shit repeating every second/third page of this thread although it is already proofed as meaningless propaganda some pages before. Its so...so....uuahh, cant stand.
That promise is a faith. The government is asking you to have a faith in it. It will break it from time to time but you need to have a faith in it. That is why it is nothing concrete, certainly not a guarantee. Like Nixon said, "The dollar is our currency but it is your problem."

How is it "faith" when it was dictated by Supply AND Demand. If it is one and not the other, then maybe, but as a first year economic student will tell you, you don't get to be in charge of both.

Which mean there are no "Faith" in it, and that is why I said I am better off not knowing your "Money Jargon"
I saw the film of the US secretary of state at the time (Baker?) , using those words. The Russians have always felt that they have been betrayed. There's endless academics saying the same thing.
Russia and Soviet Union are two different things! If they feel betrayed, why did they signed the Belovezh Accords??
How is it "faith" when it was dictated by Supply AND Demand. If it is one and not the other, then maybe, but as a first year economic student will tell you, you don't get to be in charge of both.

Which mean there are no "Faith" in it, and that is why I said I am better off not knowing your "Money Jargon"
It is a faith you give to the one who controls the supply.
Well the Russian leadership, and a whole bunch of academics believe different. We'll leave it at that.

Again, all those people were not present when Baker speak to Gorbachev. And I am pretty sure Gorbachev was there.

So, if you have to weight who's word was most believable. I will have to say I will take Gorbachev's anyday.

But yeah, we should leave it at that.

It is a faith you give to the one who controls the supply.
Which part of "AND" you don't understand??

The one controlling the supply cannot do jack shit on it because you NEEDED BOTH to be able to make a decision on it.
Will Turkey let these ships in? Technically - the home port for these ships is not in the black sea ?!

This could be fake news. Russia has trans-Siberian railways that can transport these trucks (and in far more larger number) to border with Ukraine within a week, by ship the journey would take a month.
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