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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Please do not issue threats like if I want to join other members in censorship. I do not heed to threats.

I have already created a complaint in General Headquarters regarding this issue and all I did in my previous post was encourage other members who are facing similar issue to do the same and complaint as per forum rules nothing more nothing less.
What threats I issued to you? I even gave you the option to discuss your issue separately with me in good faith but you are interested in creating a scene instead. Shame.

Commenting on Management decisions

Any protest or questions on management decisions should be done at the GHQ section or via communication to contact@defence.pk email if the member is already banned.

Azov funding Banned:
View attachment 824065

(src) (src)

Under pressure from Pentagon:
Ban removed:

View attachment 824066
(src) (src)

Ukrainians allege that Russia has the new-Nazis too, and Putin admitted they do in a TV statement.
But Putin said neo-Nazi-fascists in Rus have not made it into the power circles, as opposed to Ukraine where they are in power circles.

There are numerous samples if you dig through some of following tweet-threads.

I'll post a few (text in
black is translation of tweets or excerpts from articles):

Ukrainian police officer Artem Bonov instructing dozens of young Nazis from the Azov Battalion in a course to join the Ukrainian police, in the very building of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior of Ukraine in Kiev.

Danil Lyashuk of the Tornado Battalion, a Nazi battalion dissolved after being discovered with videos on their cell phones raping babies in front of their mothers in Donbass.

Danil went from the Tornado Battalion to the police... and ended up going from a Nazi to a Daesh jihadist in Syria.

Zelensky, the "Jewish" (Zionist) president awarding the title of National Hero of Ukraine with the Order of the Golden Star to Dmytro Kotsyubail, leader of the Nazi Pravy Sektor militia.

Nazi assassins being awarded as heroes, that is the "justice" of the Kiev regime.

A Ukrainian state politician, Bohdan Yatsikovskiy, "sings" an antisemitic song in public in 2020:

«The Jew is crying and says: "Please don't hit me", in the garden, in the quiet corner, a gallows is waiting for him (the Jew)»

Donbas children will be holed up in basements by Ukrainian Nazi govt:

Australian who killed 51 in New Zealand mosques, himself wrote in his manifesto that he travelled to Ukraine (although investigators claim they could not find any evidence of his travel to Ukraine), and had has his following in Ukraine after his killings:

Ukraine's secret service says it has arrested a network of neo-Nazi admirers of the Christchurch terrorist Brenton Tarrant, who were publishing the gunman's so-called manifesto in a bid to stoke white nationalist terrorism.

The Security Service of Ukraine, or SBU, said it had carried out two simultaneous raids on premises Wednesday in Kyiv and Kharkiv, Ukraine's second-largest city, where the group was printing illegal extremist literature. Guns, explosive devices, ammunition and Nazi paraphernalia were also seized during the raids.

The texts were then distributed at underground meetings and "theme parties", as well as on Telegram groups with thousands of members.

Ukraine is a go-to for White Racially Motivated (WRM) from all over the world, it seems:
(source = "Texas Domestic Terrorism Threat Assessment" = https://www.dps.texas.gov/sites/default/files/documents/director_staff/media_and_communications/2020/txterrorthreatassessment.pdf)



Allegations of Canadian troops training neo-Nazis and war criminals sparks military review​

(Excerpts from the source = https://ottawacitizen.com/news/nati...azis-and-war-criminals-sparks-military-review)
The review follows concerns raised by Jewish groups of the alleged involvement of Canadian troops in training neo-Nazis in Ukraine as well as warnings by soldiers last year that some Iraqis who have received instruction from Canada were involved in torture and rape.

The review comes as a Jewish group in Ukraine is highlighting a new video of Ukrainian paratroopers singing a song to honour Stepan Bandera. Bandera was a anti-Semite and Nazi collaborator whose organization is linked to the murder of more than 100,000 Jews and Poles during the Second World War. He is revered in Ukrainian nationalist and far-right circles.

The Canadian military was warned in 2015 before starting its Ukraine training mission about the dangers of the far-right within the Ukrainian military ranks, but the senior leadership largely ignored those concerns.

On Monday, this newspaper revealed that in 2018 Canadian officials met with members of the Azov Battalion, a Ukrainian unit linked to neo-Nazis. The officers and diplomats didn’t denounce the unit but were instead concerned the media would expose details of the get-together. The Canadians allowed themselves to be photographed with battalion members, which the Azov Battalion then used for its propaganda purposes.

In September a report from an institute at George Washington University in the United States revealed that Ukrainian soldiers with links to neo-Nazi movements, such as Azov, boasted they received training from Canada and other NATO countries.

In the past, senior defence and Canadian Forces leaders have been reluctant to condemn the glorification of Nazi collaborators in both Latvia and Ukraine, two countries where Canadian troops are conducting training.

In September 2019 Latvian Minister of Defence Artis Pabriks publicly praised members of the Latvian SS who fought for the Nazis, pointing out they are “the pride of the Latvian people and of the state” and Latvia would not “allow anyone to discredit their memory.”

Then-defence minister Harjit Sajjan, a close friend of Pabriks, refused to condemn the glorification of the SS unit and Canadian generals remained silent. The Latvian SS included those who had been involved in the murder of Jews during the Holocaust.

Jewish groups, however, condemned Pabriks comments. “Given the fact that the (Latvian SS) fought for a victory of the Third Reich, the most genocidal regime in history, and that among those serving in it were active participants in the mass murder of Latvian Jewry, as well as of German and Austrian Jews deported by the Nazis to Riga

From horse's mouth; Zelensky during his stand up comedy:
"As for me I am learning English to forget Russian, with the help of American mercenaries; they're all over the place. Today, our president, the most important one, Barack Obama, has promised that we will join NATO soon, as an American henchman [criminal subordinate], of course. If you can, please send me Hitler's book 'Mein Kampf'. They are sold out here. Sometimes I do morning exercise on the balcony, I do like this from the heart to the sun... [makes Hitler's hand gesture]"


Answer to the rhetoric that how can Ukrainians be neo-Nazi when their president is Jewish?

Ukrainian TV broadcasting (a journalist's?) call for killing of Russian children (src1) (src2) (src3).

An arm of Government of Ukraine claiming genetic superiority (src tweet from official acc) (src2) - preserved screengrab in case they delete it:

EDIT: as feared, they deleted this tweet thread :lol:
But archived here.
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As per CNN security correspondent and White House Presser - Among the assistance that Russia has asked of China includes the supply of MRE's:

Now you could look at this two ways:
1. Russia doesn't have food for its army
2. Russia is in it for the long haul and is hoarding.

Take your pick!

It's all WW2 again! :D
Without Soviet blood = no win for West.
Without western support (including fronts and bombing German industry) = no win for Soviets.
If the past is any guide, Germany wrote off the Soviet Union the very same way and started Operation Barbaros. Soviets faced annihilation and then geared their economy for war. What happens after a long time was a complete reversal with Soviets in Germany and emerging as a super power. This did not come cheap and Soviets lost almost 15% of their population yet still managed to persevere. Prior to WW2, Soviet economy and military was not strong enough to even present itself as a great power. What this tell us that, in peace the Russians progress slowly. In war, they can truly outshine and use war as a basis to become a true power.

Waging economic and financial war on Russia is going to make a lot of people think....very hard. You are going to see the displacement of the US dollar as the reserve currency in due time. That in itself will be severe blow to the US and once of its own making. China is going to rapidly work on alternate schemes and intoduces new laws making it very difficult for many westerna companies to sanction China.

I dare the US sanction China over it potentially supplying Russia war material. Then everything will truly go to shits with the West feeling it the most.

So, all this propaganda is just useless when there is very little foresight of the future and poor understanding of history. It simply going to delude some people who are only going to get killed as cannon fodder which we recently experienced.

Germany had very weak allies.
Very bad strategies and lead by a maniac who had sometimes luck and this luck left him, like a gambler loses his luck one night when he wants too much.
Soviet Russia would have cease to exist when no help from the outside.
I don't even talk about the masses of tanks, planes etc. but about normal stuff which you need for your OWN production of war resources and especially support your own stuff.
So Germany was 99% beaten by Soviet blood in support with Western Allies help.
In the end I think Russia will win the conventionally part of that war but not a conflict against the insurgents except they will do it like in Chechnya or Syria but THEN even China and India will not support them anymore.
So, they will go on the table and let a western Ukraine as NEUTRAL buffer state.
Ukrainians allege that Russia has the new-Nazis too, and Putin admitted they do in a TV statement.
But Putin said neo-Nazi-fascists in Rus have not made it into the power circles, as opposed to Ukraine where they are in power circles.

There are numerous samples if you dig through some of following tweet-threads.

I'll post a few (text in black is translation of tweets or excerpts from articles)

Ukrainian police officer Artem Bonov instructing dozens of young Nazis from the Azov Battalion in a course to join the Ukrainian police, in the very building of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior of Ukraine in Kiev.

Danil Lyashuk of the Tornado Battalion, a Nazi battalion dissolved after being discovered with videos on their cell phones raping babies in front of their mothers in Donbass.

Danil went from the Tornado Battalion to the police... and ended up going from a Nazi to a Daesh jihadist in Syria.

Zelensky, the "Jewish" (Zionist) president awarding the title of National Hero of Ukraine with the Order of the Golden Star to Dmytro Kotsyubail, leader of the Nazi Pravy Sektor militia.

Nazi assassins being awarded as heroes, that is the "justice" of the Kiev regime.

A Ukrainian state politician, Bohdan Yatsikovskiy, "sings" an antisemitic song in public in 2020:

«The Jew is crying and says: "Please don't hit me", in the garden, in the quiet corner, a gallows is waiting for him (the Jew)»

Australian who killed 51 in New Zealand mosques, himself wrote in his manifesto that he travelled to Ukraine (although investigators claim they could not find any evidence of his travel to Ukraine), and had has his following in Ukraine after his killings:

Ukraine's secret service says it has arrested a network of neo-Nazi admirers of the Christchurch terrorist Brenton Tarrant, who were publishing the gunman's so-called manifesto in a bid to stoke white nationalist terrorism.

The Security Service of Ukraine, or SBU, said it had carried out two simultaneous raids on premises Wednesday in Kyiv and Kharkiv, Ukraine's second-largest city, where the group was printing illegal extremist literature. Guns, explosive devices, ammunition and Nazi paraphernalia were also seized during the raids.

The texts were then distributed at underground meetings and "theme parties", as well as on Telegram groups with thousands of members.

Ukraine is a go-to for White Racially Motivated (WRM) from all over the world, it seems:
(source = https://www.dps.texas.gov/sites/def...munications/2020/txterrorthreatassessment.pdf)

View attachment 824324
That post was shocking. People need to see this.
Ukrainians allege that Russia has the new-Nazis too, and Putin admitted they do in a TV statement.
But Putin said neo-Nazi-fascists in Rus have not made it into the power circles, as opposed to Ukraine where they are in power circles.

There are numerous samples if you dig through some of following tweet-threads.

I'll post a few (text in black is translation of tweets or excerpts from articles)

Ukrainian police officer Artem Bonov instructing dozens of young Nazis from the Azov Battalion in a course to join the Ukrainian police, in the very building of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior of Ukraine in Kiev.

Danil Lyashuk of the Tornado Battalion, a Nazi battalion dissolved after being discovered with videos on their cell phones raping babies in front of their mothers in Donbass.

Danil went from the Tornado Battalion to the police... and ended up going from a Nazi to a Daesh jihadist in Syria.

Zelensky, the "Jewish" (Zionist) president awarding the title of National Hero of Ukraine with the Order of the Golden Star to Dmytro Kotsyubail, leader of the Nazi Pravy Sektor militia.

Nazi assassins being awarded as heroes, that is the "justice" of the Kiev regime.

A Ukrainian state politician, Bohdan Yatsikovskiy, "sings" an antisemitic song in public in 2020:

«The Jew is crying and says: "Please don't hit me", in the garden, in the quiet corner, a gallows is waiting for him (the Jew)»

Australian who killed 51 in New Zealand mosques, himself wrote in his manifesto that he travelled to Ukraine (although investigators claim they could not find any evidence of his travel to Ukraine), and had has his following in Ukraine after his killings:

Ukraine's secret service says it has arrested a network of neo-Nazi admirers of the Christchurch terrorist Brenton Tarrant, who were publishing the gunman's so-called manifesto in a bid to stoke white nationalist terrorism.

The Security Service of Ukraine, or SBU, said it had carried out two simultaneous raids on premises Wednesday in Kyiv and Kharkiv, Ukraine's second-largest city, where the group was printing illegal extremist literature. Guns, explosive devices, ammunition and Nazi paraphernalia were also seized during the raids.

The texts were then distributed at underground meetings and "theme parties", as well as on Telegram groups with thousands of members.

Ukraine is a go-to for White Racially Motivated (WRM) from all over the world, it seems:
(source = https://www.dps.texas.gov/sites/def...munications/2020/txterrorthreatassessment.pdf)

View attachment 824335

Great post, keep content like this coming. We all know that Ukraine has been a breeding ground for far right extremist groups for a while now, sadly people have a bad habit of looking the other way to quote Franklin referring to Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somoza "He [Somoza] may be a son of a bi**h, but he's our son of a bi**h."
So Germany was 99% beaten by Soviet blood in support with Western Allies help.
In the end I think Russia will win the conventionally part of that war but not a conflict against the insurgents except they will do it like in Chechnya or Syria but THEN even China and India will not support them anymore.
So, they will go on the table and let a western Ukraine as NEUTRAL buffer state.

The Soviets would have eventually prevailed over the Nazis despite the Nazis getting fighting forces and (often willing) resources from all the land they had occupied in Europe. American helped just hastened the fall of Berlin. BTW, sympathy for the Nazi ideology, anti-Semitism and eugenics was rampant in Europe leading up to WW 2. Germany gets singled out for those trends because the truth would be too inconvenient.
Coming back to the topic: The highlighted part: Yes, that's the humble pie Putin AND Zellensky is likely to eat. And hurry up guys!
He should put a Napoléon style hat on to complete the shoot.

Macron is strategizing on how to effectively and quickly surrender. This is Macron getting on the phone and calling Putin up:
Macron: " Hello, Mr. President, we we the French surrender!!"
Putin: "But Russia is not at war with France, what are you surrendering for?"
Macron: "Well... We want to ensure that you know that we have surrendered and you go not need to invade France!"
Putin: "like I said, we have no plans to attack France, you are not a bordering state that is joining NATO and compromising or nation interests! You can relax... Take a deep breath."
Macron: "So you are telling me that you are not coming here?"
Putin: "No we are not. Besides you are a NATO allied country, if Russia comes to France, the rest of the NATO nation will come to France!"
Macron: "NATO here? Can we then surrender to NATO?"
Putin slams phone: "Idiot!!"
That post was shocking. People need to see this.
It's an open secret - one which the world chooses to ignore - countless academic and journalists papers have been written on the subject, I wrote a detailed post about this threat on page 604:

Say hello to the PetroYuan:

Saudi Arabia Considers Accepting Yuan Instead of Dollars for Chinese Oil Sales (WSJ).
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