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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Briefing by Russian Defence Ministry (From their English Telegram Channel)

▪️ Units of the Russian Armed Forces, continuing the offensive, captured Stepnoye.

▪️ The grouping of troops of the Lugansk People's Republic is continuing the offensive in the north-eastern districts of Severodonetsk city.

▪️ On the morning of March 14, high-precision long-range weapons attacked Ukraine's military infrastructure.

💥 As a result of the strike, communication, retransmission and switching hubs were disabled in Fedorovka, Vinarovka, Antopol. In addition, a large ammunition depot for multiple launch rocket systems was destroyed on the territory of Antonov plant near Kiev, from the sites of which Russian troops were fired at.

💥 On the afternoon of March 14, the air defence of the Russian Aerospace Forces shot down, 2 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles, including 1 Bayraktar TB-2.

✈️💥 Operational-tactical, army and unmanned aviation hit 86 military infrastructure assets of Ukraine, including: 4 command posts and communication centres, 3 anti-aircraft missile systems, 1 radar station, 1 electronic warfare station, 3 ammunition and fuel depots and 68 areas of military equipment concentration.

💥 In total, 145 unmanned aerial vehicles, 1,298 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 124 multiple launch rocket systems, 469 field artillery and mortars, as well as 1,047 units of special military vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were destroyed during the operation.

▪️ The Kiev regime continues to use terror tactics, using the most destructive types of weapons against civilians and civilian infrastructure.

Earlier, we brought information about the consequences of today's strike of the Ukrainian tactical missile Tochka-U with cluster munitions on a densely populated block of Donetsk.

In response to these actions, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will take prompt measures to disable the enterprises of the military-industrial complex of Ukraine engaged in the production, repair and restoration of weapons that nationalists use to commit war crimes.

We urge Ukrainian citizens working at these enterprises, as well as residents of nearby residential buildings, to leave potentially dangerous areas.

▪️ A number of Western countries at the state level encourage the participation of their citizens as mercenaries of Ukraine in hostilities against units of the Russian troops. All responsibility for the death of this category of foreign citizens in Ukraine lies on just the leadership of these countries.

We know all the locations of foreign mercenaries in Ukraine. They will continue to be targeted, similar to the destruction of training centres at Yavorovsky training ground in Starichi on March 13.

I want to warn you again – there will be no mercy for mercenaries, no matter where they are on the territory of Ukraine.

#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #Briefing
Belgians are busy tonight:
Briefing by Russian Defence Ministry (From their English Telegram Channel)

▪️ Units of the Russian Armed Forces, continuing the offensive, captured Stepnoye.

▪️ The grouping of troops of the Lugansk People's Republic is continuing the offensive in the north-eastern districts of Severodonetsk city.

▪️ On the morning of March 14, high-precision long-range weapons attacked Ukraine's military infrastructure.

💥 As a result of the strike, communication, retransmission and switching hubs were disabled in Fedorovka, Vinarovka, Antopol. In addition, a large ammunition depot for multiple launch rocket systems was destroyed on the territory of Antonov plant near Kiev, from the sites of which Russian troops were fired at.

💥 On the afternoon of March 14, the air defence of the Russian Aerospace Forces shot down, 2 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles, including 1 Bayraktar TB-2.

✈️💥 Operational-tactical, army and unmanned aviation hit 86 military infrastructure assets of Ukraine, including: 4 command posts and communication centres, 3 anti-aircraft missile systems, 1 radar station, 1 electronic warfare station, 3 ammunition and fuel depots and 68 areas of military equipment concentration.

💥 In total, 145 unmanned aerial vehicles, 1,298 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 124 multiple launch rocket systems, 469 field artillery and mortars, as well as 1,047 units of special military vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were destroyed during the operation.

▪️ The Kiev regime continues to use terror tactics, using the most destructive types of weapons against civilians and civilian infrastructure.

Earlier, we brought information about the consequences of today's strike of the Ukrainian tactical missile Tochka-U with cluster munitions on a densely populated block of Donetsk.

In response to these actions, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will take prompt measures to disable the enterprises of the military-industrial complex of Ukraine engaged in the production, repair and restoration of weapons that nationalists use to commit war crimes.

We urge Ukrainian citizens working at these enterprises, as well as residents of nearby residential buildings, to leave potentially dangerous areas.

▪️ A number of Western countries at the state level encourage the participation of their citizens as mercenaries of Ukraine in hostilities against units of the Russian troops. All responsibility for the death of this category of foreign citizens in Ukraine lies on just the leadership of these countries.

We know all the locations of foreign mercenaries in Ukraine. They will continue to be targeted, similar to the destruction of training centres at Yavorovsky training ground in Starichi on March 13.

I want to warn you again – there will be no mercy for mercenaries, no matter where they are on the territory of Ukraine.

#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #Briefing

No mercy for mercenaries? Who will russia send? Their starved child soldiers?
Taxpayers could care less. They may feel pumped when they think US is a world leader but it really has little to do with their own private lives. They care more about getting ends meet, getting their children through schools, getting enough nest eggs for comfortable retirement. Few of them even know where Ukraine is on the map.
They do care. before they can get their kids to school and have. nest egg you need to be able to stop russia, or anyone else bombing that school. you can only do that with a good military.

How is that really a gift? It will boost US military industrial complex, which produces nothing that regular folks can enjoy, while siphoning off capital from those that actually do. It only boost its power to destroy when it is already the most powerful country in the world.
citizens make money, by woking in Lockheed Martin factories, lawyers make money drafting contract to sell the stuff, ordinary citizens have the opportunity to buy shares in defence industries that make amazing profits. Sure beats collective farming china style.
I think tge next logical step is a complete oil and gas embargo against russia. Its not in our interest to have even one small connection to this regime. Right now Russia already is crushed out of europe on all fronts. This would be the last piece to build this wall
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I’m reading, Russia has stepped in the last minute to try to block Irans nuclear deal, fearing that an agreement, and lifting oil sanctions on Iran Tehran will unleash 2m barrels oil day on global market. So now I’m very interested to see of Iranian strong lobby on here if it’s reactions and support for Mr putin remains positive. And if Moscow is successful in its strategy it will be history all over again repeating itself just like india vote had brought in the previous brunch painfull sanctions on Iran lol, and Moscow and Delhi are Irans best friends..,,,, hehehe
I’m reading, Russia has stepped in the last minute to try to block Irans nuclear deal, fearing that an agreement, and lifting oil sanctions on Iran Tehran will unleash 2m barrels oil day on global market. So now I’m very interested to see of Iranian strong lobby on here if it’s reactions and support for Mr putin remains positive. And if Moscow is successful in its strategy it will be history all over again repeating itself just like india vote had brought in the previous brunch painfull sanctions on Iran lol, and Moscow and Delhi are Irans best friends..,,,, hehehe

Its not like tge west needs russia to make a deal with iran. If the EU lifts sanctions on Iran it doesmt need Russia to,do so.
I think tge next logical step is a complete oil and gas embargo against russia. Its not in our interest to have even one small connection to this regime. Right now Russia already is crushed out of europe on all fronts. This would be the last piece to build this wall
That leads to further hostilities and war.

That is the idiotic thinking of Western powers who can't share this world with their fellow humans and want everything out of greed. That's the same thinking that made NATO expand and forced Russia to eventually invade Ukraine.

It's greed. Instead of cooperating,the American and British governments wanted complete dominance. And now WE ARE ALL PAYING HIGH PRICES FOR POWER,OIL AND FOOD.
Looking likely a more significant sanctions package on Russia may be imminent including the restriction of Russian ships in some international waterways by much of the international coalition against the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
If these are airbus/Boeing/Embraer planes - then they wont be flying long without access to spare parts, maintenance or even manufacturer warranty(with knock on effects of insurance availability etc)

They also wont get any software updates, which are regulary needed.
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