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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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That was no trade war comrade, more of a opportunistic stunt by trump on you. Watch and learn from Putin disaster
The trade war has been around for over 4 years , you don't know? what disaster? like gas shortage in Europe and US skyrocketing inflation?
Small minority opinion? Only liberal women,Ukrainian immigrants and fanatic pro-NATO and pro-EU Greeks are supporting Ukraine. The rest of Greece wants us to either be neutral or support Russia. Wtf?

Ummm let me check what our government says about this...

Uh ohhh buddy seems like our government stands 100% on my side. :/
The trade war has been around for over 4 years , you don't know? what disaster? like gas shortage in Europe and US skyrocketing inflation?

China is extremely dependent on the West for its growth. I'm pretty sure that even China, with some fear, is looking at how the West has merged. This makes China very cautious about how they support Russia in this situation. .
Democracy does not only mean that the majority get to decide everything. The minority will get proportional power. The majority will not always align with every opinion among themselves and will therefore create a space for minority to strategically align with right parties for their goals. This is typically called 'vote bank' politics in democratic countries and it guarantees proportional freedom.

There is NO system that can make anyone happy. The essence of politics is to manage a compromise between opposing self interests. It will never be good for everyone. Now don't try to tell us you know the answer. The Ukrainians have shown the world what they want by fighting against the invasion. :agree:
What are you talking about? Democracy means majority rule. I didn't say majority party. You only get your goals achieved by being a part of majority. Minority is always the loser, every, single, time. US founding fathers knew this very well. That is why the very first amendment for their constitution is the bill of right. Minority's right is protected by the rule of law that upholds the constitution, not by democracy. The majority cannot hurt the minority until they can change the constitution. Democracy is not the reason why US is called the land of the free. It is shockingly amazing to see so many people believe in achieving freedom via democracy and justify their ideas by simply being a part of the majority.
ussian propaganda? It's part of history.

You don't like Russians? Ok. You can't tell me that the majority of what is now Ukraine,was not Russian.
Man you know shit about that region and culture you know Kiev Rus was not a monolit ...

I think that Lviv and should belong to Poland by the way.
Kiev belonged to


And i dont fking belive it belongs to us or should belong to us its Ukraine land not ours
Not very smart move.

Europe is a massive economic force. Russia an economic dwarf. You just said you want damage us just because you dont like usa?
China never wants to damage Europe, it's US roping Europe to fight China, you guys should learn to become independent from US.
China is extremely dependent on the West for its growth. I'm pretty sure that even China, with some fear, is looking at how the West has merged. This makes China very cautious about how they support Russia in this situation. .
Who depends on who? the west is highly dependent on China. or at most inter dependent, now China can live perfectly without the west, the west just can't live without China cause the whole global supply line is in China's hands.
Poles have every right to hate Russians and I understand it after learning what they did to your people especially the Katyn forest massacre, but you guys also should be cautious and don't let Nato use you as cannon fodder.
Poles don`t hate Russians! Russians as people are really okay I know some, but the russian imperial ideas are not. Katyn is one thing. Being in the easter block after WW2 and having a really bad economical system forced by the soviets for 45 years this is the real issue! Being again in the russian zone? NO! thank you! Better being in EU and at the east flank of NATO.

Anyway, NATO is a defence pact. It won`t interviene.
What exactly is wrong with Romania in NATO if we want to be part of it? Should we just bow to Russia because you want it so?

You have evry right to be in NATO. Ignore him, its some religious dogma he has. Like the crazy evangelicals in UsA who support Israel to death.

Im glad Romania is in NATO. We are stronger together.
What are you talking about? Democracy means majority rule. I didn't say majority party. You only get your goals achieved by being a part of majority. Minority is always the loser, every, single, time. US founding fathers knew this very well. That is why the very first amendment for their constitution is the bill of right. Minority's right is protected by the rule of law that upholds the constitution, not by democracy. The majority cannot hurt the minority until they can change the constitution. Democracy is not the reason why US is called the land of the free. It is shockingly amazing to see so many people believe in achieving freedom via democracy and justify their ideas by simply being a part of the majority.
Majority is often formed through coalitions. Coalitions often change - thus it means you win some and you loose some. The same party will not be majority all the time.

Do you know what you are talking about? Evidently not. You just have some text book pre conceived ideas, perhaps from politburo. The very fact that American congress is not able to pass laws easily should tell you something. Bill of fundamental rights is available in most constitutions. It is not strictly a democratic thing, although most democracies have it.

Don't try to drag me into off topic diatribes to justify your naive idea that Ukrainians are naive :laugh:
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