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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Now that there is not much rope to keep up the Ukraine is 'naive' narrative, you've resorted to big and bold lettered quotes and straw man arguments about Iraqi oil. It has nothing to do with Putin's invasion :laugh:

US, like all major powers before it and all that will come after it - will intervene in international affairs to maintain world order. Some of them may be unjustified, that is not in question. But to make a blanket claim that Ukrainian politicians do not want their country to be free and are just stupid/naive for wanting to keep their way of life is just a callous opinion that suits your preconceived biases. Your claims remain unsubstantiated and meritless. :cheers:
The problem is that you define Ukrainian way of life from what you read from Ukrainian politicians supported by the west. How much do you know about the Ukrainian way of life from Russia supported Ukrainian politicians? The reality is that Ukraine is a mixed bag caused by all the foreign imperial influence throughout the history. When you see some Ukrainian politicians boost one type of way of life and oppress different types, you would know they are not for a free Ukraine. They want a version of Ukraine that they like. A politician who truly wants a free Ukraine would let people live the way they choose, instead of the way the politician dictates. Now, tell me one Ukrainian politician that supports this idea and let's count how many there are, before you conclude that my claim is unsubstantiated.

That should give you an idea about "mistaken ideas always end in bloodshed".
Ukraine has always been part of Russian history and territory.
thats a bad lie it was polish to for a long time :woot: and it was independent then polish then russian and now it independent again it's not faking russia it's like saying Greece should not exist it belongs to Turks ...
In the late fall of 2021, as Russian forces massed at the border of Ukraine, U.S. lawmakers pressed the Pentagon on why the Biden administration wasn’t sending Stinger antiaircraft missiles to help Kyiv. The option wasn’t available, they were told, because the weapons in the U.S. inventory contained classified equipment.

Months later, the Pentagon came up with a solution to the problem. By removing several screws, the military was able to withdraw a sensitive item from the missile’s hand-held launcher, opening the way to sending the weapons from U.S. stocks.

They are not doing very well, are they ?
It depends on how they like to operate, deep inside they still think Ukraine is part of their common culture and origin, they didn't really unleash their full power in this war, if they did unrestrained, indiscrimate shelling and bombing like US did in Serbia and Syria, situation could be totally different.
And where was NATO when Turkey was invading Cyprus? Where was NATO to impose sanctions to Turkey for Cyprus? Where was NATO for 40 years to support the Greek Cypriots?

You have to see this objectively: NATO surrounded Russia the last 20 years. Now they wanted Ukraine too. The ones who pushed Russia to invade were the Americans and British.

Did the West give a chance to peace? For 20 years they were obsessed with surrounding Russia with bases. Bases here and there. They made them re-arm themselves and spend trillions of dollars to weapons.

Before this war started,France and Germany wanted to find a diplomatic solution,But the Americans and the British insisted on sanctions and giving weapons to Ukraine.

Ukraine isn't any country in Europe. It isn't Sweden,it isn't Germany,it isn't Austria,it isn't Poland,it isn't even Slovakia.

Ukraine has always been part of Russian history and territory.

Nato did not soround Russia. Russia opressed all its countries around for decades. Ukraine is one of the nations that suffered most from russian agression. Nations join NATO to be secure by russian agression.

If Ukraine would have joined NATO in 2008, it would be save today.

And you know who decides Ukraines future? Ukrainains, not russians and certainly not we greeks.

The way the ukrainians give the russians hell shows they indeed play an important part for russian history, a massive defeat in russian history.

Slava Ukraine!
And you know who decides Ukraines future? Ukrainains, not russians and certainly not we greeks.
That is all ideal but not real. Guess who decided Korean future? Certainly not Koreans. You only get to decide your own future when you are strong.
thats a bad lie it was polish to for a long time :woot: and it was independent then polish then russian and now it independent again it's not faking russia it's like saying Greece should not exist it belongs to Turks ...
Kievan Rus is the craddle of Russian civilization. The areas around it,the whole place,it was Russian. Mongols came,Tatars came,Poles came,but it remained Russian. Then Lenin made the SSR of Ukraine.

Throughout the centuries,the foreigners managed to create a seperate identity for the Rus' living there. They came up with the name Ukraina,they deleted the names Malorossia,Novorossia etc.
It depends on how they like to operate, deep inside they still think Ukraine is part of their common culture and origin, they didn't really unleash their full power in this war, if they did unrestrained, indiscrimate shelling and bombing like US did in Serbia and Syria, situation could be totally different.
So, too convice them, they are the common culture, the Russias invaded them with tanks ? I just think, this will cause the reverse effect.
So, too convice them, they are the common culture, the Russias invaded them with tanks ? I just think, this will cause the reverse effect.
they were as one country for 300 years, Russians don't hate Ukrainians, it's nothing like how they fought Nazi Germany.
LOL, You call this involvement? China also sells weapons to other countries, it's business, is Nato an arms sale company? You coward.

China have seen the financial sanctions put in place and as China loves money they will step back from Putin
And if I tell you that the West wants to destroy the largest Orthodox country in the world? The one Orthodox country that resists political correctness and globalisation? You wouldn't care. You don't believe. You don't care about it.

But tell me,if Kosovo has the right to declare independence,then why can't DNR and LNR do the same? If NATO can attack Libya to change the government,why can't Russia do the same?

Im more than willing to help sending Russia to hell. Its not just that i dont care buddy, i actively support and fully stand for it. Im happy to see how russia is crushed economicly and on the war front as well.

I have friends in Ukraine and their fight against the russians is inspireing. Russia will never rule Ukraine. Its hated so much there, that they will suffer extreme losses evry day from partisan attacks. There are so many stingers and manpads in ukraine now, the nation cant be stabilized by russia.
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