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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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  • China to state-owned refiners: please halt all gasoline and diesel exports for April.
  • The upward price pressure on energy and agricultural commodities poses a challenge for China.
  • China plans to increase its crude oil, natural gas, and coal production, boost reserves of energy commodities, and keep stable imports to ensure its energy security.
Chinese authorities have asked state refiners in the country to consider halting diesel and gasoline exports next month due to heightened concerns about oil supply after Russia invaded Ukraine, Reuters reported on Wednesday, quoting sources familiar with the issue.

"This is to prevent a shortage as independent refiners are under big pressure to lower throughput in the face of soaring crude oil prices," a source with knowledge of the talks with state refiners told Reuters.

China, the world's largest crude oil importer, hasn't condemned Russia's invasion of Ukraine and is likely the country that will continue to trade with Russia regardless of any sanctions the Western allies decide to impose in the future.

However, China is concerned about its energy security, too, considering the skyrocketing prices of energy commodities, of which it is a major importer.

China plans to increase its crude oil, natural gas, and coal production, boost reserves of energy commodities, and keep stable imports to ensure its energy security amid skyrocketing commodities prices, the top Chinese economic planner said earlier this week.

"Since the beginning of this year, under the combined influence of multiple factors such as the Covid-19 pandemic, the monetary policy shift of major economies, and especially the escalation of geopolitical conflicts, the international commodity price situation has become more severe, complex and uncertain," Lian Weiliang, a vice-director at the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), said at a press briefing as carried by South China Morning Post.

The upward price pressure on energy and agricultural commodities "poses a new challenge to ensure domestic supply and price stability," Lian said.

The planning body NDRC said over the weekend that the country would raise coal production and reserves, develop "major petroleum reserve projects," and increase petroleum reserves, too, per Reuters.

Last month, China said it would help run its coal-fired power plants at full capacity in a bid to ensure energy security, despite the climate goals of the world's largest polluter.

By Tsvetana Paraskova for Oilprice.com

Is china expecting global recession or another war front or any sanctions ?

Says the guy........living in America.

We were the one and still are the one (White Countries) feeding you since your independence else you are the slaves of China. Living in a white Country and talking trash about it is hypocrisy. Aargh I was expecting too much from you.

Do I really need to tell you genius ? Where do your most of the export goes ? Who has given you GSP Status ? From where were you getting most of the aid ? All this coming from White countries where you do all hypocrites live and talk shit about them.

These ppl will do anything to live in the west and then bitch about west all the time. It must be sucks for them to live in a country which they also hate lol.

The irony.

I like your posts, but I would agree with the other guy. It comes across as very hypocritical when we live in a country and condemn it in a blanket way.

America is not a single entity that deserves to be condemned. It has 1,000 moving parts, like people, businesses, politicians, tech companies, universities, ethnic groups, etc. It may make more sense to pick out the 1 or 2 parts for criticism rather than condemn the whole country. E.g. you could criticize foreign control of America (Israel), or the military industrial complex. That would make more sense and plenty, if not most, Americans will agree with you.

Just my opinion.
If you say I am an immigrant in goraland. Then I say you are also immigrants who's ancestors stole this land from brown Native Americans. Either with lies/deceit or outright slaughter.

I say to you if you don't like me practicing my constitutional rights to point out the hypocrisy. Then what will you say about those who protested against US imperial/colonial design in Vietnam? What will you say to the Freedom Riders and Civil rights activists?? Who protested against the "My best friend is black" hypocrisy?

Let me tell you a story. A Sikh man(beard, turban Sardar G) was sitting in a park in Southall, London. A white supremacist skullhead came up to him and said "why are you even in our country"??

The Sardari G replied "We are here because you were there". Referring to British colonisation of Indian subcontinent. And the subsequent murder, deceit and pillaging of resources that ensued at hands of Gora British in India. There are countless massacres committed by British taught in Indian and Pakistani history classes. We all remember the famine orchestrated by Churchill who proclaimed the White people as "superior race". British Indian troops used as literal cannon fodder but never mentioned in Gung Ho "Band of Brothers" or "Dunkirk" etc

And what about the Gora Britain unfair partioning of MENA according to their whims and fetish for geometry. Without regard for linguistic, ethnic or cultural or tribal differences. That have left nothing but unresolved conflicts in their wake? Palestine, Kashmir and Kurds sandwiched between big examples of this.

Similarly how many nations has America destroyed in the last two decades alone? How many families? How many individual lives? How many puppets/cronies/ they had to take in?? Those they themselves propped up to fight one Boogeyman or another? How many legit refugees US had to take in just because of this mad pillaging?

Only few months ago we have seen the Afghan refugee episode where US struggled to find 3rd countries or old derelict bases to dump the Afghans "translators".

Also notice the Latin Americans who are sick and tired of systematic exploitation at hands of US installed dictators, autocrats and mafias/cartels and are simply saying enough is enough and lining up at US borders.

The point is summarized by this video of Altaf Bhai(MI6 asset):

When you go in, destroy nations, steal natural resources and do all of that on pretext that you're some guardian angel. It will eventually come back to haunt you. And I'm sorry to say people like me would do a disservice to humanity to not speak up.

Same thing you've done to Russians. Even though they were defeated, willing to cooperate and assimilate into the new Emerging European or Western bloc. You still treated them with humiliation, a vanquished enemy in face of whom Western power must boast. Eventually putting them in a corner where they lashed out in the end.

Now you've stooped low to ban cats, dystyovsky, chess players, athletes, bullying ethnic Russian school children, painting russian shops with RUS like the star of David for jews in Nazi Germany.

And begging the very people you tried to assassinate with small drones or hire PMC to carry out regime change. Or beg from people you have painted as vicious animals.

Where does this stop? You have gobbled up vast majority of world's resources. Creating so much disparity. To the point people are literally giving up and lining up your door.

The non white world is sick and tired of wars started by you with all the usual catch phrases(lies) like freedom, democracy and liberation etc. Something which I aptly have labelled Captain America-ism.
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Humiliation of the second's most powerful army by drunk farmers and gopniks continue

Americans will surely deny it. But we all know that they attacked Afghanistan on a false claim, they attacked Iraq for non existent WMDs.

Call me a conspiracy theorist, Americans have been working on different genetics of different races from different countries in order make specialized bio weapons for the target nations. Slavs are no exception.

Russia did the best to invade Ukraine, the traitors like Zelensky or Pinochet of chile are good at destroying countries in favor of American imperialists. Hope they remove American installer puppet.
This is a lengthy discussion and it won't be easy to change your mind either. A large number of arguments were addressed in this thread thus far but it looks like WE will have to start from scratch in your case.

Let me put this in simple terms for you:

American assault on Iraq = controversial/unwelcome/unnecessary

Russian assault on Ukraine = controversial/unwelcome/unnecessary

For the sake of argument, Bush junior closed the chapter of Saddam Hussein in Iraq. This man was oppressive to his own and disrespected sovereignity of neighboring countries. Iranians should be happy though.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy is not Saddam Hussein on the other hand.

Zelenskyy motivated Ukranians to pick up arms and fight Russians through administrative channels and social media. Many answered his call in fact.

Not bad for alleged puppet or is he?


another new occupying "bird", captured by the soldiers of the SSO of Ukraine


How can reserves of a country be taken like this? I mean it belongs to the ppl of russia and is their money. But i guess the russians can make it even because Russia have around 400 billion of external debt as well, so Russia is justified not to pay any of that, they are also banned from the swift so no way either. I think Russia will also not pay lease of the planes and other stuff. Seems the west is shooting itself in the foot with these sanctions.

Some measures will hurt the west. But will absolutely cripple Russia. Putin is already saying sanctions are a warlike act. The west is not saying that. The west is fine.

Russian company (Rosatom) today became the owner of a ukranian nuclear power plant. They just took it after the military conquered it. This didnt happen before, when US invaded Iraq, it did not take over Iraqi companies and give it to Microsoft or google or General Electric. They remained Iraqi companies. This has now changed.

These are the new rules of the game. These are rules that Russia set. If they can take a country or land and declare it theirs, someone can take their money.

This is the new Cold War. The new rules seem to be if you are stronger, you can take it. Lets see how that works out. Today a billion dollar yacht was taken form a Russian in Italy. money he made in russia. Usually thats just called state sanctioned theft.

Russia has hundreds of Boeing and airbus aircraft, each is worth hundreds of millions. The leasing companies want them back. where will russia fly them? To Minsk. to Damascus. OK, what if it want sot fly to Singapore or Dubai? and there is a demand that Dubai or Singapore confiscate those planes and return them? They will have to. Or they themselves will get the same treatment.

The world will be split into the West and Russian supporters. If you want aircraft, whose side will you choose?
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