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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Please don't tell me you're gonna throw the same "leave if you don't like it here" argument. Gambit threw my way.
Got it handed to him in response by everyone else.

That line of argument really doesn't work and is highly problematic.

I like your posts, but I would agree with the other guy. It comes across as very hypocritical when we live in a country and condemn it in a blanket way.

America is not a single entity that deserves to be condemned. It has 1,000 moving parts, like people, businesses, politicians, tech companies, universities, ethnic groups, etc. It may make more sense to pick out the 1 or 2 parts for criticism rather than condemn the whole country. E.g. you could criticize foreign control of America (Israel), or the military industrial complex. That would make more sense and plenty, if not most, Americans will agree with you.

Just my opinion.
Sure why not ... I mean why not use Ukrainians as cannon fodder while being too chicken shit to engage the Russians directly even though you have clear military advantage. But I guess fighting even just barely a near peer is still not something you wanna do.

"a near peer". Russian armed forces are junk and this war proves it. NATO has no obligation to intervene against Russia in Ukraine. NATO will not go to war against Russia just to prove some points to nobodys like you. Russian armed forces on the conventional matter are total junk and in no way a "peer" to NATO,that is why Russia is always agitating the nuclear threat.

NATO keeps delivering weapons that kill Russian soldiers in the thousands and Russia can nothing about it.
United Nations Human Rights Commission confirms 579 dead civilians and 1000 injured.

Lets pray for the safety of all people living in the war zone!
"a near peer". Russian armed forces are junk and this war proves it. NATO has no obligation to intervene against Russia in Ukraine. NATO will not go to war against Russia just to prove some points to nobodys like you. Russian armed forces on the conventional matter are total junk and in no way a "peer" to NATO,that is why Russia is always agitating the nuclear threat.

NATO keeps delivering weapons that kill Russian soldiers in the thousands and Russia can nothing about it.

Man you are just making my point. If they are not even near peer then why not engage them. Why such a chicken shit behaviour.

Why use Ukrainian lives as cannon fodder for your strategic interests. Do you even stop and think that you supplying weapons is in American strategic interests but not the Ukrainians. Are their lives worth less than yours ? If you really want to help then engage the Russians directly and not this cowardly act of arming civilians and untrained people to fight a war purely for western strategic interest. Have a heart I know you have one somewhere still beating a bit !!!
Sure why not ... I mean why not use Ukrainians as cannon fodder while being too chicken shit to engage the Russians directly even though you have clear military advantage. But I guess fighting even just barely a near peer is still not something you wanna do.
As i have always said. US strategy is simple since day 1, US will only fight Russia till the last Ukrainian.
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