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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

As of right now, RUssian army will "COLLECT" Bakhmut soon, like an analyst said already on twitter, "Soledar and Bakhmut are already lost, its only a matter of time,,"..I fully agree!

It seems Ukrainian army's main defense line on the east Ukraine front will crack soon....and this is only January!
Its a strange change of command in 11 months as reward if Bakhmut is about to be taken

If you are going to make repeat posts , then can you post the CNN link at least instead of some unknown person claiming an unnamed soldier talking to CNN?
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For all those that dont understand, let me explain the weapons manufacturing capacity of the US. and then EU.

Yeah, forget it.

More musical chairs in the leadership for the war in ukraine. It seems the Iranian drone led strategy has failed to produce results - which was his brain child - so out he goes ...

>> ps - i am waiting for the upcoming gun fight between the wagner boys and the russian army over their struggle for the glory trophy run in ukraine ;) ...
When NATO is depleting its supplies (not really) and when you have sent the Ukranian forces through a 'meat grinder in Bakhmut', (not really), you reward your general by reassigning him and sending them on vacation. This is what winning militaries do in the middle of battle. And really great militaries like the Russian do it on average every 3 months....

In Pakistan the incentive to become general is plots of land. In Russia its 3 month assignment before vacation (till they start ended up committing suicide from hotel rooms).
When NATO is depleting its supplies (not really) and when you have sent the Ukranian forces through a 'meat grinder in Bakhmut', (not really), you reward your general by reassigning him and sending them on vacation. This is what winning militaries do in the middle of battle. And really great militaries like the Russian do it on average every 3 months....

In Pakistan the incentive to become general is plots of land. In Russia its 3 month assignment before vacation (till they start ended up committing suicide from hotel rooms).

I can see the suicide story developing very soon.
When NATO is depleting its supplies (not really) and when you have sent the Ukranian forces through a 'meat grinder in Bakhmut', (not really), you reward your general by reassigning him and sending them on vacation. This is what winning militaries do in the middle of battle. And really great militaries like the Russian do it on average every 3 months....

In Pakistan the incentive to become general is plots of land. In Russia its 3 month assignment before vacation (till they start ended up committing suicide from hotel rooms).

You're too goofy to understand it. The war is expanding; therefore, the new head of the Russian military is chosen for the widening conflict. The winter offensive is starting, and this is the specialty of the new general.

Besides, the approach in Soledar and Bakhmut that paid dividends was the new general's idea. He was criticized earlier, but there his approach finally delivered the result: The killing of over 35,000 Ukrainian forces in Bakhmut and soledar alone. The wounded are countless. The entire West is panicking.

If anything that can be learned from the different approaches that the Russian military is pursuing, they're constantly adopting and changing tactics, while the Ukrainians are stuck in their trenches and their troop movements are abysmal. They're sitting ducks for the Russian artillery and drone campaign. But of course you would not know any of these and nobody expected you to know them either.

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Russia posts a $47 billion budget deficit for 2022, its second highest in the post-Soviet era.

The budget gap reached 3.3 trillion rubles, or 2.3 percent of the size of the Russian economy, according to the country’s finance minister.


Is Russia running out of weapons and military equipment? Obviously, Western propagandists believe in their own lies. 👇

MOSCOW, January 11. /TASS/. Russia’s Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu made new appointments in the military command of the special military operation in Ukraine, the Defense Ministry reported on Wednesday.

"Chief of the General Staff Army General Valery Gerasimov has been appointed as commander of the integrated group of troops (forces). His deputies are: Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces Army General Sergey Surovikin, Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces Army General Oleg Salyukov, and also Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces Colonel-General Alexey Kim," the ministry said.

The new appointments in the special military operation in Ukraine are related to the broader scope of tasks and the need of closer coordination between all military branches and services, it said.

"The higher level of military command in the special military operation is related to the broader scope of missions tackled in its course and the need to organize closer coordination between military branches and services of the armed forces and also the increased quality of all types of logistics support and efficiency in command and control of the groups of troops (forces)," the ministry said.

In October last year, Shoigu appointed Surovikin as commander of Russia’s integrated group of forces in the special military operation in Ukraine. Surovikin has also been commander-in-chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces since 2017.
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in this war even odessa and kherson are not important , the only strategic point in Ukraine right now is Lviv and cities around it, i wonder how good defensive lines east of ukraine are if Belarus decide to enter war and capture those areas
Are we going to see a Russian Balkanization of Ukraine, it seems to be heading that way unless something drastic happens?
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