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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

cheer up we are getting only closer to ww3 and nukes

we dont see ww3 and of course no nukes... not even tactical... Putin knows if he use tactical nukes in Ukraine Nato would whipp out the existance of the Black Sea fleet in one day and would most likely flatten every russian military instalation in occupied Ukraine and there is abslutly nothing the Russian could do to stop this from happen
Stop derailing and bringing in an irrelevant argument. Migrants from Africa and Middle East have nothing to do with this topic. The topic is about the war in Ukraine between Russia and the West.

Btw, it is obvious you're in that lifestyle that was banned in Hungary.

I'm not gae, bi, trans or whatever is not the norm.
I'm not a Jew/Zionist either.
did Iranian EFPs rip through Bradleys in Iraq? just curious, since you make it seem invincible. i really hope they can be maintained on the front line too, because if they're stuck, they become a sitting duck for easy targeting.

More weapons wont help Ukraine's lack of manpower enough- that seems to be showing now.

Well, Bradley was good in the 1980-2000s.
Solid vehicle.
Operated by capable crews, good support etc.
Arabs just can't wage modern wars (conventional), we saw Israel kicking their butts, even Arabs had mostly quality wise/on paper - better equipment, were many more soldiers and had nearly every advantage on their side.

Tbh, Bradley is, even in it's M2A3 nothing special, still better than BMP-2. :D
I'm not gae, bi, trans or whatever is not the norm.
I'm not a Jew/Zionist either.

Well, Bradley was good in the 1980-2000s.
Solid vehicle.
Operated by capable crews, good support etc.
Arabs just can't wage modern wars (conventional), we saw Israel kicking their butts, even Arabs had mostly quality wise/on paper - better equipment, were many more soldiers and had nearly every advantage on their side.

Tbh, Bradley is, even in it's M2A3 nothing special, still better than BMP-2. :D

Every vehicle with thermal nigth figthing capability is a win for Ukraine
Too early to make a conclusion. This war lasts decades. The second year should be more interesting than the first year.

Russia doesnt have economy or material to continue this war for decades as they are now shipping more T-62's towards front and are burning trought T-90S tanks what are made for export. Some country out there isn't getting tanks they ordered.

West is only now beginning to ramp up production of ammunation, etc. Russian otherhand has same size economy as Italy (before EU stopped buying their oil) while US economy alone is over 20 trillion.
did Iranian EFPs rip through Bradleys in Iraq? just curious, since you make it seem invincible. i really hope they can be maintained on the front line too, because if they're stuck, they become a sitting duck for easy targeting.

More weapons wont help Ukraine's lack of manpower enough- that seems to be showing now.
Manpower can be replaced and is just a part of the much bigger picture, especially when you are fighting against your very existence for your country's sovereignty and survival and right to nationhood. Just like Saddam invasion of Iran led to the the death and casualties of millions of Iranian death and wounded. Did it mean Iran stopped fighting Just because of that ? Lol Your nation survived and moved on later. Life continued after Iraq pulled out . Same with Vietnam, millions of Vietnamese died fighting the US, didn't Vietnam survive(due to their tenacity but granted it was also because of the massive support from soviet union and China)?
Seems due to your pro Russian inclinations you forget that Ukraine is merely defending itself in its own territory, so of course they have mire moral, reason for fighting, and determination to fight for the long run for their country. Except Russia is ready to fight abd stay in Ukraine forever. They are bound to pull out or ask for stop to the war at one point, as its not in their country.

So your point about Ukraine giving up on its territorial intergrity and nationhood Just because of casualties is quite wrong and wont happen. I understand its because your are biased towards Russia (no crime in that though). This can be seen in the fact that you seel to believe Western nations supplying arms abd equipment to Ukraine will not help Ukraines war effort and will have little to no impact against Russia"s war in the country. This alone says alot about your bias to be honest.
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Westeners evolved in thousands of years of war. Western men is much bigger and stronger than Western women. Hate is bad. Hate causes cancer. Westerners get cancer because of hate. We Chinese are peaceful. We Chinese evolved in thousands of years of peace. There is no size difference between Chinese men and Chinese women. Chinese people are healthy because Chinese people are peaceful.
I wonder if you can open a chinese history book or story book or anything and it was not filled with wars
This kind of accuracy is not possible unless someone is lazing the target on ground, it must have been Covert Ops involved.

Both the Ukrainian and the Russian said 6 missile salvo was fired, which mean this is most likely a strike package, or Tier 1 target. The Ukrainian really wanted that build to go, and that is for a reason.
if that was only 13km over the border, then a drone could do it easily , now I don't knew if Ukraine is in possession of a drone capable of such thing , but that is possibility and less dangerous than sending a commando team to do the laser painting for you .
Its almost 1 year now and the whole of NATO+ are still unable to defeat and balkanize Russia.

What a shame
fully agree....and you know whats worse? NATO depleted its own ammunition reserves to help Ukraine...while leaving it vulnerable to China if CHina moves on Taiwan- NATO is in a lose-lose- cant beat Russia in Ukraine, and that has made it ill equipped to fight China today.

People used to follow America alot more when it acted smart, not these days.
Putin may have been Greta Thunberg's best friend by accelerating the process off getting off fossil fuels for electricity. Germany just doubled its target for 2030. He may ruin Russia and Eastern Europe, but save the planet.

For all the criticism, Putin's unintentional actions of using the energy leverage did not take into account the unintended consequence that the economics of renewable energy will look much better when cheap energy supplies are not available.

The Greta joke aside: Kremlin had all the right elements going for itself over the last decade with its softer war using cyber and intel ops on social. Much more active Right movements in many countries, NATO softening up (starting with US criticizing it), and public support for weapons programs and manufacturers at an all time low (in Germany banks were being pressured by groups to treat arms manufacturers in a way that they would not even be able to do with business with as if they were some illegal drug cartel).

That and the image of Russian weapons and power prevailed. Not sure why this suicidal approach .

Putin has gambled away gas leverage, says German vice-chancellor

Vladimir Putin has gambled away his gas leverage over Europe, Germany’s vice-chancellor has claimed as he sounded a note of cautious optimism over his country’s energy supplies during a visit to Norway.
Russia’s war in Ukraine had caught Berlin at a vulnerable moment since it was over-reliant on natural gas deliveries through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline and had failed to build up infrastructure for alternative supply channels, said Robert Habeck, the German deputy head of government and economic minister.

“The German problem, or the central European problem, was that half of our eggs were in the basket of Putin,” the Green politician said at a joint press conference with the Norwegian prime minister, Jonas Gahr Støre, in Oslo. “And he destroyed them.”

At the start of 2023, however, Germany was “one-third done” being able to replace ceased Russian deliveries of gas, oil and coal through other channels, such as speedily built liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals and an increase of imports from Norway, now Europe’s largest supplier of gas.

Norway’s energy minister, Terje Aasland, announced on Thursday that Oslo would again be able to deliver 122bn cubic metres of natural gas to Europe this year, up 8% from deliveries in 2021.

While emphasising that Germany’s energy situation remained “very very tight and complicated”, Habeck sounded a note of optimism. “Right now, I can say the storages in Germany are full, around 90%, we will withstand this winter, and the prices are going down.”

With central Europe enjoying a relatively mild winter so far, he said, there was a “fair chance” its storage tanks would not be completely empty at the end of the cold season.

Amid shortages of gas and fears of power outages, European neighbours have voiced incredulity with Germany sticking to its plan to phase out nuclear power – a decision made under the conservative chancellor Angela Merkel but massively pushed for by Habeck’s Greens.

The minister for economic affairs and climate action again dismissed talk of further U-turns on Germany’s nuclear exit plans. His government’s focus was to scale up renewable electricity from about 46% to 80% by 2030, he said, adding: “I would advise everyone to focus on one plan and not disrupt everything again.”

Since gas power plants formerly played a crucial role balancing out fluctuating power production from renewables, Germany will probably have to upgrade its grid and open up new storage options to comply with Habeck’s plan.
Its almost 1 year now and the whole of NATO+ are still unable to defeat and balkanize Russia.

What a shame

I'll do it for you ;

It's been almost 1 year and Russia still hasn't been able to defeat Ukraine,didn't achieve air dominance,the moskva is under the sea,airbases are being attacked far inside Russia,lost half of the territory captured since february, worse despite sending in its best troops and recently 300.000 mobilized in Ukraine, still hasn't fully captured the donbass,only secured few hunred meters since the summer.

The US as of now spent something like 5% of its yearly defence budget to destroy something like half of the Russian army and the "big toys" haven't even been delivered to Ukraine.
fully agree....and you know whats worse? NATO depleted its own ammunition reserves to help Ukraine...while leaving it vulnerable to China if CHina moves on Taiwan-
Yes cause of al those carrier strike groups Nato has been donated to Ukraine? 🤣.

If anything, china is dissuaded due to the harsh reaction against russia. Which shows in how china stayed well clear of aiding the russians in anything else but hollow words and buying gas at huge discount.
NATO is in a lose-lose- cant beat Russia in Ukraine, and that has made it ill equipped to fight China today.

People used to follow America alot more when it acted smart, not these days.
Nato is using single digit defense budget and mostly old stock/hand me downs to help ukraine grind down russia.
8600 heavy material lost and counting. Losses of more then 50% of their active material. The russian bear is being cut down to teddybear size.

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