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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

First party source: 2 russian 300mm MLRSes seized in the south without contest. 1 more burned, 1 more damaged. No bodies found. Likely an entire rocket artillery company fled when they received counterbattery fire in the first wave of AFU offensive a week ago.
No dude, put map of Afghanistan and your intelligent argument of warm water port was Soviet Union's God given right. That tells the rest of us your depth of knowledge.

No wonder you are starting your own forum. But I don't know how you will find people similar to you to go there since a 5th grader in the village of Sindh will know that Afghanistan doesn't have a warm water port (or any port for that matter).
This man will be among one of those people 😉
Russian firebase in Borozenske is taken down for good, RUAF units likely left it 1 week ago.

It leaves most of the from without 8 inch, and MLRS cover.

If russian commander there has any brains, he will likely make a new one closer to Kakhovka. They will take the risk moving arty to the left bank, or lose it without it making much impact.

Russian lifeline on the right bank is their artillery, without that, AUF out-armour them by a lot.

Arash was legendary archer who went to Damavand mountain and loose an arrow , the place that arrow landed was marked as Iran border ... so Arash is border-maker ...

According to Iranian folklore, the boundary between Iran and Turan was set by an arrow launched by Arash, after he put his own life in the arrow's launch. The arrow was traveling for days before finally landing on the other side of the Oxus on the bark of a walnut tree hundreds of miles away from the original launch site atop a mountain.

the name simply says " whenever I can reach can be considered as Iran sphere of influence or border "
Hopefully the ukrainians has the offensive capacity to do it. But I wouldnt count on it based on the opinion of military analysts. Seems to me they have been all wrong since february. I believe the ukrainians have to apply constant pressure on the russians, accepting many loses themself, in order to squeeze the russians back accross the river. I dont think they are going to make some major push through a weak spot, or carry out some fancy manoeuvre outsmarting the russians at the Kherson front.

I hope the ukrainians have a surprise for us at Melitopol.
They are fleeing Kherson.
Russian troops are hungry, desperate and isolated. Returning to mother Russia is a good move. Putin will award them either with medals as hero or send them to gulags as traitors.

Russia already starting their evacuation from Kherson.

The liberation of Kherson is just a matter of time.
I am expecting their entire line in Kherson (At least in the Northeast) to collapse within days.
Once that was done, I have no doubt Ukraine will start another southern front from Zaporizhzhia
Joke of the day from Telegram

The following is intercepted communication between a Russian Conscript and his family

Family : Do you have enough to eat?
Soldier : Yes
Family : Did you have enough equipment? Need us to send you anything?
Soldier : No
Family : How many and what do you need us to send you?
Soldier : Yes
Very interesting event in Astana:

The presitator of Tajikistan has publicly humiliated Putin. I remember, Tajikistan is the second, or third poorest Central Asian state after Afghanistan, and which hosts a Russian base.

His govt been living nearly entirely on RU support. Unless he found a new patron, what he did today would've been suicidal for his regime, nor would have he gained anything from that.

I am very sure the Istanbul-Astana axis is behind that.

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