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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

That how modern day SEAD was done. It's not hard to understand the Ukrainian has been using their drone as a bait to draw out the Russian radar, and when they turn on and try to target the drone, they have Mig-29 armed with HARM and shoot that radar site at a standoff range. I suspect the Russian had lost several radar equipment to this tactic before we knew HARM was in use, notice how the Russian didn't even bother to try and intercept those drones and HIMARS rocket? That tell me they had lost a few systems and not going to be fool to turn them on again. Either way the function of those SEAD mission has completed, now the Russian won't know if they are going to be facing an incoming HARM when they turn on those radar.

Russia needs to step up their game, the only way I can see it turn this tide is to use RuAF, which have largely been an undeciding factor of this war. They will need to use it to fly CAP or Russia could lose air superiority to Ukraine......
The Ukrainians should keep it up and the U.S. and the rest of the world keep supplying HARMs. Also need to beef up their EW and air defense against possible new drones provided by Iran if confirmed and what I have pointed out that Iran could supply them.

Well, by escalation I mean Russia started general mobilisation or started to go crazy and bomb forbidden target (like the nuke plant and civilian corridor)

NATO and the west is trying to limit the conflict to as small as possible, you can't give Russia excuse to start mobilising, Putin is afraid to take this to the next level, that's why he refused to call this war a "war" and call it "special military operation" that's because he knows if he call this a war, and then start mobilising the population for an foreign incursion, they will get rid of him quicker than getting rid of Ned Stark in Game of Throne.......But if US start supplying shotgun munition or airburst munition, and starting wholesale slaughter of Russian soldier. This is going to swing the Russian in Putin Favor and that give him the legitimacy to expand the war.

That's the Balance of NATO, they can't be humiliating Russia that much like Marcon said (I did not agree with him with most of the issue but this one I agree with him) You need to humiliate Putin, yes, but if you go too far, that will rile up the Russian population.
Putin isn't going to mobilize since it would show weakness and as you said, would have turn the public against him. Ned Stark early death as you mentioned it. Its Catch 22 for Putin. Hence why the Russian government and military hasn't mention any casualty updates because it would scare the public even for pro-war. And it would definitely not swing to Putin's favor if more Russians are dying at a higher rate because of the GMLRS air burst being provided in that scenario. Why would the Russians want to be motivated to join the slaughterhouse? Hence Putin's refusal to mobilize. And he sure won't be going to war with NATO as well. I can think of many scenarios of helping Ukraine if Russia tries to do so, and it won't be pretty for Russia for sure. Especially air support for the Ukrainian forces where they do most of the fighting on the ground while NATO fights and bomb from the air. Russian troops won't have any vehicles left, repair bases, barracks, ammo dumps, transportation like the trains and convoys will be like Highway of Death 2.0.

Anyways, as I have pointed out previously, there will be no escalation using airburst GLMRS. Whether Russian troops die slowly or faster to the point that Putin would mobilize.
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TB2 is a pretty small drone. Doubt it can carry large long range missiles. It's only the size of Mohajer 6, Searcher II.
Missiles of those size in especially newer missiles can travel 2 to 3 times the range.

Russians are also fighting for their homeland. Kherson was founded by Catherine the Great. Russians consider Kherson Russian land, not Ukrainian land. Also, Kherson dam is vital to Crimea water. So Russians fight tooth and nail for Kherson dam.
Russians considered all of Ukraine as theirs, we saw what happened there.

Conventionally you will need at least 3 to 1, but most of the time you can make do with 2 to 1, but then it would have been a bloody fight.

The motivation wouldn't really matter for a professional army, so the question will be whether or not Russia is professional enough. It seems like it's what Ukraine is betting on tho, that's Russian army is not really that professional, because as I said, from what I can see on the position in battlefield, seems like the Ukrainian is trying to encircle them and then either hitting their supply line and starve their will to fight by hitting their GLOC or level the city with the Russian in it. Either way, I don't sense that the Ukrainian is looking for a fight to finish off the Russian, seems like they want to encircle it, make the Russian know there are no escape, and they would have to pull out instead of perishing inside the city.
I say they should kill as many Russian troops as possible. I know its cliché. But they have that capability and can be provided.
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