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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

First of all, I was dealing commodity since when I was in College and hobby I picked up from my mother, I don't spend my entire adult life in Afghanistan, I don't live there. How dumb are you exactly?

And secondly, FYI, you can deal commodity at base, and yes, I was dealing Commodity when I was in Afghanistan, ever heard of the term "Internet"? It's a thing in 2005 and 2006. Commodity price is not p0rn or restrictive information, you are allowed to access even when you are sitting in a PX in Afghanistan, it also comes with Newspaper, another thing available in Afghanistan.

It's like asking people can you trade stock when you are deployed in Afghanistan, you don't go physically on trading floor in NYSE to issue buy/sell order, there are someone called "Agent" to do it for you, fighting a war is not 24/7 business, you are going to have down time, some people like to jerk off while thinking about their boy/girl friend at home when they are at base, some people want to earn extra money while they have nothing to do with their time. how dumb is that question?
Chill dude, why so touchy?

I was just admiring your many talents and infinite experiences.:-)
Chill dude, why so touchy?

I was just admiring your many talents and infinite experiences.:-)
Well, seems to me you are the one that's touchy, I mean, I am not the one that ask 90 questions.

I mean, how much experience one need to pick up a phone and tell your broker to buy and sell stuff? I mean even my 18 years old cousin can manage that, are you telling me you can't?? :rofl: :lol:

Only dumbasses go after the person instead of what they said, now tell me, are you a dumbass? I mean believe it, not believe it, I don't really care, nobody is pointing a gun at your head telling you that you need to believe everything I have to say, you discuss the topic I put forward, not the background I put forward. And if I am a fake, it's very easy to take down what I said, am I right?
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Well, seems to me you are the one that's touchy, I mean, I am not the one that ask 90 questions.

I mean, how much experience one need to pick up a phone and tell your broker to buy and sell stuff? I mean even my 18 years old cousin can manage that, are you telling me you can't?? :rofl: :lol:

Only dumbasses go after the person instead of what they said, now tell me, are you a dumbass? I mean believe it, not believe it, I don't really care, nobody is pointing a gun at your head telling you that you need to believe everything I have to say, you discuss the topic I put forward, not the background I put forward. And if I am a fake, it's very easy to take down what I said, am I right?
Not much. I mean ofcourse you are a commodity dealer, who am I to disagree.

Now carry on your on with your expert opinions about gas flaring. The unquestionable knowledge and expertise you have gained from eToro.
Now carry on your on with your expert opinions about gas flaring. The unquestionable knowledge and expertise you have gained from eToro.

You get the wrong person bud, I know shit about Gas Flaring, it's @dbc who was talking about gas flaring. I talked about Oil and Gas Price, which is where commodity trade is from, I mean, what kind of genius would think Commodity Trade have anything to do with burning off excessive gas??

Unlike someone here, if I don't know shit, I said I don't know, I don't pretend to be a know it all, and I certainly will not go after what people said they are instead of what they said, it's stupid and dumb because it mostly going to come back and burn you as you must have know shit otherwise you would have talk about the stuff, instead of what did that guy claim to be.

And eToro don't do commodity last time I check a long time ago. And it's shit anyway, use Plus 500 if you really want some game.
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In the Czech capital of Prag Olaf Scholz presents a new action plan on more security for Europe

- an united air defense covering Germany with immediate neighbors Poland, the Baltics and Netherlands (Other may join later).

- european army with Germany 5,000 men brigade building the core

- building artillery and air defense for Ukraine

Scholz presents a new action plan on more security for Europe

- an united air defense covering Germany with immediate neighbors Poland, the Baltics and Netherlands. Other can join.

- european army with Germany 5,000 men brigade building the core

- building artillery and air defense for Ukraine

No money for that. Too expensive. Especially during pandemic. In this case, the pandemic is forever.
the Germans call it “Ringtausch”.
Leopard tanks against Soviet T72 tanks.
The Czech receive 14 Leo from Germany, in turn they give all T72s to Ukraine.
Big business, the former Washaw pact countries give up their entire Soviet weapons to Ukraine, then as compensation they receive German tanks and other weapons. Or from the Nato.



the Germans call it “Ringtausch”.
Leopard tanks against Soviet T72 tanks.
The Czech receive 14 Leo from Germany, in turn they give all T72s to Ukraine.
Big business, the former Washaw pact countries give up their entire Soviet weapons to Ukraine, then as compensation they receive German tanks and other weapons. Or from the Nato.

View attachment 874760

Not a good strategy to give all T-72 all at once. This is the first forever war in human history. They give all this year. Next year no tank to give.
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