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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2


Nov 20, 2022 - Press ISW

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Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, November 20
Kateryna Stepanenko, Frederick W. Kagan, and Grace Mappes
November 20, 9:15 ET
Click here to see ISW’s interactive map of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. This map is updated daily alongside the static maps present in this report.
ISW is publishing an abbreviated campaign update today, November 20. This report discusses the rising influence of the milblogger (military correspondent or voenkor) community in Russia despite its increasingly critical commentary on the conduct of the war. The milblogger community reportedly consists of over 500 independent authors and has emerged as an authoritative voice on the Russian war.[1] The community maintains a heavily pro-war and Russian nationalist outlook and is intertwined with prominent Russian nationalist ideologists. Milbloggers’ close relationships with armed forces – whether Russian Armed Forces, Chechen special units, Wagner Group mercenaries, or proxy formations – have given this community an authoritative voice arguably louder in the Russian information space than the Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD). Russian President Vladimir Putin has defended the milbloggers from MoD attacks and protected their independence even as he increases oppression and censorship throughout Russia.
The Kremlin has allowed the ever-growing informal milblogger community to gain a quasi-official but independent position despite otherwise increasing domestic repression and censorship.
The Kremlin has historically promulgated its state narrative via Russian federal outlets, TV, and print media, but has allowed the highly individualistic and often critical milblogger community to put forth its own narratives regarding this war. The milblogger community is composed of a wide range of characters ranging from those who support the Kremlin while criticizing the Russian military command to some who have directly blamed Russian President Vladimir Putin for Russia’s consistent military failures in Ukraine. That the Kremlin tolerates the miblogger community is astonishing given its censorship of other more traditional outlets including opposition and foreign media.
Russian milbloggers are not merely cheerleaders for the war – they are emerging as a group with a distinct voice within Russia. Milbloggers offer a highly informal platform that differs dramatically from the Russian MoD’s structured presentation of the war. Milbloggers largely publish self-authored content on Russian social media platforms such as Telegram, VK, and RuTube in a casual and approachable manner. Most prominent milbloggers either operate on the frontlines or have sources within Russian military structures, which allows them to form assessments based on first-hand accounts independent of MoD information and censorship.
The milbloggers are not fully separate from the Russian government, however. Russian investigative outlet The Bell, for example, uncovered that the creator of one of the most influential Russian Telegram channels, Rybar, is a former employee of the Russian MoD’s press service.[2] Other milbloggers are correspondents of Russian state media outlets such as Komsomoslkaya Pravda, Ria, and RiaFan where they maintain their highly opinionated coverage of the war and even offer recommendations to improve the conduct of the Russian military campaign. Some proxy officials from occupied Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts also operate as milbloggers because they voice their opinions, share analysis from other milbloggers, and disseminate footage from the frontlines independent of the Kremlin and often at odds with the official MoD and Kremlin lines.
Select milbloggers are now holding official positions within the Kremlin. Putin has promoted some prominent milbloggers with large numbers of followers in order to reach the nationalist constituency to which they speak and most importantly to prevent this group from turning against Putinism. Putin appointed a prominent Russian milblogger and correspondent for Komsomolskaya Pravda, Alexander (Sasha) Kots as a member of the Russian Human Rights Council on November 20, for example, as ISW has previously reported.[3] Putin has met individually with some Russian milbloggers and invited them to attend his annexation speech on September 30.[4] Putin’s engagements with these milbloggers have not softened their commentary on the war, however. They continue to criticize the Russian war effort and especially the Russian MoD even as Putin defends and promotes them.
Some Russian milbloggers have close ties with prominent nationalist ideologists. Nationalist and former member of the Russian State Duma Zakhar Prilepin (known for creating a volunteer battalion in occupied Donetsk Oblast in 2017) and founder of the modern-day National Bolshevik Party Eduard Limonov reportedly celebrated Russian milblogger Semyon Pegov (known under the alias Wargonzo).[5] Milbloggers also host podcasts with widely known Russian neo-nationalists such as Alexander Dugin and perestroika-era Soviet TV personality Alexander Lyubimov.[6] The milbloggers’ affiliation and mutual promotion with these figures foster a maximalist goal of full Russian supremacy in Ukraine within the information space. Dugin even directly blamed Putin for Russia’s military failures following the Russian withdrawal from Kherson City, in fact, criticizing Putin for failing to embrace Russian nationalist ideology fully enough.[7] Dugin’s criticism did not lead other milbloggers to criticize Putin explicitly, but neither did the milbloggers defend Putin against Dugin’s critique or attack Dugin.
Putin has likely blocked MoD attempts to purge or otherwise control the milbloggers. ISW reported on October 14 that unspecified Russian senior officials within the Russian MoD attempted to criminally prosecute the most prominent milbloggers.[8] Russian milbloggers publicly criticized the Russian MoD for the censorship attempt, continued their normal war coverage, and did not report receiving criminal charges. Unknown Russian officials had previously attacked Russian milbloggers by accusing them of revealing Russian positions to Ukrainian forces.[9] Putin has apparently stood by the milbloggers, however, recently commenting on the importance of transparency and accuracy in war reporting—a comment that could only have been aimed at the milblogger coverage.[10]
The prominence of the milblogger community is likely a direct result of the Kremlin’s failure to establish an effective Telegram presence stemming from Putin’s general failure to prepare his people for a serious and protracted war. Russian media statistics center Brand Analytics noted that between the start of the war on February 24 and October 1, the number of Russian bloggers on Telegram increased by 58% while the use of banned Western social media platforms such as Instagram and Twitter decreased markedly.[11] Telegram also has the highest percent increase of daily published content (23%) compared with to other Russian social media outlets over that period. The Bell noted that Rybar’s following increased sharply in September and October to over a million followers amidst partial mobilization and the start of Ukrainian counteroffensives in the east and south.[12] The growth of Telegram and the case of Rybar highlight Russians’ distrust of the Kremlin’s official narratives and search for more accurate reporting. The Ukrainian government, it is worth noting, took the opposite approach. Instead of attempting to centralize reporting on the war, Kyiv tasked all regional officials to start official Telegram channels to provide information regarding the war in real time.[13]
The Kremlin struggles to emulate the success of Russian pro-war siloviki figures online. Chechen leader and silovik Ramzan Kadyrov is the most followed Russian milblogger with over three million followers on Telegram. Kadyrov’s Telegram channel closely resembles the other milbloggers’ in format and features Kadyrov’s video rants, combat footage, and unfiltered opinions on the course of the “special military operation.”[14] Kadyrov’s channel, however, has a more coherent narrative than the individual milbloggers given his personal interests in promoting his troops.[15] Wagner Group-affiliated milbloggers also promote mercenary forces at the expense of criticizing the Russian MoD and traditional forces.[16] Prominent Kremlin state TV propagandists Vladimir Solovyov and Margarita Simonyan, on the other hand, only have 1.4 million and 500,000 followers on Telegram respectively and have begun echoing some Russian milblogger critiques on their Telegram channels.[17] The Russian MoD channel has even fewer followers on Telegram than Solovyov and Simonyan despite the growth of the platform – only 480,000.
Putin continues to double down on support for the independence of milblogger reporting even as he doubles down on efforts to mobilize the Russian population for war. These two phenomena are almost certainly related. Putin likely recognizes that the Kremlin and especially the MoD has lost whatever trust many Russians may have had in the veracity of its claims as well as the need to rely on such voices as pro-war Russians find authentic to retain support for the increasing sacrifices he is demanding. Putin’s defense of the milbloggers’ criticisms of his chosen officials is remarkable. It suggests that he sees retaining the support of at least some notable segment of the Russian population as a center of gravity for the war effort if not for the survival of his regime and that he is willing to endure critiques from a group he perceives as loyal to secure that center of gravity. Will the milbloggers remain loyal to Putin and the war effort if the Russian military continues to struggle and suffer setbacks? How will Putin react if they do not? These questions could become significant as Putin increases his demands on his reluctant population to provide cannon fodder for a failing war.

Key inflections in ongoing military operations on November 20:
  • The Ukrainian Main Military Intelligence Directorate (GUR) reported on November 20 that Russian special services are planning false flag attacks on Belarusian critical infrastructure facilities to pressure the Belarusian military to enter the war in Ukraine.[18] The Ukrainian General Staff added that Ukrainian officials have not observed the formation of any Belarusian assault groups.[19] ISW continues to assess that it is unlikely that Belarusian forces will invade Ukraine.

  • Russian and Ukrainian sources reported ongoing fighting along the Svatove-Kreminna line on November 20.[20] Russian sources noted that deteriorating weather conditions are impacting hostilities.[21]

  • A Ukrainian military official stated that Ukrainian forces have liberated 12 settlements in Luhansk Oblast since the start of the eastern counteroffensive.[22]

  • The Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) claimed to strike a Ukrainian troop concentration in the area of Novoselivske, Luhansk Oblast.[23] The Russian MoD previously claimed to repel Ukrainian attacks on the settlement, and this claim might indicate that Ukrainian forces advanced to the settlement.

  • Russian forces continued offensive operations in the Bakhmut, Avdiivka, and western Donetsk directions.[24]

  • Ukrainian officials reported that Russian forces continued to transfer some forces from the east (left) bank of the Dnipro River to other operational directions, but still maintain a significant force presence in southern Kherson Oblast.[25]

  • Ukrainian and Russian sources reported that shelling damaged the infrastructure of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP).[26] One Russian milblogger claimed that the shelling came from Russian-controlled territory south of the plant, but most Russian sources accused Ukraine.[27]

  • Russian occupation officials may have purged the occupation Mayor of Enerhodar Alexander Volga.[28] Some Russian sources claimed that Volga received a promotion within the occupation administration.[29]

  • Russian military officials continued mobilization measures amid reports of ongoing resistance and poor conditions.[30]

Note: ISW does not receive any classified material from any source, uses only publicly available information, and draws extensively on Russian, Ukrainian, and Western reporting and social media as well as commercially available satellite imagery and other geospatial data as the basis for these reports. References to all sources used are provided in the endnotes of each update.

[1] https://re-russia.net/review/122/; https://****/kremlebezBashennik/28539
[2] https://meduza dot io/news/2022/11/19/the-bell-vyyasnil-imya-sozdatelya-rybarya-eto-31-letniy-byvshiy-sotrudnik-press-sluzhby-minoborony; https://thebell dot io/sozdatel-rybarya-prodolzhenie-rassledovaniya-the-bell
[3] https://www.gazeta dot ru/politics/2022/11/17/15798235.shtml; https://meduza dot io/news/2022/11/17/putin-isklyuchil-pravozaschitnikov-iz-soveta-po-pravam-cheloveka-i-vklyuchil-v-nego-korrespondenta-komsomolskoy-pravdy-aleksandra-kotsa
[4] https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign...; https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign...
[5] https://russiapost dot info/politics/voenkor
[6] https://tlgrm dot ru/channels/@wargonzo/9273
[7] https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign...
[8] https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign...
[9] https://****/vladlentatarsky/14877; https://****/NeoficialniyBeZsonoV/15525; https://****/vladlentatarsky/14877; https://****/juchkovsky/2493; https://****/boris_rozhin/56620; https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign...
[10] https://****/readovkanews/46877
[11] https://br-analytics dot ru/blog/rus-social-media-sept-2022/
[12] https://thebell dot io/kto-vedet-voennyy-telegram-kanal-rybar-rassledovanie-the-bell
[13] https://www.kmu.gov dot ua/news/shchob-uniknuti-fejkiv-koristuyemos-oficijnimi-dzherelami
[14] https://****/RKadyrov_95/2911; https://****/RKadyrov_95/3009; https://meduza dot io/news/2022/10/25/kadyrov-nazval-slabym-otvet-na-obstrely-territorii-rossii-prizval-stirat-s-zemli-goroda-i-nazyvat-spetsoperatsiyu-voynoy; https://****/RKadyrov_95/3039; https://****/RKadyrov_95/2962; https://****/RKadyrov_95/3049; https://****/kavkazrealii/11790; https://****/RKadyrov_95/3057; https://****/RKadyrov_95/3064
[15] https://****/RKadyrov_95/2939; https://****/RKadyrov_95/2961; https://****/RKadyrov_95/2965; https://****/RKadyrov_95/2988; https://****/RKadyrov_95/3021; https://****/RKadyrov_95/3027; https://****/RKadyrov_95/3029 ; https://****/RKadyrov_95/3031; https://****/RKadyrov_95/3030 ; https://****/RKadyrov_95/3031
[16] https://meduza.io/feature/2022/10/04/kadyrov-i-prigozhin-regulyarno-i-po... ; https://www.rbcdotru/politics/21/08/2017/5999947f9a79470b77c71d3f ; https://****/stranaua/67672 https://****/rlz_the_kraken/53322; https://****/rlz_the_kraken/53269; https://****/grey_zone/15359
[17] https://twitter.com/RALee85/status/1574458606313156608?s=20&t=CFq5xMOynO...
[18] https://gur dot gov.ua/content/rosiiski-spetssluzhby-planuiut-provokatsii-na-biloruskykh-obiektakh-krytychnoi-infrastruktury-zokrema-na-biloruskii-aes.html; https://****/energoatom_ua/10758
[19] https://www.facebook.com/GeneralStaff.ua/posts/pfbid0TebQeoRSt6RjoUSCp2p...
[20] https://www.facebook.com/GeneralStaff.ua/posts/pfbid0TebQeoRSt6RjoUSCp2p...; https://****/luhanskaVTSA/6964; https://****/vysokygovorit/10014; https://****/millnr/9758; https://****/vysokygovorit/10017
[21] https://****/dva_majors/5835; https://****/vysokygovorit/10014; https://****/vysokygovorit/10017
[22] https://armyinform dot com.ua/2022/11/20/u-luganskij-oblasti-12-naselenyh-punktiv-pid-ukrayinskym-praporom-sergij-cherevatyj/
[23] https://****/mod_russia/21888; https://understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-***...
[24] https://www.facebook.com/GeneralStaff.ua/posts/pfbid0TebQeoRSt6RjoUSCp2p...
[25] https://armyinform dot com.ua/2022/11/20/na-pivdni-krayiny-vorog-pereformatovuye-svoyi-syly/; https://www.facebook.com/GeneralStaff.ua/posts/pfbid0TebQeoRSt6RjoUSCp2p...; EEQL9h13rVLNZRrmC7fjqm9LwAF6C42wmzQwJqBZhG3cUijhl
[26] https://****/mod_russia/21889; https://****/energoatom_ua/10759; https://****/RKadyrov_95/3132; https://****/vrogov/6155;
[27] https://****/m0sc0wcalling/14783
[28] https://****/orlovdmytroEn/1273; https://****/vrogov/6146; https://****/bulbe_de_trones/3373; https://****/m0sc0wcalling/14750; https://****/readovkanews/47283; https://****/readovkanews/47288
[29] https://****/readovkanews/47288
[30] https://****/ostorozhno_novosti/12763; https://****/ostorozhno_novosti/12764; https://notes.citeam dot org/mobilization-nov-18-19; https://****/istories_media/1749; https://www.facebook.com/GeneralStaff.ua/posts/pfbid02vwp3hev42TuhzQE5EE...; https://****/akashevarova/5882; https://****/akashevarova/5882; https://****/readovkanews/47261; https://ngs55 dot ru/text/politics/2022/11/15/71815355/; https://kostroma dot today/news/v-stroj-53-letnego-kostromicha-s-opuxolyu-mobilizovali-i-muchayut/


Ukraine Project
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Kharkiv Battle Map Draft November 20,2022.png
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Donetsk Battle Map Draft November 20,2022.png
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Kherson-Mykolaiv Battle Map Draft November 20,2022.png
Did you even watch the video with the POWs? You cant see where they were shot. The video shows those guys comming out placing themself on the ground right outside the building. The last guy came out shooting, so he is basically to blame. The ukrainians couldnt possibly know if the rest of them were armed too, so yes, they all ended up dead.
None of us know what happend besides what the footage shows. You just claim execution and headshot because it fits your narrative.
The vid footage shows a Russian soldier came out shooting. Putin can end this worthless war immediately if he wants to. He is much like a rat in a corner.

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Good to see all the new goodies from Turkey get combat tested and refined in Ukraine - can only be good for Turkey ( and therefore as a source for Pakistan ) in the long run.

TB2's armed for air-to-air now in Ukraine.

In addition to high-precision TRLG-230-230 missiles for MLRS, Turkey has handed over SUNGUR air-to-air missiles to the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

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The GDP of Iraq skyrocketed after the demise of Saddam, and then the US left at the request of the Iraqi government. The incompetent Iraqi Army ran when faced with ISIS, and Iraq begged the US to come back and save them.

The death and destruction of Afghanistan was mainly caused by the Taliban, armed and funded by Pakistan according to many PDF. members. Now they are crying for help from the outside since they are not competent to run a country by themselves.

When you are brainwashed by CNN + Fox news propaganda. I thought Europeans had free media and better common sense.

It was USA that destroyed Iraqi army and destroyed the state. They admitted it many times. What they made after Saddam was a puppet regime which is why it crumbled. WMD lie was exposed soon after the attack but for slow learners like you it still holds.

I'm sure you don't care about "many PDF members" when they claim USA and India created and armed Pakistani Taliban who caused same destruction in Pakistan.

America destroyed Afghanistan through the puppet regime and fake army of 300,000 +. They brought back Taliban as plan B. It was Americans that signed an agreement to allow them back in power. It is clear by now the whole war was money laundering operation by Americans.
Only people like you still believe in debunked American lies.
There are no way 120,000 trained foreign fighter (You can't join Foreign Legion unless you have had combat experience), if they do, Russia is long finished.

That's why I decided against joining them when I was over in Ukraine to be honest.
I thought you said you have combat experience.
I thought you said you have combat experience.
I had, that's not the reason why I didn't join.

They are a bunch of loose troops, weren't really organised. Many of my friend ended up joining TDF instead.

Ukraine Launches Assault to Oust Russia From Key Black Sea Peninsula​

Jared MalsinFollow

Ukraine’s military said it launched an operation to push Russian forces from a strategic peninsula on the country’s Black Sea coast, as Kyiv looks to open up its besieged ports and build on significant gains through the country’s south.

Ukrainian forces have begun an assault on the Kinburn Spit, a strip of land jutting into the sea south of Mykolaiv that has been occupied for months by Russian forces cutting off access to the port city.

“For now, this military operation is in silent mode,” said a spokeswoman for Ukraine’s Southern Operational Command on Ukrainian television late Monday. She didn’t say when the operation had started but said stormy weather provided an advantage for Ukrainian forces in the area.

The larger Kinburn Peninsula is a key strategic prize for Ukraine. The sliver of land lies at a key maritime choke point leading to the port cities of Mykolaiv and Kherson, at the mouth of two large rivers, the Southern Buh and the Dnipro.

Russian forces have used the spit to launch missile, drone and artillery strikes that have hammered the city of Mykolaiv, which remains in Ukrainian control but has suffered under heavy Russian fire throughout the war.

The Kinburn Peninsula lies at a crucial Black Sea pinch point​


Southern Buh River

Sources: Institute for the Study of War and AEI's Critical Threats Project (Russian-controlled areas)

Reclaiming the peninsula could also provide relief to hundreds of thousands of people living in the Mykolaiv region. The near-constant Russian shelling has damaged schools, hospitals, grain silos, port infrastructure and many civilian homes.

The governor of the Mykolaiv region, Vitaliy Kim, said in a social-media post on Tuesday that the capture of three more settlements on the peninsula would put the entire region under Ukrainian control.

The new operation comes as Ukrainian forces attempt to expand on a sweeping offensive that has recaptured vast swaths of land previously occupied by Russia in southern Ukraine. Ukrainian forces earlier this month took back the city of Kherson, the only regional capital claimed by the Kremlin since its full-scale invasion of Ukraine began last February.

Russian forces launched heavy shelling of Kherson on Monday, a senior Ukrainian official said, attacking at a moment when Ukrainian authorities were working to restore normal life to the city. Mykhailo Podolyak, an adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, called the shelling “systematic.”

“There is no military logic: they just want to take revenge on the locals. This is a huge war crime live,” Mr. Zelensky said in a tweet.


Russian shelling of Ukraine’s Mykolaiv region has damaged schools, hospitals and many civilian homes.​

Four people were hospitalized, including one who died, as a result of Russian shelling in Kherson on Monday, Ukrainian officials said.

Ukraine’s deputy prime minister urged civilians from Kherson to spend the winter in other parts of Ukraine due to the “complex security situation” and infrastructure issues in the area. Iryna Vereshchuk said in a Facebook post late Monday that citizens from Kherson, especially the elderly, those with disabilities and families with children, would be offered free relocation to other regions of the country.

Elsewhere in southeastern Ukraine, Russian shelling hit a school that was being used as a distribution point for humanitarian aid in the Zaporizhzhia region, the local governor said. The attack killed a social worker and injured two other people, said governor Oleksandr Starukh in a post on the messaging platform Telegram.

The liberation of Kherson was one of the largest symbolic victories for Ukraine in the entire war, pushing Russian forces from an area that President Vladimir Putin had weeks earlier claimed as part of Russia. Ukrainian forces have also swept into a large area of northeastern Ukraine in a separate prong of the offensive in recent months.

Recapturing the Kinburn Spit would provide key military advantages for Ukraine, allowing its forces a freer hand to operate along the Black Sea coast as it seeks to push the Kremlin’s troops from the area, military analysts said.

“Control of the Kinburn Spit would allow Ukrainian forces to relieve Russian strikes on the Ukrainian-controlled Black Sea coast, increase naval activity in the area and conduct potential operations to cross to the left [east] bank in Kherson Oblast under significantly less Russian artillery fire compared to a crossing of the Dnipro River,” said the Institute for the Study of War in an operational analysis.


Civilians from Kherson have been urged to leave to spend the winter in other parts of Ukraine.​


Ukraine has increasingly challenged Russia’s dominance over the Black Sea since the beginning of the war, sinking the flagship of Moscow’s fleet in the region and using drone strikes and antiship missiles to push other Russian ships away from the key southern port city of Odessa. Russia has also blamed Ukraine for a series of attacks on its forces in Crimea, as well as an explosion that partially destroyed a bridge linking the Crimean Peninsula to Russia. Ukraine’s recapture of Kherson also ended Russia’s hopes of launching a further assault along the Black Sea coast toward Odessa, military analysts say.

Russia’s Black Sea Fleet remains a threat, however, with frigates, submarines and amphibious ships all at the Kremlin’s disposal. Russia has used some of the ships to launch Kalibr-class cruise missiles at targets on land in Ukraine, part of a recent wave of attacks on key infrastructure, especially the country’s electrical grid.

Reclaiming the Kinburn Spit could also provide Ukraine with an economic boost, making it more viable for Ukrainian authorities to reopen the port of Mykolaiv, which handled 35% of the country’s critical food exports last year. The city’s ports shipped 30 million tons of grain, metal ores and other goods in 2021, according to data from Ukraine’s ports administration.

Only three of Ukraine’s major Black Sea ports are operating, exporting grain and other food items from Odessa under an agreement with Russia, Turkey and the United Nations that opened a safe corridor for those shipments in August. Ukrainian officials pushed unsuccessfully to include the port of Mykolaiv in the agreement in recent months. Russian shelling of the city and control over the ports’ entry point at the Kinburn Spit also posed an obstacle to any of them reopening, Ukrainian officials said.

The agreement with Russia partially lifted a naval blockade imposed on Ukraine that had triggered a surge in global prices of wheat and corn. The deal remains uncertain, however, after Russia briefly suspended its participation in October, threatening to halt the shipping corridor. Moscow agreed to an extension of the deal last week.

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Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine​

News and insights on Russia’s attack on Ukraine and the West’s response, selected by the editors
Wow, normally i have plenty of critiscism for turkey (not a erdogan fan)…but this is a very nice step/gesture. Worthy of one of the Nato pillars. Hopefully more to come

Three of those listed are more like attachment for the TB-2.

- The TRLG system not only uses GPS but can be linked with TB-2
- If the "ground based ew" is what I'm thinking about (Koral) then the Russian can kiss whatever radar they have goodbye.
- & the airborne EW seems to be for Iranian shaheds & for other drones the Russians might have.
When you are brainwashed by CNN + Fox news propaganda. I thought Europeans had free media and better common sense.

It was USA that destroyed Iraqi army and destroyed the state. They admitted it many times. What they made after Saddam was a puppet regime which is why it crumbled. WMD lie was exposed soon after the attack but for slow learners like you it still holds.

I'm sure you don't care about "many PDF members" when they claim USA and India created and armed Pakistani Taliban who caused same destruction in Pakistan.

America destroyed Afghanistan through the puppet regime and fake army of 300,000 +. They brought back Taliban as plan B. It was Americans that signed an agreement to allow them back in power. It is clear by now the whole war was money laundering operation by Americans.
Only people like you still believe in debunked American lies.
You do not watch Fox News in Sweden, and CNN, while available, is a very small contributor.
The US destroyed the illegal Baath regime.

This is not the figures of a destroyed state.

Or this.

so please show statistics that prove Iraq is a destroyed state.

I actually followed the takeover of the Taliban on the news, and they were trained, funded and armed by Pakistan. That something the Pakistani government has claimed as well. The takeover happened years after the US left the area.
A lot of PDF members make the outrageous claim that because the US funded the Mujahedin, they are responsible for the Taliban. This is like blaming a car instructor if one of his pupils drives into a crowd. The Taliban ran training camps inside Pakistan.
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