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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Ah that must be why we so generously allow muslim immigration and mosques in our countries….populations growing tenfold…
Or saved kosovo from the serbs…
Or give so much food and monetary aid…

Because “west hates muslims”…smh

Oh please…”muslim” power plummeted after ottoman collapse. If russia and west (two superpowers) were truly intent to “destroy the muslims” you would have seen “the disappearing christians in Middle East/Armenian marches/uyghur re-education” worldwide and there was nothing anyone would be able to do against it.

Simple example:
People on this thread cry about Nato vs Afghanistan….afghan life expectancy greatly increased during Nato occupation…but yeah…the “evil west” wants to “destroy muslims”…please this is demonizing and generalizing to the level of the kristallnacht…stop spreading these hatefull lies.

West scores much much better on human rights, rule of law, freedoms, upward social mobility on minorities then how minorities are treated in muslim countries….

Thats why half of europe came running to Nato.

I don’t think that they want to destroy or harm Muslims- rather, they see Islam as an ideological threat.

Islam is practically the only religion that successfully managed to fit the tandem of state politics and matters of the religion, as seen in its dominance of the Middle East, and parts of Europe, Asia and Africa.

The point is that Islam is not only a religion, but a style of World order- and one that challenges both the Eastern and Western Bloc.

At the same time, neither of them wish to eliminate Islam, because it plays as a major balancing act in the geopolitical stage of the world. This is done by using moderately powerful Islamic Nations to
Limit the power of each bloc’s enemies. For example, the US limits the Iranian Bloc with Saudi (I know this is changing) and in the same way has limited the India/Russia bloc with Pakistan.

In short, Islam can be used to a greater benefit for different geopolitical blocs, than if it was to be properly eradicated.

However, it would definitely be a threat to the world order if the blocs have no use for them- as seen in China, where China wants the Uyghurs to assimilate with the Han Chinese, as the Uyghurs bring them no use, except from being a threat to their world order

This is why they tend to use different Muslim countries to limit each other, by keeping them divided, as this means that the other ideological blocs don’t even need to put boots on the ground to make sure that Islam does not become a superpower once again
Proud of Ukrainians fighting like its the last fight. But, they are stuck in a WAR where it is just used as a battlefield to decide if West or Russia have control in the region.
Proud of Ukrainians fighting like its the last fight. But, they are stuck in a WAR where it is just used as a battlefield to decide if West or Russia have control in the region.

Wrong, it's Russians who are fighting like it would their last fight, and that because Russians begun this war would over fast, but now nine months later they can't find way out without losing their face. Putin & Co thought that it would end fast, that's why units going towards Kyiv had riot gear with them, and making Ukraine landlocked nation become only a dream after Russians got stuck in Kherson what they recently lost.

Question isn't "Can Ukraine win" but "can Russia survive if it loses in Ukraine?".

Now Russian strategy is to rely on 300.000 light infantry soldiers and apparently commit WW I style human wave attacks against Ukrainian positions.
Ah that must be why we so generously allow muslim immigration and mosques in our countries….populations growing tenfold…
Not generously, they are being allowed in with much moaning and right wing backlash. Mosques are banned from being built and its always a problem to get permits. One country proudly boast that it has no mosques. Population is growing and there are calls for genocide and deportations and police dont do anything to stop this speech.
Or saved kosovo from the serbs…
Well thats true. Probably because they didn't want 2 million Albanian muslims to move to the EU.
Or give so much food and monetary aid…
Well thats true. It looks bad when there are starving kids on TV.
Oh please…”muslim” power plummeted after ottoman collapse. If russia and west (two superpowers) were truly intent to “destroy the muslims” you would have seen “the disappearing christians in Middle East/Armenian marches/uyghur re-education” worldwide and there was nothing anyone would be able to do against it.
Ottomans collapsed because the europeans crushed them. Russia particularly. But France and UK also.
West scores much much better on human rights, rule of law, freedoms, upward social mobility on minorities then how minorities are treated in muslim countries….
yeah. and. are you suggesting west should treat the muslims like some undeveloped country treats its minorities. I thought the west is better than that? I thought the west had morals.
Thats why half of europe came running to Nato.
Well, all of europe actually.

One of the few advantages of the Russian tanks are their low profile.
Low profile vs a missile that descends from above. hmmmmmm, yeah not much help.
LOL just admit you guys can't compete against Cambodia in zero covid.

The reason China even exist in the first place is because the US help your country in the 1st place against the Japanese. Not to mention both Nixon, Clinton & Carter admin helping admit China to the WTO and helping to invest in the country.

You people are the definition of ungrateful.

Something something war crime

At least they are improving and hard-working, something you can't say about most other money/aid supported non-European/Eastern Asian Countries...
Wrong, it's Russians who are fighting like it would their last fight, and that because Russians begun this war would over fast, but now nine months later they can't find way out without losing their face. Putin & Co thought that it would end fast, that's why units going towards Kyiv had riot gear with them, and making Ukraine landlocked nation become only a dream after Russians got stuck in Kherson what they recently lost.

Question isn't "Can Ukraine win" but "can Russia survive if it loses in Ukraine?".

Now Russian strategy is to rely on 300.000 light infantry soldiers and apparently commit WW I style human wave attacks against Ukrainian positions.
Putin might be overthrown but there wont be any effect on Russia as a country.
One of the few advantages of the Russian tanks are their low profile.

T-72 is 2.23 m in height , T 80 2.202 in height . compared to the Abraham Tank - in height 2.44 m

Add to that the low turret , that the Soviet model usually have , and they have an advantage when hiding and firing behind a hill or a ramp.

Now imagine trying to hide behind a ramp with this contraption attached to your tank. You would be spotted from miles away.

M1 Abrams is very quiet for an MBT due to its engine technology. It can be blended with geographical features and used to snipe at enemy positions from a distance. It comes down to competence of troops as well.

Not generously, they are being allowed in with much moaning and right wing backlash.
West has one of the most tolerant policy regarding migration and refugees. Seeing millions settle there.

Stands at the top regarding minority rights, allowing those minorities to grow, study, own land.

To such an extent, that it is voluntarily getting multicultural at a speed unprecendented in history.

Simple matter of knowledge of history and geopolitics.
How many rohingya did china settle?
Thailand you cant even own anything as a farang. Etc etc etc.

Mosques are banned from being built and its always a problem to get permits.

In all west? Filthy lie.
One country proudly boast that it has no mosques. Population is growing and there are calls for genocide and deportations and police dont do anything to stop this speech.
By fringe right. And call for violence speech is outlawed in most states.

More lies.
Well thats true. Probably because they didn't want 2 million Albanian muslims to move to the EU.
We already have millions of muslims…more demonization.

So far i only see baseless attacks on me simply stating facts….
Well thats true. It looks bad when there are starving kids on TV.

Ottomans collapsed because the europeans crushed them. Russia particularly. But France and UK also.
And muslims were weak like a starving kid….yet west did not “destroy all muslims” did they?
Constant deflecting the point arent you?

yeah. and. are you suggesting west should treat the muslims like some undeveloped country treats its minorities. I thought the west is better than that? I thought the west had morals.
Well, all of europe actually.
Nope. Simply that the west treats their minorities better. Fact.

And then you come and demonize that same west while bosnians use to play football with heads of serbian christian civilians…And minorities in whole muslim world have it a lot worse…

Cant you see how ridiculous that is?
Look at yourself before throwing stones at others….
I don’t think that they want to destroy or harm Muslims- rather, they see Islam as an ideological threat.

Islam is practically the only religion that successfully managed to fit the tandem of state politics and matters of the religion, as seen in its dominance of the Middle East, and parts of Europe, Asia and Africa.

The point is that Islam is not only a religion, but a style of World order- and one that challenges both the Eastern and Western Bloc.

At the same time, neither of them wish to eliminate Islam, because it plays as a major balancing act in the geopolitical stage of the world. This is done by using moderately powerful Islamic Nations to
Limit the power of each bloc’s enemies. For example, the US limits the Iranian Bloc with Saudi (I know this is changing) and in the same way has limited the India/Russia bloc with Pakistan.

In short, Islam can be used to a greater benefit for different geopolitical blocs, than if it was to be properly eradicated.

However, it would definitely be a threat to the world order if the blocs have no use for them- as seen in China, where China wants the Uyghurs to assimilate with the Han Chinese, as the Uyghurs bring them no use, except from being a threat to their world order

This is why they tend to use different Muslim countries to limit each other, by keeping them divided, as this means that the other ideological blocs don’t even need to put boots on the ground to make sure that Islam does not become a superpower once again
This is closer to the situation yes.
Its how geopolitics is often played (by expansionist powers/ideologies). Divide and conquer. Enemy of my enemy is my friend. Pit parties against each other.

though “islam” is not fixed in practice. Depends on the ideology/interpretation.
This is closer to the situation yes.
Its how geopolitics is often played (by expansionist powers/ideologies). Divide and conquer. Enemy of my enemy is my friend. Pit parties against each other.

though “islam” is not fixed in practice. Depends on the ideology/interpretation.

within Islam, there have always been smaller divides, that have been enlarged to keep the overall power limited.

This is shown during the Shia/Sunni Divide as well as the fact that three empires claimed the caliphate simultaneously.
Stands at the top regarding minority rights, allowing those minorities to grow, study, own land.

To such an extent, that it is voluntarily getting multicultural at a speed unprecendented in history.
Its getting multicultural simply because they couldn't hold back the tide of humanity that wants a better life. If you are a victim of colonial misdeeds, the west is still a better place than a third world developing country.
Thailand you cant even own anything as a farang. Etc etc etc.
I know farang that own apartments there. so you are making it up.
In all west? Filthy lie.
not all the west, but from place to place. To build a mosque in Australia you need 400 parking spaces, churches everywhere without a single parking space. How long did it take to build a mosque in Slovenia? one mosque per 70,000 - 100,000 muslims. And the muslims there are white. Imagine when dark muslims move to Slovenia.

By fringe right. And call for violence speech is outlawed in most states.
Hate speech and violent speech is illegal in France except when directed against muslims. Anyone can pretty much say anything about Muslims in most of the west. If you take right wing articles and speeches about mutism and replace the word "muslims" with the word "jews" you will go to jail in france in particular. FACT.
And muslims were weak like a starving kid….yet west did not “destroy all muslims” did they?
Well the west is not a genocidal maniac civilisation. There has been no policy of genocide on a massive scale so far against muslims. But they atomised and conquered them. colonisation and neo colonisation. not quite total biological destruction. but not really benevolent. Just ask, do you want mzusklism to do to your county what you did to theirs? if you are cool with that. awesome. It may just happen one day, never know.
And then you come and demonize that same west while bosnians use to play football with heads of serbian christian civilians…And minorities in whole muslim world have it a lot worse…
Oh the poor Serbian christian civilians living under the evil "muuuzlims", most of europe still cries for their suffering. They aren't even allowed to commit genocide against muslims anymore. So sad right?
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News from Telegram. Ukraine retake control of Makiivka, after the Russian counter attacked into the area.

Russian counter attacked, Ukrainian pull back and then drop arty on the advancing Russian.......Report suggest over 300 Russian killed (Probably exaggerated) so basically Russian wasted whatever manpower they have and get slaughtered and then pushed back...
There is this video circulating on Telegram where a formation of 4 RHIB quickly flew off at sea, this was supposed to be Ukrainian Special Force travel to the other side of the Kinburn Peninsula

This is not authenticated tho
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