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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Russia is doing very very well isn't it?

Are you able to make coherent arguments or just twitter taunts?

Yes russia loose ukies stronkk. West winnzzz. You can have your chimpanzee level circle jerk twitter convos. Or have actual facts based discussion on logic.

Are the Russian lines breaking? Not even the most pro western propagandist is claiming that. Infact alot of informed ukies are actually extremely weary of a trap. As they know the Russian army is fully intact and withdrawing on its own terms.

I understand humas are emotional animals and seeing lines on a map change bring out That animilstic instinct inside. However, people with military knowledge are not celebrating and are extremely suspicious
It means nothing but lines on a map. The Russian army is intact and the strategic equation has not only not changed, but its gotten worse for the ukies

The Russian army is literally growing exponentially by the day. While the exhausted ukies are throwing 60 year old grandpas to charge fortified Russian positions with 0 regard for their own mens lives

Russians value their men, ukies (or their american masters to be more specific) have less then 0 value for ukie cannon fodder lives.

This might give you a propaganda victory here and there. But will be strategic suicide long terrm. War is just beginning

This is what I refer to as pure copium. :lol:

It’s not even worth responding to
This is what I refer to as pure copium. :lol:

It’s not even worth responding to

Im sorry did i rain on your “ukraine winnzzz west stronk” parade with some facts?

Sorry… but im not sorry. Sit on it and spin, and have your tissues ready when the inevitable Russian winter blitz comes
Russians are really nice people, they wouldn't do that. So no need to even worry about it.

USA worry about that, but they have a lot of anti ballistic missiles shields.

USA is a smart and sovereign state.

And they only dare to make troubles to Russia when they completed several deployments of their ABM shields (2014).

But the dumbshits corrupts of European rulers dont worry about that because they are idiots and corrupt.

If someday Russia drop nukes over Europe, the corrupt rulers will take their bags full of money and go to Miami.

You remember the respect of American rulers about Russia decades ago, that respect is lost because technology has developed and particularly American ABM shields have developed a lot.

But Europe has not reasons to lost that respect, except the American bribes and their drunkenness of American lies.
Even Russians aren't on this level of copium,LMAO.

What do you think will happen when the Russians are fully mobilized?

Its obvious the ukies threw everything they had to try and gain as much territory as they can before the Russians finish fully mobilizing.

Now they want to “negotiate”. As they know they have gone as far as they possibly can and ita going to be downhill from here on out (almost an exact mirror of the last ditch german offensive of ww2)

Those are the facts. The russian army is intact. Even the ukies themselves acknowledge this with their extremely cautious approach
USA worry about that, but they have a lot of anti ballistic missiles shields.

USA is a smart and sovereign state.

And they only dare to make troubles to Russia when they completed several deployments of their ABM shields (2014).

But the dumbshits corrupts of European rulers dont worry about that because they are idiots and corrupt.

If someday Russia drop nukes over Europe, the corrupt rulers will take their bags full of money and go to Miami.

You remember the respect of American rulers about Russia decades ago, that respect is lost because technology has developed and particularly American ABM shields have developed a lot.

But Europe has not reasons to lost that respect, except the American bribes and their drunkenness of American lies.
Come on bro, you sound like a sour loser, stop EU bashing, let’s celebrate the victory of Ukraine army at Kherson over the orcs, sorry, I mean, the Russia army.
Come on bro, you sound like a sour loser, stop EU bashing, let’s celebrate the victory of Ukraine army at Kherson over the orcs, sorry, I mean, the Russia army.
In the short term things are going ok.
In the long term we dont know.
What do you think will happen when the Russians are fully mobilized?

Its obvious the ukies threw everything they had to try and gain as much territory as they can before the Russians finish fully mobilizing.

Now they want to “negotiate”. As they know they have gone as far as they possibly can and ita going to be downhill from here on out (almost an exact mirror of the last ditch german offensive of ww2)

Those are the facts. The russian army is intact. Even the ukies themselves acknowledge this with their extremely cautious approach

It is the Russians who are actually pushing for negociations,not the Ukrainians. Russian army is so intact that they lost thousands of tanks and armored vehicles,they are so intact that they are relying on poorly equipped and trained chmobiks and wagnerites. The Russian army no longer looks like an army prior to 24th february,but a rag tag militia. And don't tell me they are sending second tier forces and that the real russian army is "waiting at home for NATO".

Russians are justifying their garbage performance by saying they are fighting against NATO,while they are losing against Ukrainians armed with our surplus. Against NATO Russians would get pulverized plain and simple.

Obviously for dudes like you who have been fed about fairytales stories about how Russian armed forces were so great,the awakening is brutal as you can see this army is only composed of corrupt drunkards.
Is it layers of trenches, some in the four regions Russia claims and Crimea or just Crimea?
The Russian have 3 Defensive line on the other side of Dnieper opposite Kherson, another one at the 2 choke points from Crossing into Crimea.

Would not say the 3 lines are the best place for Russian troop to be in now. It's out in the open and out in the cold. At least Ukrainian would have building cover or basement for winter. Russian winter in the Kherson line would be like in a WW1 style trenches. And they can't go anywhere because doing so will just abandoning their position completely in Kherson and Southern Zaporizhya
It's play with fire. Someday Russia could use a nuke against them

My remark was something simple: Complicated military strategies are useless against nukes if you dont have nukes.

I dont understand people who lost time thinking how would be a Russia conquest of West Europe non-nuclear states.

Just they drop several nukes and they win, that's all. Unconditional surrender.

I've never understood those ellaborate military strategies of conquere if you have nukes.

It's the simplest thing to cause more pain than a state can possibly endure.

And you are so uneducated that You do not know that NATO has nukes.
So, in the end, if it were Russians who kept significantly less troops in Kherson than UA, and US intel believed, then it was them who made it a successfull decoy op.

AFU had 8 brigades in Kherson, while Russians held 4 understrength one, while making everybody to believe they had almost double of that, and holding that huge part of Ukrainian military there for nothing.
Ukraine have way more than 8 Brigade in Kherson

Many analysts believe the Withdraw from Kherson is to pull those 20,000 troops in Kherson north into Bakhmut to make a difference. The problem is, while Russia can pull 20,000 exhausted troop from Kherson, depends on how Ukraine wants to tackle south of Dnieper. They can take half the force out (Which would be 8 Brigade) or all but 2 brigade, which will leave 14 brigade free to move East. 14 Brigade is about 60,000 men...as each Brigade are aroudn 4500 men. Or they can just move unit from Odessa and Kryvyi Rih and redploy the entire line toward the East.

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This is OSINT map on Kherson DIrection as of Nov 10, each unit with a "X" marked above is a Brigade, this show 15 Brigade in the Kherson immediate area. But then again this is OSINT, this will not show everything, most likely the reserve force hidden somewhere.

There are 14 on the frontline, and 2 at the edge, then there should be Blocking Unit and Reserve Unit that probably not being shown on this OSINT map. Ukraine easily have over 16 Brigade in the area between Dudchany and Kherson before the Russian Line Collaspe.

Russian most likely did have 20,000 troop but large majority are mobilised soldier and regular National Guard brought in since March to quell unrest, they have up to 8000 National Guardsmen in the area, and probably half the number of Mobik. Do bear in mind even their position is untenable, they did fend off Ukrainian advance for at least 2 months from snihurivka to dudchany , which mean there must be some regular fighting troop that's doing the push back. Not enough for them to couter attack but enough to resist the Ukrainian push.
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