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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

That's the side effect of Russia invading Ukraine. Russia is losing control of its former Soviet Republic allies.

I mean just look at SCO convention last months, everyone is having Putin wait, I mean sure, when Putin was visiting Turkey, Erdogan have him wait, that's okay because Putin can't really afford to piss of Turkey, but even Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan?? Russia would have roll over them any given sunday, but the leader have Putin wait for 4 or 5 minutes before stepping up. That has NEVER done before.

Russia is losing the traditional "Guardian" role in Central Asia, Putin knows it, he knows these Central Asian republics are seeking ties with other player in the region, namely China and Turkey. The problem is, even Russia is now completely depending on China, it wouldn't make any point for these small republics to suck up on Russia, when they can just go suck up on China.
Putin is a poor uncle, no money, no influence, old aged, why should anyone suck up to? Look how many support Russia annexation? Belarus, North Korea and two other most unknown countries on the planet. China is the new rich uncle.
Putin is a poor uncle, no money, no influence, old aged, why should anyone suck up to? Look how many support Russia annexation? Belarus, North Korea and two other most unknown countries on the planet. China is the new rich uncle.
Well, it didn't help when Russian invade their "Slavic Brother" and failed to go thru with the occupation....

Almost all those Central Asian Nation are not Slavic, imagine what Putin would do to them poorly??


Any chance of giving old Bradley IFVs?
It really depends on whether or not US would transfer the TOW missile.

Bradley without TOW is probably worse than the BMPs. I mean, it's just basically bringing in 8 troops in a sweatbox with a 25mm, If US transfer the TOW missile as well, that will become a different thing.
Well, it didn't help when Russian invade their "Slavic Brother" and failed to go thru with the occupation....

Almost all those Central Asian Nation are not Slavic, imagine what Putin would do to them poorly??

It really depends on whether or not US would transfer the TOW missile.

Bradley without TOW is probably worse than the BMPs. I mean, it's just basically bringing in 8 troops in a sweatbox with a 25mm, If US transfer the TOW missile as well, that will become a different thing.
Didn't the U.S. already plan to send in TOWs prior to what I mentioned?
I don't know..........I can say I am not aware of US sending TOW......

Another component of the new aid package seeks to enhance Ukraine's anti-armor capabilities with 1,000 tube-launched, optically tracked, wireless-guided missiles, known as TOW missiles, as well as 1,000 Javelin missiles and anti-armor rifle rounds.

The official said the U.S. would also deliver another 50 Humvees as well as mine-clearing equipment and systems, including 40 MaxxPro Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles, known as MRAPs.

This latest U.S. aid package comes just under three weeks after the Pentagon announced a $1 billion security assistance package for Ukraine and brings the total value of U.S. security aid to Ukraine to about $10.6 billion since January 2021.

Another component of the new aid package seeks to enhance Ukraine's anti-armor capabilities with 1,000 tube-launched, optically tracked, wireless-guided missiles, known as TOW missiles, as well as 1,000 Javelin missiles and anti-armor rifle rounds.

The official said the U.S. would also deliver another 50 Humvees as well as mine-clearing equipment and systems, including 40 MaxxPro Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles, known as MRAPs.

This latest U.S. aid package comes just under three weeks after the Pentagon announced a $1 billion security assistance package for Ukraine and brings the total value of U.S. security aid to Ukraine to about $10.6 billion since January 2021.
Well, I can only say I am not aware of this news.....Maybe it has been brought up, maybe it just skipped my mind? I don't know.
Russia would have roll over them any given sunday,

Russia could've simply withdrawn its paycheck to Tajikistan, and his regime would've fallen within few weeks.

these small republics to suck up on Russia, when they can just go suck up on China.

Doesn't seem to be a suckup, but pretty much a deliberate, and well orchestrated stab. I bet the guy been instructed by Erdo and Tokayev behind the scene, and given something very substantial in exchange. I just wonder what.

Or it may well be possible that he stopped receiving russian paycheques already, and is now complaining.

Another component of the new aid package seeks to enhance Ukraine's anti-armor capabilities with 1,000 tube-launched, optically tracked, wireless-guided missiles, known as TOW missiles, as well as 1,000 Javelin missiles and anti-armor rifle rounds.

The official said the U.S. would also deliver another 50 Humvees as well as mine-clearing equipment and systems, including 40 MaxxPro Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles, known as MRAPs.

This latest U.S. aid package comes just under three weeks after the Pentagon announced a $1 billion security assistance package for Ukraine and brings the total value of U.S. security aid to Ukraine to about $10.6 billion since January 2021.

$10.6 billion is a fantastic return on investment for the USA. Russia's best troops killed, best equipment destroyed. Red Army reputation destroyed. Putin - potentially politically neutered or dead. Picked up a new best friend in Ukraine for life. Broken the energy bond between the EU and Russia.. EU rapidily re-militarilising meaning it can withdraw it forces to focus on China more ...

What is there not to like about this for the USA... best $10.6 billion they have spent on anything ever ...

A strategic master-stroke from a bumbling fool's mistake in Ukraine ...
Starlink jamming should active Article V of NATO, because a American company is under attack. It's sabotage "infrastructures", like blow up a gas pipe.


As ex a spy Putin is a professional liar. I would not trust any words coming from his mouth. Same coming from other three liars Lavrov, Peskow, Medwedew. To understand what Putin wants you can follow his mastermind, the russian nationalist Alexander Dugin.

The good part is that he's a liar but he knows the truth, so you can analyse him to guess what he's thinking.

Western public speakers often lie but they are dont aware of lying, because they dont know the truth.

There is no perfect liars, and people like Lavrov often reveal the truth because the kind of words they use.

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