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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Right, sure. That's why Putin had to call up a military mobilization of 300,000 after losing tens of thousands and not even being able to hold on the territories the Russians have tried to annex.

Putin has had to fire multiple generals running his idiotic, unwinnable war, because he's too stupid to realize he himself fucked up.

That's not the actions of a careful strategist who's winning, those are the actions of a desperate loser.

What a joke.
He wouldn't want to use his soldiers to waste in Ukraine , he's keeping a big portion of them intact to face bigger war against west , that's what ay sane person would do
They literally don't. Every news meds, orgs & even country condemn US invasion of Iraq.

What Russia want is to annex a country & tells everyone that's the same as Iraq.
Run it over and bomb it to **** loot all the gold and money or annex it whats the difference
He wouldn't want to use his soldiers to waste in Ukraine , he's keeping a big portion of them intact to face bigger war against west , that's what ay sane person would do
That's literally not true. We've been hearing this nonsense since the beginning of the war.

If he has soldiers to spare, he wouldn't be sending untrained conscripts to the front line where they would 100% lose.

The truth is that Russia is losing the war, because they don't have the resources to fight against a Ukraine backed with EU/US money and weapons.
Right, sure. That's why Putin had to call up a military mobilization of 300,000 after losing tens of thousands and not even being able to hold on the territories the Russians have tried to annex.

Putin has had to fire multiple generals running his idiotic, unwinnable war, because he's too stupid to realize he himself fucked up.

That's not the actions of a careful strategist who's winning, those are the actions of a desperate loser.

What a joke.

This is fake news.
Just wait and watch , without water electricity food gas and supply lines in winter the Ukrainians will freeze to death just like the Germans did in Stalingrad , winter is only a month away. Russia is huge with unlimited natural resources and huge manpower they can sustain it for years unlike Ukraine who is fighting on nato weapons and western funds only . Russia has oil and gas that's enough for them to last a decade
Just wait and watch , without water electricity food gas and supply lines in winter the Ukrainians will freeze to death just like the Germans did in Stalingrad , winter is only a month away. Russia is huge with unlimited natural resources and huge manpower they can sustain it for years unlike Ukraine who is fighting on nato weapons and western funds only . Russia has oil and gas that's enough for them to last a decade
Ukraine will have plenty of everything, Russia will not.

The issue with your stalingrad example is that the Germans were in foreign territory with broken supply lines.

Ukrainian supply lines have gotten stronger, and its the Russians who are fighting in a foreign country.

Russia does NOT have unlimited resources, that's a myth.

Bro, you clearly don't have any clue how this works, the fact that the Russians have had to beg Iran for drone technology is evidence enough of how desperately low Russia's advanced weapons supplies are.

The fact that Russia is sending untrained conscripts to the front line is even worse for Russia because they're just throwing bodies at a HIMARS and Bayraktar powered meat grinder with zero results.

Russian defenses keep collapsing for a reason.
He wouldn't want to use his soldiers to waste in Ukraine , he's keeping a big portion of them intact to face bigger war against west , that's what ay sane person would do

Russia has never had a decent army and always relied on sending waves of troops in until the enemy caves.
Pakistan is free to leave the United Nations at any time.
If it choses to remain, it will have to play by the rules.

Anyone that has the slightest clue about the United Nation knows that the UNSC consists of 15 members with 5 permanent and 10 rotating members,
A resolution cannot be issued by the 5 permanent members.
They can block a resolution, that is all.

Since you do not show even a minimum of education, you are better ignored.
You will be in ten seconds,
This is your behavior. fascist. You don't have pain for for other race. You are typical wight man who only care about your own kind. Very very racist and Fascist
That's literally not true. We've been hearing this nonsense since the beginning of the war.

If he has soldiers to spare, he wouldn't be sending untrained conscripts to the front line where they would 100% lose.

The truth is that Russia is losing the war, because they don't have the resources to fight against a Ukraine backed with EU/US money and weapons.
That's how wars are fought , Pak created jihadis so that they can utilisize them during war send them to Frontline against line and have minimum army casualties, India now following the same pattern they are creating Hindu extremists and training them militarily like rss, and bajrang dal to minimize army casualities they were tested in Indian held kasmir

Now who are Russian conscripts? Jobless folks they aren't doctors and scientists or engineer , they are desperate folks fighting for 3500$ a month which they couldn't have dreamed otherwise . Why was Wagner created ? Same purpose not to engage army rather use mercenaries just like usa utilises black water
That's how wars are fought , Pak created jihadis so that they can utilisize them during war send them to Frontline against line and have minimum army casualties, India now following the same pattern they are creating Hindu extremists and training them militarily like rss, and bajrang dal to minimize army casualities they were tested in Indian held kasmir

Now who are Russian conscripts? Jobless folks they aren't doctors and scientists or engineer , they are desperate folks fighting for 3500$ a month which they couldn't have dreamed otherwise . Why was Wagner created ? Same purpose not to engage army rather use mercenaries just like usa utilises black water
You're comparing a proxy war with a conventional war.

Conscripts are official army personnel fighting a conventional war.

You do not know how wars are fought.

This is a dumb argument.

Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson are as Russian as Moscow.

Once again, everytime you reply to me, you get a negative rating.

I've warned you multiple times this would happen.
I hate seeing these war videos with music in it, there are people dying from both sides even the dead soldiers were human they felt the same pain as civilians do, grief even for the fallen enemy soldier everyone wants peace
Bro do you live in Bosnia??
Those people who are cheering for Ukrainian advances are little too stupid , they have know idea what's coming ahead in winter . In kharkiv alone there were 20,000 Ukrainian casualities as per western sources . Putin is playing carefully while Ukraine is putting all they have into meat grinder, all these advances will be reversed in winter
What Putin would do by the time winter has arrived Ukraine will have no electricity, no gas no water then what happens next ? Ukraine will collapse
I think you give Russia to much credit. There is a limit to its long range capabilities, and every strike puts pressure on western governments to deliver anti air systems asap.
If Russia could destroy the ukrainian infrastructure, they would have done it a long time ago. Doesnt have to take 8 months to figure out what to strike. And if the ukrainian claims are right, they took out half of the missiles - I even saw a group of ukrainian shooting down a cruise missile with manpads (dont understand a word of it, but the shear joy tells me it was a clear hit 😀

He wouldn't want to use his soldiers to waste in Ukraine , he's keeping a big portion of them intact to face bigger war against west , that's what ay sane person would do
Except Russia doesnt have to fear NATO invading Russia. So this is a lame excuse.
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