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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

No. America did. Under falsehood of “weapons of mass destruction”.
Countries like germany were opposed.
Western view on american war in iraq was quite negative.

Keep in mind that Saddam was a dictator gassing kurds and attacking kuwait.

Taliban sheltered terrorists after 9-11
The attack was done with minimal civilian casualties. Billions were pumped into state-building, hopsitals, basic infra. Life expectancy grew 10 years during nato was there….

If you want to cry about afghanistan, do so about russias invasion, which actually saw pipukation plummet and millions dead

Another dictator pushed his luck. So some Nato countries took opportunity when he started killing civilians in a civil war.

I preferred they didnt. But small change compared to russia trying to annex ukraine.

“palestine” is peanuts compared to the armenian or bangladesh genocide.
1 month ukraine saw more civilian deaths then 30 years palestine…
Iraq and liybia were supper rich countries then saudia and Qatar. Go and see those countries are shit whol now after your imposed war.. you still defending attack on Iraq Syria libiya Palestinian Kashmir. That shows how dubleface bc idiot you are.
We dont give any one morality lesson.. as you accepted iraq did not had WMD. When you going to compensate them. Any Afghan was involved in 9/11?. Osama used to dine in wighthouse. He was the man who made usa solo supper power after defeating soviet in Afghanistan. So dont talk shit here. We not idiots like many in west. Brain size of chicken. Go read about petrol dollar economy and Wallstreet guys those who meet sadam and qadafi after arab Israel war with offer to protect their dictatorship if they sell petrol in dollars. Those dictators who are selling petrol in dollars they are best budy of west. Those refused they are under mud. You are ignorant n funny.. West sell one wine with three labels Democracy humenrights and terrorism. Where Iraqi Palestinian Kashmir lives are less important then Ukrainens.
You and your kind is birth of this media mafia.
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to me look all the burn marks are under the damaged tanker
also don't forget one thing , the side of the bridge was not solid it was a metal mesh . when 3-4 tanker damage there is natural that enough fuel spill on the ground and move and some of them pour from that mesh under the bridge
You go to 0:13 and you can see the different between the area of undamaged car that was not burn, and the area of undamaged car that burn.

And it wouldn't matter, it will still lead to the lowest point on the mesh
Iraq and liybia was supper rich county then saudia Qatar. Go and see that countries are shit whol now..
Relatively wealthy with most money in hands of strongman dictator.

sect/tribe violence and corruption were heavily ingrained into these societies.
A unstable situation that was temporarily forced together by a dictator
We dont give any one morality lesson.. as you accepted iraq did not had WMD. When you going compensate them.
Usa spent tens of billions on humanitarian and rebuild.
They did remove a dictator that gassed his own civilians. And did not annex iraq either.
Any Afghan was involved in 9/11. Osama used dine in wighthouse. He was the man who made usa solo supper power after defeating soviet in Afghanistan. So talk shit here. We not idiots like many in west. Brain size of chicken
Osama used to be (one of the many) mudhjahedeen fighting russia however turned on america and attacked it with disgusting terrorism. Taliban sheltered him so could expect a reaction.

War itself had minimal collateral damage and billions were pumped to improve afghan life. My oh my so “evil”
Russians BOMB German Consulate in Kyiv..

German consulate hit in Kyiv missile strike​

The building housing the German consulate in Kyiv was hit by a Russian missile strike, Reuters news agency quotes the Germany's foreign ministry as saying.
It is not clear if anyone was killed or injured in the attack, we'll bring you more information as and when it is available.
Relatively wealthy with most money in hands of strongman dictator.

sect/tribe violence and corruption were heavily ingrained into these societies.
A unstable situation that was temporarily forced together by a dictator

Usa spent tens of billions on humanitarian and rebuild.
They did remove a dictator that gassed his own civilians. And did not annex iraq either.

Osama used to be (one of the many) mudhjahedeen fighting russia however turned on america and attacked it with disgusting terrorism. Taliban sheltered him so could expect a reaction.

War itself had minimal collateral damage and billions were pumped to improve afghan life. My oh my so “evil”
Usa spent money where? Did you ever go to those countries which were destroyed by west. Come on man where you live. Are you living on Mars. Come out on your high horses.
Osman fought along mujadeen to liberate their county. He was not their enemy. Problem could have fix by diplomatic mean. They asked usa give us proof Osman involvement and take Osman. But usa refused as they were not interested in Osman day first. They wanted to be Afghanistan to manage China Pakistan iran and Russia. Plan was total destruction and then world saw how they ran from Kabul Airport after killing 2.5 millones Afghans and losing 1.28 trillions dollars..
if the tankers are filled , very unlikely for them to explode but if its 2/3rd filled and 1/3rd empty then thats an option , we don\t knew if the fuel cargo was tampered with or not
Well, why not ask the russians. They are inventor of thermobombastic rocket truck. Russia army is the only army in the world that uses such cruel weapon.
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