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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2


Any chance of more M113s for off road to handle the winter? Think the Ukrainians will still be busy.

Any chance of more M113s for off road to handle the winter? Think the Ukrainians will still be busy.
Think the Dutch, the Dane, Spanish, Portugese, Australian, and American already gave them 400 M113 to Ukraine. IIRC. That's probably enough for now. That's like 3 division worth of M113...I mean even Australia and Canada do not have that number in service...
Think the Dutch, the Dane, Spanish, Portugese, Australian, and American already gave them 400 M113 to Ukraine. IIRC. That's probably enough for now. That's like 3 division worth of M113...I mean even Australia and Canada do not have that number in service...

M113 has high engine breakdown rate. Even if there were 400 of these delivered, more than half are lost to engine breakdown within a few months.
no i say there was a secondary explosion after the truck exploded when the video switch to the control room monitor you see it . and there is only 1-2sec distance the train driver had no time to stop before the second explosion .
that can mean one thing the train was stationary or stopped one tanker get exploded
now look at the photo you post . it show the burning train is exactly adjacent to were the road bridge is fallen and the lorry exploded , it only mean one thing , the train for some reason was stationary at the time of explosion otherwise before stop it had moved 1-2 hundred meter at least
Still the explosion comes from the right of the lorry, while the train is to the left of the lorry. It is not the train exploding 1-2 seconds after the initial explosion,
Yes and if a nuke just so happens to explode in Kiev Russians will claim it was an accident.
Nuke doesn't even have to explode , all Russia has to do is tell the Kiev citizens that Russia is going to nuke the city and they should evacuate, you will then get around 2 million people exodus of the city which will block the Ukrainian supply routes and force Ukraine to negotiate.
Petrol, Diesel or any form of liquid follow gravitational pull, if fuel on that train spill over the bridge, they will gather on the edge that closer to the ground, that's because the gravity pull the liquid to the bottom edge. Which mean burn mark on the top side is a lot longer than the burn mark on bottom, and as you can see it is the opposite on the photo, the burn mark underneat the bridge is longer than the burn mark on top. Which mean the undercarriage were burn more than the top, which suggest the flame is under that part of the bridge, instead of on top of that bridge.

You can try that at home, fill a lunch box with water and watch it fill to the rim and spill, when it spills it does not spill along the entire edge of the side of that lunch box, it spills at one point.
honestly i don't understand whats the point here , if you are talking about burn mark on the pillar , its top was completely on fire at some time if you mean on top of railroad bridge well it was on fire so its natural it get charred all i see is burn mark on places the fuel split
Still the explosion comes from the right of the lorry, while the train is to the left of the lorry. It is not the train exploding 1-2 seconds after the initial explosion,
look at the video when it cut to security camera on monitor it clearly show a big first explosion and then after 1-2 sec a small second explosion . the first explosion come exactly at were the lorry was . i cant say it was its left or right , how you can tell that ? the second explosion clearly happened out of the field of view

the second explosion is probably damaged tankers , nothing else i'm aware of exploded that night . and as the train exactly is adjacent to the place the lorry exploded it show that it was stationary and not moving
look at the video when it cut to security camera on monitor it clearly show a big first explosion and then after 1-2 sec a small second explosion . the first explosion come exactly at were the lorry was . i cant say it was its left or right , how you can tell that ? the second explosion clearly happened out of the field of view

the second explosion is probably damaged tankers , nothing else i'm aware of exploded that night . and as the train exactly is adjacent to the place the lorry exploded it show that it was stationary and not moving
What caused the second explosion? It can’t be the truck, can it? That would mean the truck exploded twice which is implausible.
From the news today. 700,000 russians flee Russia to avoid draft. That makes sense why dying in a worthless war.
The EU becomes a military bloc. She wants to train 15,000 Ukraine soldiers.
Main training bases should be Germany and Poland. Ukraine army would be trained in combat against potential ABC weapons.


Kharkiv (Ukraine), 06/10/2022.- Ukrainian servicemen prepare to shoot from a captured Russian 152.4 mm howitzer Msta-B on a front line near the Kupyansk city of Kharkiv's area, Ukraine, 06 October 2022 amid Russia's military invasion. The Ukrainian army pushed Russian troops from occupied territory in the northeast of the country in a counterattack. Kharkiv and surrounding areas have been the target of heavy shelling since February 2022, when Russian troops entered Ukraine starting a conflict that has provoked destruction and a humanitarian crisis. (Atentado, Rusia, Ucrania) EFE/EPA/SERGEY KOZLOV

What caused the second explosion? It can’t be the truck, can it? That would mean the truck exploded twice which is implausible.
probably damaged fuel tanks on the train , maybe a small bomb on the train

I wish every single person in the West would listen to Putin's speech. Obviously, that won't happen so let me summarise as a professional translator for 10+ years. He states, as he has done from the outset, what his intentions and complaints are in the plainest terms possible

Setting aside his brief comments on the recent "referendums", he spends most of his speech discussing the West. His primary complaint isn't NATO expansion, which gets only a cursory mention. The West is greedy and seeks to enslave and colonise other nations, like Russia.

The West uses the power of finance and technology to enforce its will on other nations. To collect what he calls the "hegemon's tax". To this end the West destabilises countries, creates terrorist enclaves and most of all seeks to deprive other countries of sovereignty.

It is this "avarice" and desire to preserve its power that is the reason for the "hybrid war" the collective West is "waging on Russia". They want us to be a "colony". They do not want us to be free, they want Russians to be a mob of soulless slaves - direct quote.

The rules-based order the West goes on about is "nonsense". Who made these rules? Who agreed to them? Russia is an ancient country and civilization and we will not play by these "rigged" rules. The West has no moral authority to challenge the referendums because it has violated...the borders of other countries. Western elites are "totalitarian, despotic and apartheidistic" - direct quote. They are racist against Russia and other countries and nations. "Russophobia is racism". They discriminate by calling themselves the "civilised world".

They colonised, started the global slave trade, genocided native Americans, pillaged India and Africa, forced China to buy opium through war. We, on the other hand, are proud that we "led" the anti-colonial movement that helped countries develop to reduce poverty and inequality.

They are Russophobic (they hate us) because we didn't allow our country to be pillaged by creating a strong CENTRALISED (emphasis his) state based on Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Buddhism. They have been trying to destabilise our country since the 17th century in the Times......of Trouble (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_of_T…). Eventually, they managed to "get their hands on our riches" at the end of the 20th century. They called us friends and partners while pumping out trillions of dollars (his irony game is strong today).

We remember this. We didn't forget. The West claims to bring freedom and democracy to other countries but it's the exact opposite of the truth. The unipolar world is anti-democratic by its very nature. It is a lie. They used nuclear weapons, creating a precedent. They flattened German cities without "any military need to do so". There was no need for this except to scare us and the rest of the world. Korea, Vietnam. To this day they "occupy" Japan, South Korea and Germany and other countries while cynically calling them "allies".

The West has surveillance over the leaders of these nations who "swallow these insults like the slaves they are".

He then talks about bioweapon research (haven't heard about them for a while) and human experiments "including in Ukraine".

The US rules the world by the power of the fist. Any country which seeks to challenge Western hegemony becomes an enemy. Their neocolonialism is cloaked in lies like "containment" of Russia, China and Iran. The concept of truth has been destroyed with fakes and extreme......propaganda(irony game still strong).

You cannot feed your people with printed dollars and social media. You need food and energy. But Western elites have no desire to find a solution to the food and energy crises *they* (emphasis his) created.

They solved the problems at the start of 20c with WW1 and the US established dominance of the world via the dollar as a result of WW2. In the 80s they had another crisis they solved by "plundering our country". Now they want to solve their problems by "breaking Russia".

Russia "understands its responsibility to the international community" and will "do everything to cool the heads of these neocolonials who are destined to fail".

They're crazy. I want to speak to all Russian citizens, do we want to replace mum and dad with parent 1 and 2?

They invented genders and claim you can "transition". Do we want this for our children?

We have a different vision.

They have abandoned religion and embraced Satanism - direct quote.

The world is going through a revolutionary transformation. A multipolar world offers nations freedom to develop as they wish and they make up the majority of the world.

We have many like-minded friends in Western countries. We see and appreciate their support. They are forming liberation, anti-colonial movements as we speak - direct quote. These will only grow.

We are fighting for a fair world for our country. The idea of exceptionalism is criminal and we must turn this shameful page. The breaking of the West's hegemony is INEVITABLE (emphasis his).

There is no going back. We are fighting for our "great (as in big), historic Russia". Our values are (irony game crescendo): love of our fellow man, compassion and mercy.

Truth is with us, Russia is with us.

That's the end of the speech. As I said from day 1, the purpose of what Putin is doing in Ukraine is to throw the West off its pedestal. This isn't about NATO or Ukraine, this is the big play to replace the current world order.
probably damaged fuel tanks on the train , maybe a small bomb on the train
Fuel tanks don’t explode per se.To get them explode fuels need high oxygen density. What is less likely. The first explosion consumed most of oxygen in the air.
I believe the second explosion was caused by a charge that was attached to the bridge. Or could be a bomb on the train.
I claimed that England did not do anything similar to the Holocaust.

You lying about the number of people starving to death in Iran does not change that.
Claming that 12-15 million Iranians died of starvation during WWII, when the population of Iran was 12-15 million during WWII is ridiculous.

Russian logistics is based on railways, not on trucks.
Go and read 1856 event around 3 millones Indians got killed by British forces
Ukrainian servicemen shoot from a captured Russian 152.4 mm howitzer Msta-B on a front line near the Kupyansk city of Kharkiv’s area, Ukraine, 06 October 2022. EFE/EPA/SERGEY KOZLOV

1. Someone blow up nordstreams pipes
2. Putin blames "the anglosaxons" (a ethnicity, do you imagine he blaming "the jews" or "the blacks"?)
3. Russia does nothing, because "the anglosaxons" can defend themselves

1. Someone blow up a truck in the Crimea bridge
2. Putin blames "Ukraine Secret Service"
3. Russia bombs Ukraine Secret Service HQ street in Kyiv, I guess they wanted to bomb the building, but their missile guidance is crappy and it failed

Kremlin cowardice is astonishing.

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