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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

and what was the term of the deal
Sanctions are gone.
If Iran does not want to abide by rules set up, it is different.
If you want a loan in a bank, and want to pay 0% interest, then bank is not sanctioning you for not approving the loans.
You simply have a disagreement
I don't believe Ukraine has any chance to win. Ukraine threwed everything at Russia at this moment. Russia is regrouping and try to adapt the war. If you feel tired of reposting. Take a break. Revisit this when there's new change on the battle ground.
Russia has always failed first then adapted and overcame. WW2 is the best example in the end Russians were the first to reach berlin.
Russia had 20% of Ukraine

now they have lost 5% so now 15%

today also Ukraine pushed into Russian "claimed" territory

so question is what will Russia do ?
Little to nothing
Russia best troops are decimated. Russia amateur mobis are worst as cannon fodder or as best can slow Ukraine advance. They can’t stop Ukraine offensive. Russia has no means to stop Himars. Those missiles will continue to kill of Russia supplies.
Putin has just promoted Kadyrow to Col. General. Russia will escalate the war with fanatics and facists.
Ukraine must take back Crimea and Donbas. And yes, that is crushing Russia. That is a total Ukrainian victory. Then EU can get natural gas from Ukrainian reserves, not Russia. As Europe diversifies. However, this goes against the US policy to stop a strong independent EU that surpasses the US in power. The UK/US goal is to keep Germany down, not rivaling the UK/US.

Excluding Russia’s gas reserves in Asia, Ukraine today holds the second biggest known gas reserves in Europe. As of late 2019, known Ukrainian reserves amounted to 1.09 trillion cubic meters of natural gas, second only to Norway’s known resources of 1.53 trillion cubic meters. Yet, these enormous reserves of energy remain largely untapped. Today, Ukraine has a low annual reserve usage rate of about 2 percent. Moreover, more active exploration may yield previously undiscovered gas fields, which would further increase the overall volume of Ukraine’s deposits.

The war in Ukraine is not about Russians living in Ukraine vs "Nazi Jew Zelensky". It is against EU independence from Russian gas, to steal the areas of Ukraine with gas that can replace the need of Russia. Russia is obsolete with Ukrainian gas sold to Europe. And Putin wants to destroy the EU for the cia Pompeo/Trump agenda. The hatred of Putin and Putinites concerning the EU predates the finding of the gas reserves in Ukraine. The Putin policy is the US policy of keep Germany and EU weak.

Europeans are more hated by the US deepstate than China is hated. China is easily manipulated for 50 cents. As a lifeless puppet, the US can easily pull the strings of China for US ends. Europeans have morals and values that don't include supporting totalitarianism, that include freedom and democracy and the ability to be successful nations that rise above the US/UK. For that this is in progress:

(BTW, Quigley who taught at Georgetown [teaching Bill Clinton and the both Pelosi husband and wife], wrote the book on much of the information in the above video. Peter Hof and Docherty also referenced and accurate too. As are the other primary sourced books that are used. The narrator and producer of the video offers no evidence that UK in the 1890s started Franco-Russian alliance, no book that I am aware of touches this topic. I am not saying that it did or did not happen. I am saying Quigley does not mention this. And the two authors interviewed actually infer the opposite, that UK, as the history books show, was a late arrival into the Franco-Russian alliance. The famous scholar interviewed, Docherty, in the book tells that France and Russia were anti-UK when the Dual Alliance was signed. Corbett is a very poor researcher. Taking most of the best resources out there and arriving at the conclusion that Putin is the best fuhrer for Europe. I studied this extensively and that one piece of info I have been unable to find from the many scholars Corbett takes and puts the Corbett name to. Corbett is really a shotty "journalist". Taking the best well researched articles and twisting it, this is typical of the alt-wrong. Taking the modern classics and arriving at completely wrong conclusions that trump is fighting the deepstate and Putin should be your hero. The problem is not with the information provided by published authors and scholars, the leaders in the field. The problem is with Corbett. Could have the early Rhodes Round Table before the Franco-Russian alliance used connections to craft that agreement, perhaps. There is no evidence provided by Quigley and other scholars. There is evidence that the UK made sure to keep the Franco-Russian alliance continuing and having the UK join into the Triple Entente. Then the UK used crisis after crisis to blame Germany. This is referenced and sourced. Historians are taught the Franco-Prussian War and French revenge are reasons enough for France to side with Russia, who was jolted by Germany. Until primary sourced info is out, Corbett is to believed wrong on saying the UK crafted the Franco-Russian alliance, since it started in secret, it would difficult to pin on the UK even with UK involvement. What Corbett should have stated is the UK kept the Franco-Russian Alliance going and made it stronger in UK quest to destroy the rise of Germany. Corbett does zero investigative journalism, does shotty journalism, shotty research taken from those who are leaders in the field. Corbett gathers together already known info for well researched authors and journalists, then adds alt-wrong stuff into it)

The US/UK/Russia have been involved in an over 100 year project, known as the Entente, to keep down Germany and European states from banding together to rival UK and US. France and Russia are tools of the UK and US. Only during the late Soviet Union era was Russia free from UK and US control and manipulation to destroy Europe. Such a USSR eventually collapsed because they were cut-throat stalinists. Because Gorbachev did not want a war to destroy Europe, he let the USSR and empire collapse.

Chabad cia own Russia with the Bush cronies that own hundreds of billions in the oil and gas from project hammer.

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Meanwhile the Russians still trying to take Bakhmut at all costs. 3 months and counting. The neofascist group Wagner leads the offensive. We know why the senseless attack. They don’t follow military logics, but racistic motives. Also terror against population as motive.

The Wagner is founded by Prigoschin, Putin’s cook. Incredible. A cook founded a private army. Bakhmut is destined for Putin’s 70y birthday gift.

So you are saying there are Chinese mole within Russian establishment??

Yes, and not if, but how many by now. I am confident about that.

I long thought that the reason why Beijing is so chill about Russian overtures in the East is because they have full visibility into Russian establishment, and they know these efforts being Potemkin villages, and they knew Russia's real potentials for years.

Every year, MOFCOM organizes around 10 to 20 all expenses paid trips to China for Russian officials, to be hosted in most expensive hotels, and supplied with compliments valued in tens of millions CNY.

Most of RU officials coming for them are relatively low rank, not normally warranting such expensive protocol, nor would officers of 3 letter services be normal guests at "economic forums"

I bet Kremlin is well aware of Beijing spies, but is intentionally overlooking it. What they do not anticipate, however, is the possibility of spies being influence agents. This way the motivation for Beijing 50-centers spinning RUAF capturing tiny villages into grandiose military victories suddenly begins to make sense — that's the "Hopium" which they pump into Kremlin's ears.

Or at least, they want Kremlin to believe that Beijing is "impressed" with their prowess to make impression that Beijing still has high expectations of Kremlin.
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Ukraine beat Russia the same way England beat France. Better leadership. Better tactics.

At the beginning of war, Russia mobilize their forces near Kiev.

After the meeting, Russia retreated and focused on the four provinces at the East.

As I can guess, it's a wrong decision, and now Ukraine army keeps poking Russia's army on the butt all the time.

But what if Russia rejected the meeting resolution and conquered the whole Ukraine?

It's pretty much the same, Ukraine will enter guirella warfare and keeps poking Russia's army on the butt.

The same tactic used by Taliban in Afghanistan against USA.

Even USA itself unable to solve the problem, and finally retreat.
Sanctions are gone.
If Iran does not want to abide by rules set up, it is different.
If you want a loan in a bank, and want to pay 0% interest, then bank is not sanctioning you for not approving the loans.
You simply have a disagreement
Sanctions are there and haven't been removed against Iran.
Hence why neither Iran or VNZ can put oil into market which helping causing a havoc around the world
Sanctions are gone.
If Iran does not want to abide by rules set up, it is different.
If you want a loan in a bank, and want to pay 0% interest, then bank is not sanctioning you for not approving the loans.
You simply have a disagreement
which rule ? again you say rule but won't say which ?
Putin Hero to the Muslims. god-king to defend Palestinians

The day Putin prayed for rebuilding of Temple​

'That's exactly why I came here,' he said in little-reported visit to Jerusalem's Western Wall​

China has such a friend in Putin as the Palestinians do. Putin is a rabid zionist, who is your controlled opposition to slowly boil you in oil as you cheer for Putin.

The Tucker/Trump/Putin cronies want to take out Iran, China, EU and are rabid zionists who want to steal Al Quds. And Iran and China support Trumper Putin.
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