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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Ukraine has 30 million people. Russia has 150 million people. Russia is willing to sacrifice 30 million people to annex Kiev. Russia still have 120 million people left.
BS argument as usual: Israel prevailed over Arabs who were 10x bigger. So go with your wishful dreams...

Bullshit, zelesnky is as much a US puppet/client as Saudi Arabia leader is a US puppet. Those who believe the former are part of those who also believe the later , that's all I can say. Lol we have seen that here on PDF several.times as well. To some, basically every Arab country/gulf state is a US/Western puppet/client state with no independence of actions whatsoever. Lol
Saudi Arabia is a puppet no more: they just dropped oil production as part of OPEC+ much to chagrin of US and EU who perceive it as a sign that it supports Russia
Don't waste your time on them, bro.
thats exactly the same conclusion i came to about your opinions on the Ukraine war. When do you envision Ukraine gaining back all its territory from Russia?

Modern or NATO?

and weak azz NATO STILL DIDNT ENTER THE WAR? weak as fuk..but no surprise, its run out of so much ammunition, its afraid to keep supplying Ukraine cuz that's an automatic loss to China when conflict starts to have low ammunition.
Afraid? Have you bugged the rooms of every Defence Minister to provide this basis? Or is there a drop in weapons supplies to Ukraine. Every week there is more equipment coming its way.

Its fine for you to support the side you are supporting and hoping it wins: but stop acting like a Russian broadcast channel with worthless crap about running out of ammo.

thats exactly the same conclusion i came to about your opinions on the Ukraine war. When do you envision Ukraine gaining back all its territory from Russia?

LMAO to this: may be Ukraine does not need to gain 100% of its territory back. It gets 50%, but the other goal of permanently humiliating Russia, eliminating its global power status, dividing it internally, and economically moving it back 30 years may be good enough. Oh and it will get Russia's frozen funds to pay for its reconstruction to really drive the point home

thats exactly the same conclusion i came to about your opinions on the Ukraine war. When do you envision Ukraine gaining back all its territory from Russia?

LMAO to this: may be Ukraine does not need to gain 100% of its territory back. It gets 50%, but the other goal of permanently humiliating Russia, eliminating its global power status, dividing it internally, and economically moving it back 30 years may be good enough. Oh and it will get Russia's frozen funds to pay for its reconstruction to really drive the point home
why not answer my points with real counter points? uve met someone you thought was dumb but is showing you they know more than you do on these subjects, so now yo attack, like a dog with no emotional control.

this is the same bulsht US and NATO told Afghanistan and "freedom from terrorism and Islamic radicals like the Taliban', and where did that end them? would you like to bet money NATO and Ukraine will lose at the end of this war? i could do with that extra cash.

Black trash talk? what does Black have to do with it? unless you're racist then that would make sense.

Afghanistan war loser trying to convince us NATO can do better against a much better army and country like Russia? trust me, you're not convincing me, your military is a bich that only fights when its against entities it can fly jets and drones WITH NO CONTEST, once its contested, NATO loses motivation, modern war cowards, i dunno which modern conflict NATO has won or will win.
Just like (I hope you don't) clean our latrines ourselves and have modern plumbing to flush the extrement away, so too has NATO's version of modern warfare evolved. The entire concept of connected operations in an uncontested. If you can do that well, then why would you fight a war like its 1940s.

Russia is fighting the war the equivalent of way of cleaning out your latrine. So yes you can criticize NATO for havine flushing toilets. But its working and Russia's latrine cleaning war doctrine is getting its *** handed. And people like you are bitter about NATO's doctrine so you keep on coming back to Afghanistan.

Should NATO just put out a press release to acknoledge 'hey we lost we left Afghanistan' so people like you then can focus just on this war.
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Ukraine versus Russia is like England versus France in Hundred Years War. England beat France in Hundred Years War despite a third of the population. Same situation with Ukraine beat Russia despite a third of the population.

Post by @jamal18

What is happening is mind boggling, a quantum shift.

1. The Saudis/ UAE not even picking up the phone when Biden rings.

2. Selling oil to the Chinese in Yuan.

3. Consulting with Russia about a cut in oil production at a time when the US is demanding an increase.

The US has deemed Saudi actions as 'aggressive' towards them. The American's most loyal and servile vassal in the middle east being quantified by the US as an adversary.

We are truly living in exceptional times. ' Decades go by when nothing happens, then in the space of weeks decades go by.'

To sum it up russians are winning in international influence and diplomacy. That is only possible when they are doing something right in new russian federation areas... the media and news is so controlled by west that it feels like next week ukrainians will be in Moscow
This is not about Russia gaining any influence. OPEC's entire mission is to protect its revenue by having a certain minimum floor of oil price.

This is what it does. It hasn't changed oil production since 2020 so its been out of the news. Sometimes its moves are successful, sometimes not. For 7 years before 2020 it was trying to keep the oil price about $85 but it failed year after year.

It has made its first decision to drop production in a long time as part of protecting its oil revenue. They are not doing any favors for Russia. Its self-survival and preservation.

The US and EU will and have clearly interpreted this as a hostile move. What is different here is while they are taking an action they always take, its being perceived as hostile because of its timing.

And stop spreading lies: White House has categorically stated Biden did not call them. WH was involved. So unless MBS is your brother-in-law and shared with you the audio clip, stop fabricating crap that takes away from the argument.

Now US and EU are evaluating options including for the first time removal OPEC's price setting exemption from anti-trust. It may not go that far.

Ukraine versus Russia is like England versus France in Hundred Years War. England beat France in Hundred Years War despite a third of the population. Same situation with Ukraine beat Russia despite a third of the population.

Sounds like hte hope of a supporter of the losing side that keeps on cutting and pasting the same useless thought
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Two points I have been pondering:
1. US released as a statement that the assassination (via car bomb) in Moscow was sanctioned by Ukraine. I am not sure what the value of releasing that statement was other than a deliberate measure to be in a position to at least tell Ukraine a month from now to settle and that its aid is not unlimited.

2. All this myth about Russia's ability to wage a cyber war in a full scale battle turned out to be hollow. Seems like Russians cyber ops are good as common criminals but they weren't able to overwhelm Ukrainians. Granted Ukranians are smart in that department and got help from US military and Microsoft to where Russian's weren't even able to disrupt the train system (despite multiple attempts). Looks like Russia cyber forces were as incompetent as its air and ground forces. My sympathy is with the families of the young men that went and did this out of duty for their country.
What the hell are you doing on this thread? Are you 'watch me Iran has an issue and the world did wrong, but Iran is really good at using force against its women' screaming: go to another thread about the wrongs the world has done (and it has). Don't ruin this debate on whats going on in the real war
answer one people who heard talked nonsense
Russia has 151 million people compared to Ukraine's 37 million. Russia will sacrifice 30 million people to take Kiev city.

Interesting how Ukrainian only attacks the attacker and not another part of Russia, they obviously have no interest in Russian land.
Ukraine beat Russia the same way England beat France. Better leadership. Better tactics.
I don't believe Ukraine has any chance to win. Ukraine threwed everything at Russia at this moment. Russia is regrouping and try to adapt the war. If you feel tired of reposting. Take a break. Revisit this when there's new change on the battle ground.
No russian military officer will believe that Chinese, or Iranian cheering give them any more chances to win, let alone in any kind of WW3 like scenario.

But if there is a special interest group within RU establishment wanting that, they would want Kremlin to believe into some illusion of progress, so Kremlin will keep offering more, and more to China, and Iran.

The more Tehran, and Beijing believe that putin will go on to the end, the more would they be able to gain.

So you are saying there are Chinese mole within Russian establishment??
Post by @jamal18

What is happening is mind boggling, a quantum shift.

1. The Saudis/ UAE not even picking up the phone when Biden rings.

2. Selling oil to the Chinese in Yuan.

Saudis will come to US in order to get F15s and other stuff which they cannot make.

They are not picking the phone while Biden did uphold the human rights issue against MBS.

If Biden also becomes a heartless person like Trump, then we all saw how MBS was friendly to Trump.


All Dictators help each other. Either it is trump or mbs or putin.
Down with all these dictators.
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