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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Wrong assumptions..

There are 200 thousand Russian troops already fighting + 300 thousand volunteers being prepared to join them in about a week.. + the Wagner trying to recruit another 50 thousand..

But that is not all..the tricky part comes from these four regions officially joining the Russian federation; That means they are part of Russia now..and as we all know or some don't know..the Russian armed forces conscripts are not allowed to fight outside Russia.. but now they will fight on the new Russian territories..So at least 200 thousand of them from the 2 million Russian armed forces will join in to protect the rear of the fighting troops as well as guard important roads, ports, airports and other important facilities of the infrastructures ..That is already 750 thousand Russian troops that will be present on the war front..It is very dangerous for the Ukrainians..
Russia doesnt have 2 million in its armed forces, and no 750.000 will ever be present at the frontlines in Ukraine. The russian mobilized troops will be even worse off than the ukrainian volunteers defending Ukraine back in february. The ukrainians are still learning how to do offensive operations. Those russian mobilzed battalions will have zero offensive value. If there are no trenches left to place them in, they might aswell stay in Russia.
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Using 40 - 50 year old Russian kit against modern weapons ,
Modern or NATO?
not surprised and A conscripted army will never beat a free army
and weak azz NATO STILL DIDNT ENTER THE WAR? weak as fuk..but no surprise, its run out of so much ammunition, its afraid to keep supplying Ukraine cuz that's an automatic loss to China when conflict starts to have low ammunition.
Modern or NATO?

and weak azz NATO STILL DIDNT ENTER THE WAR? weak as fuk..but no surprise, its run out of so much ammunition, its afraid to keep supplying Ukraine cuz that's an automatic loss to China when conflict starts to have low ammunition.

First the premise of your question is incorrect. Tons of military equipment have come from NATO countries to Ukraine. NATO/EU countries have accepted millions of Ukrainian refugees. As others have said, however, Ukraine is not a NATO member and boots on the ground for a non-member would set a bad precedent.
View attachment 884999

If Russia is denied access to already overloaded M-4 road, and rail, they will have no choice, but to move supplies from as far away as Volgograd over rural roads, and too will be endangered by a single blown up bridge. USSR did intentionally not build too many bridges across Don river, fearing Barbarossa repeat.

They are hanging by a logistic shoestring.
Well, it's quite clear from day 1 of the mobilisation that they will have problem sending that force into war, seeing they have problem sending the initial smaller force with more time to prepare into war.

The thing I found strange is, it's not hard to see Ukraine will focus on Donbas now because they have option (irregular warfare, siege warfare) down south, if that was me, I would focus more on sending more Russia troop to Eastern Flank, which also logically tuned because it IS the closest to Russia, yet from all the account I have follow, both Ukrainian and Russian, the Russia wasn't reinforcing the Donbas Front at all, in fact, they send more reinforcement to Bakhhmut on that pointless offensive than try to hold the line in Svatove or even Staroblisk.......

That's really scratches my head.
As others have said,
others or NATO, cause you listen to NATO info with no questions asked.
however, Ukraine is not a NATO member and boots on the ground for a non-member would set a bad precedent.
Ukraine is not a NATO member, but Ukraine has been a POTENTIAL NATO RECRUIT, so shut the fuk up with your stupid semantics- Ukraine fights like NATO, receives NATO money, recives NATO intelligence, receieves NATO instructions....well what is it then? its already a NATO member without formally being integrated. grow up or have a real argument.
A little insight on how this war will end according to the Ukraine Side

I found this interview geniune and straight forward, Zhovkva response to the interviewr question is instant, straight forward and to the point, it didn't show you he was filtering information or try to cover up his throught.
others or NATO, cause you listen to NATO info with no questions asked.

Ukraine is not a NATO member, but Ukraine has been a POTENTIAL NATO RECRUIT, so shut the fuk up with your stupid semantics- Ukraine fights like NATO, receives NATO money, recives NATO intelligence, receieves NATO instructions....well what is it then? its already a NATO member without formally being integrated. grow up or have a real argument.

You Russia troll-bots really are dredging the bottom of the barrel these days aren’t you? NATO has not and will not turn its back on Ukraine in the face of ongoing Russian criminality. Keep your black trash talk to yourself
You Russia troll-bots really are dredging the bottom of the barrel these days aren’t you? NATO has not and will not turn its back on Ukraine in the face of ongoing Russian criminality. Keep your black trash talk to yourself
lol, this guy is funny.

If you ever follow Russian military blogger on Telegram, you will know even them wasn't seeing the war that much rosy anymore, and I am talking about those dude who claim they will be dancing in freedom square in Kyiv back in March and they will somehow manage to take Odessa from Ukraine

And this guy will only come to you and say "NATO is shit because they don't dare enter the war" when everyone has a working pair of eyes see NATO is not needed to even enter the war to win, why would you bother/
You Russia troll-bots really are dredging the bottom of the barrel these days aren’t you?
why not answer my points with real counter points? uve met someone you thought was dumb but is showing you they know more than you do on these subjects, so now yo attack, like a dog with no emotional control.
NATO has not and will not turn its back on Ukraine in the face of ongoing Russian criminality.
this is the same bulsht US and NATO told Afghanistan and "freedom from terrorism and Islamic radicals like the Taliban', and where did that end them? would you like to bet money NATO and Ukraine will lose at the end of this war? i could do with that extra cash.
Keep your black trash talk to yourself
Black trash talk? what does Black have to do with it? unless you're racist then that would make sense.

And this guy will only come to you and say "NATO is shit because they don't dare enter the war" when everyone has a working pair of eyes see NATO is not needed to even enter the war to win, why would you bother/
Afghanistan war loser trying to convince us NATO can do better against a much better army and country like Russia? trust me, you're not convincing me, your military is a bich that only fights when its against entities it can fly jets and drones WITH NO CONTEST, once its contested, NATO loses motivation, modern war cowards, i dunno which modern conflict NATO has won or will win.
lol, this guy is funny.

If you ever follow Russian military blogger on Telegram, you will know even them wasn't seeing the war that much rosy anymore, and I am talking about those dude who claim they will be dancing in freedom square in Kyiv back in March and they will somehow manage to take Odessa from Ukraine

And this guy will only come to you and say "NATO is shit because they don't dare enter the war" when everyone has a working pair of eyes see NATO is not needed to even enter the war to win, why would you bother/

Unbelievable mate! How many times has it been said on here by you and other posters

I really give up - with some now

NATO has said it will never intervene on behalf of Ukraine.

The only way it will get involved is if Russia threatens to attack one of NATO’s members. It is a defensive alliance, after all.

And I doubt that Putin’s that stupid. Why is it hard for some to understand, this important fact ?

for love of god
why not answer my points with real counter points? uve met someone you thought was dumb but is showing you they know more than you do on these subjects, so now yo attack, like a dog with no emotional control.

this is the same bulsht US and NATO told Afghanistan and "freedom from terrorism and Islamic radicals like the Taliban', and where did that end them? would you like to bet money NATO and Ukraine will lose at the end of this war? i could do with that extra cash.

Black trash talk? what does Black have to do with it? unless you're racist then that would make sense.

Afghanistan war loser trying to convince us NATO can do better against a much better army and country like Russia? trust me, you're not convincing me, your military is a bich that only fights when its against entities it can fly jets and drones WITH NO CONTEST, once its contested, NATO loses motivation, modern war cowards, i dunno which modern conflict NATO has won or will win.
NATO joining the fight in Ukraine would be exactly like that - jets and drones operating with no contest, decimating the russian frontline. We all know it, even you. You just like to troll.
NATO joining the fight in Ukraine would be exactly like that - jets and drones operating with no contest, decimating the russian frontline. We all know it, even you. You just like to troll.

It would make a good movie but NATO males are too cuck to fight these days. They are not their ancestors. They are too spoiled, lazy, dumb.

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Unbelievable mate! How many times has it been said on here by you and other posters

I really give up - with some now

NATO has said it will never intervene on behalf of Ukraine.

The only way it will get involved is if Russia threatens to attack one of NATO’s members. It is a defensive alliance, after all.

And I doubt that Putin’s that stupid. Why is it hard for some to understand, this important fact ?

for love of god

Don't waste your time on them, bro. No matter what, you'll never convince them, even if you NLAW them to the face.
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