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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Reports coming russian forces quickly pulling back. Could be the fact that they are either ending the war themselves or clearing their forces for nuclear attack ?

This is how Russia retreat from Lyman

I can say this is going to be wishful thinking.

Don't know.......again, saw a name in some report a few months ago when there is a rumor Putin is having assassination attempt. Maybe it is or maybe not, I don't know.
That’s just sad. Died for nothing. Left behind like street garbage. Nobody deserves that. Not even your worst enemy.
Note the difference between Ukrainian and Russian battle management during localized battles.....

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Russian army general Lapin "leading the operations and managing the troops under his command".... Russians are simply not fit for 21st century warfare. @F-22Raptor @jhungary

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Well, they don't have NCO Corps, may not even have TOC.

Reports coming russian forces quickly pulling back. Could be the fact that they are either ending the war themselves or clearing their forces for nuclear attack ?
There are virtually no chances to launch a nuclear attack.

It will not do enough damage to Ukrainian for them to stop, you may destory a city or 2, that will only make the civilian population suffer, not the military force, and the Russian objective is land grab, what good does it do to nuke the city they want to take? And finally, it may most likely provoke the west to attack, when you stack all these reasons together, you will see the chance of nuclear strike is almost zero.

That’s just sad. Died for nothing. Left behind like street garbage. Nobody deserves that. Not even your worst enemy.
Well, they died for toilet seat, sink, and TV. That's good enough.

I mean, what do you think they are expecting back home??
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”On Implementation Day (16 January 2016), the EU lifted all its economic and financial sanctions taken in connection with the Iranian nuclear programme. As a consequence of the lifting of these sanctions, the following activities, including associated services, are allowed as of Implementation Day.
• Financial, banking and insurance measures
As of Implementation Day, it is allowed to engage in financial transfers to and from Iran. The obligation to have recourse to notification and authorisation regimes is lifted. Consequently, transfers of funds between EU persons, entities or bodies, including EU financial and credit institutions, and non-listed Iranian persons, entities or bodies, including Iranian financial and credit institutions, are permitted as of Implementation Day and the requirements for authorisation or notification of transfers of funds are no longer applicable.”
usa also did those , the question is did they actually come in effect how many banking transaction happened after usa left JCPOA , i tell you instex only used once
There are virtually no chances to launch a nuclear attack.

It will not do enough damage to Ukrainian for them to stop, you may destory a city or 2, that will only make the civilian population suffer, not the military force, and the Russian objective is land grab, what good does it do to nuke the city they want to take? And finally, it may most likely provoke the west to attack, when you stack all these reasons together, you will see the chance of nuclear strike is almost zero.
well nuclear attack probably won't happen , but if i want to use nukes i don't use it on the lands that i want to grab. , i probably use it some cities that are far away from those area , it just demoralize the opponent , if the city is were political and military headquarters are placed that would be better.

but honnestly before i go that route , i first use normal weapon against industrial and other infrastructure , i destroy major bridges , destroy power grids , destroy communication centers , .... if those failed then resort to nukes . there are many options that are not used yet so talking of using nukes seems a little premature
How the Soviet Union 'negotiate' and Russia is using the same tactics.

I’ve already quoted this several times, but, you know, it reminds me of the negotiation tactics of the former Soviet Union Foreign Minister Alexei Gromyko, who said basically three things.​
One is that demand the maximum. Do not meekly ask but demand.​
Second is that present ultimatums. And you know, this is also something that they are doing.​
And third is do not give one inch in negotiations because there will always be people in the West who will offer something, and in the end, you will have already a third or even a half of something you didn’t have before.​
So this is the situation, and we have to keep this in mind, because when there are discussions what could the West offer in order to deescalate, then they already have something that they didn’t have before.​

The 'third' means that there WILL ALWAYS those in the West who will, in the words of Margaret Thatcher to Ronald Reagan, 'go wobbly' and cave.
How the Soviet Union 'negotiate' and Russia is using the same tactics.

I’ve already quoted this several times, but, you know, it reminds me of the negotiation tactics of the former Soviet Union Foreign Minister Alexei Gromyko, who said basically three things.​
One is that demand the maximum. Do not meekly ask but demand.​
Second is that present ultimatums. And you know, this is also something that they are doing.​
And third is do not give one inch in negotiations because there will always be people in the West who will offer something, and in the end, you will have already a third or even a half of something you didn’t have before.​
So this is the situation, and we have to keep this in mind, because when there are discussions what could the West offer in order to deescalate, then they already have something that they didn’t have before.​

The 'third' means that there WILL ALWAYS those in the West who will, in the words of Margaret Thatcher to Ronald Reagan, 'go wobbly' and cave.
a question , how USA negotiate ?
well nuclear attack probably won't happen , but if i want to use nukes i don't use it on the lands that i want to grab. , i probably use it some cities that are far away from those area , it just demoralize the opponent , if the city is were political and military headquarters are placed that would be better.

but honnestly before i go that route , i first use normal weapon against industrial and other infrastructure , i destroy major bridges , destroy power grids , destroy communication centers , .... if those failed then resort to nukes . there are many options that are not used yet so talking of using nukes seems a little premature
Problem is, the industrial might of Ukraine does not really exist, it's Western Weapon and Western Supplies that keep the war going for Ukraine, which mean, as I already stated, the attack on City will only manage to kill Civilian, which won't really demoralise the population, in fact it will most likely to fuel more hatred and speed up deployment process and for Ukrainian to speed run the conflict and end the war quicker.

Whether or not will the West intervene directly is another issue. While it is likely in the case of nuclear weapon being used. But I can say for certainty the west will most definitely increase the indirect support to Ukraine if nuke was use regardless of they were engage in the conflict themselves, and there will be no weapon platform off limit for Ukraine, Tanks, Fighter Jets, Latest Artillery system, cruise missile, ballistic missile or even navy ship WILL ALL BE ON THE TABLE.

I would seriously doubt Russia can hold on to its land post nuke even if the west does not intervene themselves..
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