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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

The reality conveyed by Ukrainian troops in the battle of Kherson clearly demonstrates a different picture from the one claimed by the Western propagandists. There is a saying the truth has a strange way of revealing itself. And that truth is, the Ukrainians and their backers have taken a beating in the battle-field in the Kherson front.
We find out soon. But facts are Russia controls 80% of regions it want to annex.

Russia lost parts of Ukraine it doesn't want to annex

Unlike Syria I don't see massive air power use by Russia..that is something I don't understand.likey to avoid collateral damage ..but if Russians are squeezed enough they may end up doing so

MANPADs won't work againzt high altitude bombing
Billions or kzillions: its like Austin Powers.
in your mind or in reality?
The numbers don't matter.
Oh yes they do, especially if you live in reality, like most of us.
The world's largest economy can pay for it.
THen why so much inflation and debt in the US economy?
US is not going to be in an infantry war with anybody in the near future.
It doesnt have to be- its already heavily involved in another war in UKraine.
So even if 50% of its stock of HIMARS is used up, from a US calculation, the cost is worth it to have Russia weakened.
ha ha ..and then what about "contingencies" for war with CHina, Iran, North Korea?? no plan? thats why you lose wars, blockhead, you fight with ego, not logic.
I hope this war comes to some negotiated settlement soon.
me too
I am not proposing that US keep sending more or Russia keep fighting.
we've spent alot already so far, but ok.
But I am straightening the facts here.
somewhat, but not fully or accurately.
Russia aviation is finished. What’s Putin endgame? A big version of North Korea?

Russia Says Goodbye To Airbus And Boeing And Goes It Alone​

Although Russia holds on to hundreds of stolen Airbus and Boeing jets, it says it doesn't need the West anymore and will go it alone.
Photo: UAC

Aeroflot has 36 Airbus A321neos that it plans to replace with Russian-built aircraft, but how will they keep the neos airworthy until then? Photo: Airbus

Russia aviation is finished.

Russia Says Goodbye To Airbus And Boeing And Goes It Alone​

Although Russia holds on to hundreds of stolen Airbus and Boeing jets, it says it doesn't need the West anymore and will go it alone.
Photo: UAC

They will end up like Russia automobile industry.

Russia aviation is finished. What’s Putin endgame? A big version of North Korea?

Russia Says Goodbye To Airbus And Boeing And Goes It Alone​

Although Russia holds on to hundreds of stolen Airbus and Boeing jets, it says it doesn't need the West anymore and will go it alone.
Photo: UAC

Aeroflot has 36 Airbus A321neos that it plans to replace with Russian-built aircraft, but how will they keep the neos airworthy until then? Photo: Airbus

Good opportunity for Ilyushin.

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Good opportunity for Iluyshin.

this Lada?
A perfect choice for people that want to commit suicide.
No board computer, no anti brake blocking system, no electric window lifter, no emission control system, no servo steering, old steering wheel from previous Lada.
For people that want to commit suicide.
No board computer, no anti brake blocking system, no electric window lifter, no emission control system, no servo steering, old steering wheel.

Russian government bought back AvtoVAZ from Renault Group in May this year. AvtoVAZ was run into the ground by Renault Group. Expect to see major improvements coming in the coming months and years to AvtoVAZ.

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