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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

With this weeks RU losses, they may well be down to in between 400 and 600 tanks theatre-wide, of which 80 are T62s in the south which haven't seen action, and only been used for piquete lines
Like so many tweets you shared, this one is fake also. You post hundreds of tweets every day, but you don't bother to research whether or not any of them are real.

Above it says Wednesday, September 29, but September 29 is Thursday. Leman, on the other hand, is a weekly magazine and only comes out on Wednesdays. Also, the translation is wrong.

I would also like to say that Leman is an oppositional humor magazine with a very harsh language. They had very heavy descriptions about Putin.

Below is the cover dated September 28. Also, as you can see, the barcode is the same as the work you shared.

You can also view all the covers to the past here. was inline with

You last post that made no sense was inline with this Leman tweet..why did you delete it and replaced it with Zelinsky's picture..???

You must be a lil' bit out of your mind..next time don't post your opinion if you're gonna reget it later..just post tweets..
why you have to fight a loosing battle
at least go and look up Tehran research reactor, instead of posting that funny comment that reactor using only 2-3% uranium , they can use even 90% enriched uranium

The existence of a 5MW (peanuts) reactor which uses higher concentration is not of importance. Swedish commercial reactors have 2500-3500 MW and then you do not use Highly Enriched Uranium.
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The reality conveyed by Ukrainian troops in the battle of Kherson clearly demonstrates a different picture from the one claimed by the Western propagandists. There is a saying the truth has a strange way of revealing itself. And that truth is, the Ukrainians and their backers have taken a beating in the battle-field in the Kherson front.
Yea, and Russia lost no planes in Saky air base
They're getting new weapons from the West because the previous weapons provided by the West are getting destroyed. If they were not destroyed, the West would have only provided ammunition. The whole reason of supplying new weapons is because the old ones were taken out.
Your posting a link where they literally discussed they have received new ammunition….
With nice little tungsten balls to shred apart the ww1 human wave attacks of the newly mobilised russian troops we can expect to see.

As for kherson…i see the ukranians dishing out as much as they take there. (Videod losses). It comes at a cost but keeping up the pressure means the position of the partly cut off russians becomes untenable there.
It is inspiring to see even the wounded wanting to rejoin battle. Talk about morale to throw out the invader!
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